Welcome to Sburb! (Dead and Over)


Elite Member
Apr 14, 2009
> Future Illire: Laugh at the kid who is currently thinking up complex forumlas over something you were totally trolling him with.


Invested all my Souls into Res
Jun 7, 2011
>Connor: You walk down the sandy path for a while, before you come to a particularly large chunk of CRYSTAL, which seems to have a spirograph carved into it. Surrounding it are six holes, one of which has a rod of CRYSTAL stuck into it. Sunlight is shining into said spire, and is being refracted into the large chunk of CRYSTAL.

You can see 5 other CRYSTAL rods lying on the ground, each of which is inscribed with a small marking.

The bottom marking is inscribed on the CRYSTAL rod already in place.


>Greg: As you approach the VILLAGE, a lone SALAMANDER greets you.

-- salamanderConsort [SC] began pestering ghostKnight [GK] at 18:18 --
SC: Hi there!
GK: Greetings :)
SC: Welcome to our village!
SC: It's a nice village.
GK: Thank you
GK: I hope I didn't scary the others to badly :/
SC: You? Scary?
SC: You're not scary.
SC: You're just a small boy!
GK: Well I try not to be :)
GK: I must say...this place is quite beautiful in its own way :)
SC: Yes! It is a nice village. We like it here.
SC: Why are you here?
GK: Well I kinda ran into a couple of other people like you in trouble from some imps
SC: Oh, you mean those guys!
GK: And when I took down the imps...they kinda...ran..i followed them to here to make sure they were ok
SC: Yeah, they ran over here a while back.
SC: They were attacked by mean underlings!
SC: Underlings are bad! We don't like them.
GK: I can see why
SC: Are you an underling?
SC: If you are, we don't like you!
GK: Uh...I don't think I am?
SC: Oh. Well, I guess we can like you then.
GK: Well thats good...I think?
SC: Probably!
SC: If we like you, you can talk to our leader!
GK: Your leader?
SC: And you can buy stuff at the market!
SC: Yeah! Our leader is the guy on top of the big rock!
SC: He has a long beard! We like his beard.
GK: Hmm I will have to go talk to him then..if thats ok of course :)
SC: Hmmm...
SC: I guess I like you!
SC: Yeah, you can go ahead and talk to the leader!
GK: Thank you :)
SC: Yup!
SC: Bye-bye!
GK: Goodbye :) /bow
-- salamanderConsort [SC] ceased pestering ghostKnight [GK] at 18:24 --

Huh. Well, that wasn't very helpful.


>Chas: You notice that the next room seems to have experienced the same repairs as the previous one. In fact, it's probably quite reasonable to assume that the whole TEMPLE is in great shape now.

Anyway, the room is quite empty. There's a very ornate door on the far end, but it has a very large keyhole in it. It looks like you'll need a BOSS-KEY to get inside.


Senior Member
Apr 30, 2008
>Greg:Talk to the Leader

The SALAMANDER is a little strange..but atleast he wasn't trying to kill you.He did point you to his leader though.So thats something.

You decide to walk over to the person who the SALAMANDER pointed to as the leader.Convenient that he is standing on top of a big rock and has a long beard.Makes him stand out in a crowd alright.Of course you once again make sure you are appearing nonthreatening.


Invested all my Souls into Res
Jun 7, 2011
-- salamanderLeader [SL] began pestering ghostKnight [GK] at 18:26 --
SL: Why, hello there my young lad.
GK: Greetings sir :) /bow
SL: How are you this fine day?
GK: I'm fine thank you.How are you?
SL: Oh, alright. As well as can be expected with all the underlings running amok.
GK: Ya I noticed.Least the Imps aren't a big problem to deal with
SL: Wait, were you the one who defended the others earlier?
SL: No normal person can just defeat an imp, who are you exactly?
GK: Yes.Are they alright?They ran before i could check on them :/
GK: My name is Greg Markos :)
SL: Well Greg, yes, they are quite alright.
GK: Thats good :)
SL: And it appears that I owe you our graditude! It isn't often a warrior of your caliber arrives here.
SL: Tell me, have you been sent from Prospit to defend us?
GK: I'm a Prince of Prospit if thats what you are asking.And I'll helo you and your people in anyway i can :)
SL: Wait, you're one of the Princes?!
GK: Yes...is that a problem?.....:/
SL: You're the Hero of Legend! The Knight of Space!
GK: Knight of Space?
SL: This is a great day!
SL: Finally, our champion has arrived!
GK: wait....I'm a Knight?..
SL: Yes! Of course you are; it's your destiny!
GK: :D
SL: Oh, but where are my manners, you must have so many questions.
SL: Ask, and I will tell you anything I can.
GK: Yes...uh...well..uhh..sorry the Knight thing has me...giddy :D
SL: Oh? Well, alright, take your time.
GK: I guess the only thing I want to know...is how can I help?
SL: Well Greg, as you've probably noticed, we are under attack by underlings from Derse.
SL: They're terrorizing our Land, and trying to destroy our sacred Frogs!
GK: Ya,whats with the frogs? :/
SL: You mean, you do not know?
GK: Can't say that i do...sorry :/
SL: The Frogs are needed to give birth to the Speaker of the Vast Croak.
GK: Thtas...interesting
SL: It is your destiny to use their hidden potential to create the Speaker.
GK: Create?
SL: Yes, although I do not know how you can do this.
SL: I am sorry.
GK: Its ok...I'm sure I'll find out in time
GK: I have enough to worry about as it is
GK: So where are all the underlings coming from?
SL: They are being shipped here from a far away place, the Veil.
SL: Derse ships arrive and drop them off.
GK: I see..hmm well that makes dealing with them more difficult :/
SL: Yes, I'm afraid it will be quite difficult.
SL: But, I think I know how you can stop them!
GK: I'm listening
SL: You see, deep beneath our Land, there lies a sleeping Denizen.
GK: Denizen?Land?
SL: Yes, she is a creature of immense power, and has allied herself with Derse.
GK: I see
SL: It is thanks to the resources she provided that Derse is able to produce so many underlings.
GK: Then she will have to be dealt with :/
SL: I'm afraid so, yes.
GK: Oh well...a Hero's job is never done
SL: Again, I'm afraid that you are correct.
SL: But, if anyone can do it, you can!
GK: And as a Knight,I will do my best to help this village in anyway I can :)
SL: You are one of the Legendary Heroes. We all have faith in you.
SL: Thank you Greg. We will be here to provide any support we possibly can.
GK: Thank you :).I won't let that faith be misplaced :)
SL: Is there anything else you'd like to know about?
GK: I guess I would like to know...is there anything of interest I should know about?
GK: Things to watch out for?
SL: Well, there have been rumors of strange buildings being unearthed elsewhere on our Land...
GK: I will have to check it out then
SL: But I'm afraid I don't know anything about those. You'll have to talk to the inhabitants of other villages.
SL: Beyond that, I know of nothing else that might be of aid to you.
GK: I thank you for everything.I believe I have wasted enough of your time :) /bow
SL: Oh no, the honor is all mine.
SL: Please, be safe on your journey.
GK: If I need anything I'll let you know :)
SL: Good luck Greg Markos, Knight of Space.
-- salamanderLeader [SL] ceased pestering ghostKnight [GK] at 18:44 --


Invested all my Souls into Res
Jun 7, 2011
>Chas: The STUPID VASE ROOM is still a dead-end, albeit a nicer looking dead-end.


Senior Member
Apr 30, 2008
>Greg:Glee over the fact you're a Knight

You start to glee over the fact you're a KNIGHT...but then remember that there are others present.You will wait till you are a decent distance before gleeing.

For now you decide to check out that shop that the SALAMANDER from before pointed out to you.

Greg:Find and Browse Shop

Connor Lonske

New member
Sep 30, 2008
>Connor: Weird plot shit time.

You start with trial and error, all great thinking starts with basic attempts so more data can be gained. You put the circle and X ones in first due to that making the symbol on the thingie. You also try to match them with fitting holes.


Invested all my Souls into Res
Jun 7, 2011
>Greg: You examine the SHOP's wares.



>Chas: You suddenly remember that there was a room to the WEST of the first room that you haven't been to yet. D'oh.


>Connor: You note that the holes are all identical, as are the bases of the CRYSTAL rods.

Sliding in the rods you mentioned doesn't seem to do anything.

Connor Lonske

New member
Sep 30, 2008
>Connor: Keep trying.

You guess there's some kind of numeral pattern per symbol. Seeing how there are six slots and one symbol on totem, that's the largest number. It must be Six. You guess the slash is one, so you put that all the way to the left. You then guess the circle is 4, seeing how it and the circle with a slash are the odd men out. You put the x and the star in the second and third slots respectively. Finally you put the circle with a slash in the 5th slot.



Invested all my Souls into Res
Jun 7, 2011
>Chas: You walk into a room guarded by two BASILISKS. They attack you as you enter.


>Connor: Sunlight shines through the CRYSTAL rods, and hits the large chunk. After a blinding flash of light, the Second Gate appears in front of you.


Inspired by Nonsense
Aug 25, 2009
>Xavier: Snoop

No, dammit, you mean snoop around!

You do so, however with this presence seemingly surrounding makes you a little cautious.

>Xavier: Be inconspicuous

>Calm the hell down
Fine, no need to FLIP THE FUCK OUT right now.

>Xavier: Explore


Senior Member
Apr 30, 2008

A strange assortment of things you must say.You unfortunately don't have enough BOONDOLLARS stashed in your PORKHOLLOW to buy any of the really expensive stuff.Though part of you is curious about the knife and robes...For now you beside to just buy the BLACK ROBES.

Connor Lonske

New member
Sep 30, 2008
>Connor: Equip your weapon and go in the gate.

You take out your ADVENTURE TIME BAT! You still don't know how it works, but whatever. You head though the gate.


Invested all my Souls into Res
Jun 7, 2011
>Xavier: You're able to make your way around the strange city mostly undetected. You get spotted a few times by various citizens (All who have the same pure-black carapace) but none of them confront you.

After some time, you realize that it's going to take forever to explore the entire city. You've barely managed to cover any of it. It might be best if you chose a landmark, and explored the area around that.

You can easily see the three towers that cover the moon, two of which you know belong to you and Connor. You can also observe what appears to be seven other towers on the planet below you, as well as a large palace.


>Greg: The SHOPKEEPER happily accepts your Boondollars, and hands you a SCRAP OF BLACK CLOTH. While it's big enough to be a robe for a SALAMANDER, it's only a bit of cloth torn off a larger garment. Wonder where it came from?


>Connor: You step through the Second Gate... and fall about 10 feet. After picking yourself up, you notice that the exit for the Gate is floating above a large stone PYRAMID, which you are now on top of.

The stone underneath your feet begins to groan...


>Chas: You suddenly realize that that isn't an attack you can do. You start to think that maybe you should stop making up random attack names.

But, the BASILISKS are driven into confusion by your random shouting of strange words. They attack, and destroy, each other. Woohoo.

Level up. Level 23 Stabby-McStaberson. +5,000,000 Boondollars.

Connor Lonske

New member
Sep 30, 2008
>Connor: Ask who's there.

You wonder where that guy is. You kindly ask if whoever is talking is near by and if he can show himself and stuff.