Welcome to Sburb! (Dead and Over)


Senior Member
Apr 30, 2008
>Greg:Receive item

You give the SHOPKEEPER the necessary BOONDOLLARS and he hands you a SCRAP OF BLACK CLOTH.Granted,to a SALAMANDER it would be big enough for a robe,it looks like a bit of cloth torn off a larger garment.

You inquire about where the SHOPKEEPER got this item.


Elite Member
Jan 6, 2009
>Dirk and Snake Eyes: Find Chas

Goddamn it, he's gone and run off to ADVENTURE again, hasn't he? How are you supposed to keep the STAB SALESMEN together if he's just going to run off like that? Oh well, you suppose you had best go look for him. You take SNAKE EYES and see if you can pick up a TRAIL to follow.


New member
Sep 24, 2009
<spoiler=OOC> Aaaaaaaaaa sorry for not posting. I lost power for a few days.
I'll get caught up and then edit in a post? Or maybe I should just do a whole new post? Whichever's easier.


Invested all my Souls into Res
Jun 7, 2011
>Connor: The ground under you continues to creak. You don't hear any answer to your questiWhere'd the floor go?

You proceed to fall through a large central shaft that runs down the pyramid, eventually landing in a poorly lit stone room. You think you're somewhere below ground. There's a DOOR in one of the corners.


>Xavier: You fly up to the third tower, and find Dirk Pace, dressed in a robe similar to yours, passed out on a large purple bed.


>Dirk&Chas: Dirk manages to catch up to Chas before he can enter the next room. You enter together.

You can see six waist-high posts, arranged in a circle in the middle of the room. Each of the posts has a strange marking on its top. In the middle of the circle formed by the posts, you can see a MYSTERIOUS TILE with a MAGNIFYING GLASS inscribed on it.


>Greg: The SHOPKEEPER tells you that he found the BLACK CLOTH at the site of large battle. At least, he thinks it was a large battle, he only saw the aftermath. All he knows is that there was a lot of Grist lying around, and the BLACK CLOTH was floating around.


Senior Member
Apr 30, 2008
>Greg:Ask Shopkeeper for directions

You nod to yourself as the SHOPKEEPER tells you all this.You're curious and wish to explore it further.

You ask the SHOPKEEPER for directions to where he saw the aftermath of the battle.


Inspired by Nonsense
Aug 25, 2009
>Xavier: Leave your mark in Dirk's tower
Well...You aren't totally sure how to take off this purple dress; as a matter fact, are you even wearing underwear?
So many questions, so many little answers.

You float into Dirk's room and completely forgot what you were doing.

>Xavier: Continue making your mark
Oh right! You then decide not pee in Dirk's room, he hasn't done anything to you....


You then decide to scrawl something on his SKETCHBOOK he tried to hide.

You view some of his drawings and write

>Xavier: Feel like a nice guy
You do! If you had a meter to measure you NICENESS, it would exploding due to your ENCOURAGEMENT.

>Xavier: Dash to the palace


Invested all my Souls into Res
Jun 7, 2011
>Chas: The POST you kick lowers into the ground, and then rises back up.


>Greg: The SHOPKEEPER points in the general direction of the battle.


>Xavier: You're able to fly over to the palace without too much trouble. Landing, however, seems to be another story. There are multiple guards who have spotted you, and are scrambling around trying to predict where you'll land. You don't have any weapons, and these guys seem pretty strong...

Connor Lonske

New member
Sep 30, 2008
>Connor: Open the door, get on the floor, everybody does the dinosaur.

You do so, disregarding anything behind that door as you open it and moves across the floor doin' the dinosaur, which for you is crouching around doing the creep with your hands as you go around the new room in a circle.


Senior Member
Apr 30, 2008
>Greg:Thank Shopkeeper and leave Village

You bow to the SHOPKEEPER and thank him for his time.

You decide its time to leave the VILLAGE.Its not like you won't be back here later.

You start heading in the general direction of the battle the SHOPKEEPER pointed to you.

Once you get a fair distance from the VILLAGE,you look around to make sure you're alone.Once you're sure of that you spend the next ten minutes GLEEING over the fact you are a Knight.

Once the GLEEING is over you continue toward the BATTLE SITE.You can GLEE some more later.

Well i was bored today so i did a revised ms paint pic of my guy.Granted,there is only a few things different but hey,I was bored.

He is wearing the AWESOME PHOENIX SHIRT while talking to someone on the PDA GLASSES.



Elite Member
Jan 6, 2009
>Dirk: Use Magnifying glass

Did you get a MAGNIFYING GLASS earlier? You sure think you did, but you can't really remember. You ask SNAKE EYES if you did, but all he knows is that these POSTS are quite good for SCRATCHING. As your BASILISK FRIEND enjoys himself, you decide to check your SYLLADEX for any sign of a MAGNIFYING GLASS.


Invested all my Souls into Res
Jun 7, 2011
>Connor: That... that is just a horrible way to move around. You're beset by several IMPS who were hiding in the next room. They're a little weirded out by your movements, but you're just so indefensible that they can't resist attacking you.


>Greg: After your GLEEING session, you head over to the BATTLE-SITE. It's pretty much empty now, but the numerous scratches on the grounds and felled trees show you that there was a pretty big throw-down here not too long ago.


>Dirk: You check your SYLLADEX, and find that you totally have a MAGNIFYING GLASS. Huh. How about that?

Connor Lonske

New member
Sep 30, 2008
>Connor: Continue Creepin'

That's a grea-THIS IS STUPID!



Senior Member
Apr 30, 2008
>Greg:Arrive at Battle Site

You arrive at the BATTLE-SITE not to long after your GLEEING session.From a glance you can see numerous scratches on the grounds and felled trees around.This had to have been a pretty big throw-down here not too long ago.

You examine the area closely,looking for whoever or whatever had been fighting here.You doubt that any of your friends are in this LAND with you,but it pays to be sure.


Invested all my Souls into Res
Jun 7, 2011
>Connor: As you attempt to attack the IMP with your ADVENTURE TIME BAT, you find that your weapon has suddenly become incredibly heavy. Seriously, this thing feels like it weighs a few tons! Geez!

Not surprisingly, you drop the ADVENTURE TIME BAT. The IMPS are able to land a few hits, dropping your HIT-POINTS down to 85%.


>Greg: Your freaky knowledge of swords and other sharp objects allows you to figure out that a few of the scratches were caused by a KATANA, a KUNAI, and a KUSARIGAMA. Much like the weapons your MOTHER uses... Hmmmmmmm...


Inspired by Nonsense
Aug 25, 2009
>Xavier: Don't land
Yeah, no shit, your pretty there'd be no chance of survival.

>Xavier: What now
You resist the urge to dance like a blind legislator and get down to fucking business.

Hm...Well...You have already messed with some of your friends...

You might as well mess with the locals, they might gain some insight out of the ordeal!

>Xavier: Descend to a street near your tower


Senior Member
Apr 30, 2008
>Greg:Examine area

You examine the area a bit more,studying the scratches and markings.Most of them are claw markings.However,your freaky knowledge of swords and other sharp object allows you to figure out that a few of the scratches were caused by a KATANA, a KUNAI, and a KUSARIGAMA.Hmm..Looks like your MOTHER might be around here.

But then you have to wonder why she is around here?

More questions,fewer answers then you'd have liked.

You decide to look for anymore scraps of CLOTH.You doubt your MOTHER would go down easily but enough creatures could still put a hurting on her.

You also keep an eye out for tracks.You doubt you will find any tracks from your MOTHER,her being a ninja and all,but there might be tracks from other creatures who fled the battle.


Invested all my Souls into Res
Jun 7, 2011
>Xavier: You easily land near your tower, on a street away free of prying eyes. As you touch down, you begin to feel a little drowsy. Kind of feels like you've just woken up in the morning.


>Greg: Although there are a lot of tracks approaching the battle-site, you can only find one set leading away. They look like they belong to a SALAMANDER, probably the SHOPKEEPER you spoke to earlier.

You are unable to find any sign of your MOTHER.


>Chas: Your LEADERCHARTS are very informative. Your ORGANIZATIONAL MANAGER meter begins filling up a bit.