Welcome to Sburb! (Dead and Over)


Elite Member
Jan 6, 2009
> Dirk: Panic

What, panic? That is just silly. You have no reason to panic. You have this all under control. You step away from the COMPUTER and get back to what you were doing. You take your CRUXITE and the PRE-PUNCHED CARD over to the TOTEM LATHE and insert them both the way you saw Chas doing it. You attach the various pieces and TURN IT ON.

After a few moments, your CRUXITE now has a peculiar shape to it. You shrug and grab it, deciding to PREPARE YOURSELF before you get TELEPORTED. You assume you will be anyway, since it happened to Chas. And you're going to be PREPARED for whatever HORRORS AND TERRORS lurk there.


Inspired by Nonsense
Aug 25, 2009
I quickly search through my room.

I do so.
While you FLIP THE FUCK OUT, you constantly step on something...Something fuzzy but at the same time threatening.

> ==>
I see one of my monstrous teddy bears!

> ==>
I grab the bear and run out the room.
WHERE'S THIS *****!?


Senior Member
Apr 30, 2008
>Greg:Reread Guide while waiting

While you wait to see if your PLAYER needs you,you decide to REREAD that guide you found about SBURB earlier now that you understand the basics of the GAME and can put a face to ACTIONs so to speak.As you do that however,someone starts to PESTER you.Someone you don't know.

[03:27:41] -- unopressedAgitator [UA] began pestering ghostKnight [GK] at 15:27 --
[03:27:48] UA: Now hERE is A bRothER with A Good colouR
[03:28:03] GK: Greetings,I don't believe we have met before
[03:28:10] GK: or talked anyway :/
[03:28:16] UA: NAh wE hAvENt but wE shouldvE
[03:28:43] UA: hAvENt sEEN NothiNG but SEA SEA SEA EvERywhERE i fuckiNG look
[03:29:12] GK: I'm going to guess that means you have talked to some of my friends then?
[03:29:27] UA: GOD YES
[03:29:41] UA: but you
[03:29:46] UA: you is thE oNE i wANNA tAlk to
[03:30:04] GK: Why me?I'm nothing special
[03:30:11] GK: Just a guy with a love of books
[03:30:30] UA: youRE oNE of us mAN! A Rustblood!
[03:30:57] GK: Rustblood?I don't believe I'm familiar with that term
[03:31:22] UA: ok REdblood, lowblood whAtEvER you wANNA cAll it
[03:31:43] GK: Hmm I see
[03:31:43] UA: poiNt is; you AiNt RoyAlty ANd i cAN REspEct thAt
[03:31:50] UA: which is why you ARE GoNNA hElp mE out!
[03:32:10] GK: Ok,don't know what i can do but I'll help in anyway I can
[03:33:00] UA: look At this! this is why Rustbloods stick toGEthER
[03:33:29] UA: but youRE just A fuckiNG AGREEAblE dudE ANd i likE thAt
[03:33:56] GK: I don't think they gave you lip over your color
[03:34:16] UA: whAt?
[03:34:19] GK: Or blood color i'm guessing
[03:34:52] GK: Anyway,before we get off track to far...what can I do to help you?
[03:35:17] UA: uuh. At thE momENt...i GuEss just do whAtEvER thE fuck it is you wERE doiNG
[03:35:35] GK: Ok I can do that,no problem
[03:35:54] UA: ok thAts cool
[03:36:12] UA: ANd i GuEss youRE GoNNA flip thE fuck out iN A miNutE
[03:36:22] UA: so yEAh do thAt i supposE
[03:36:31] GK: Lovely
[03:37:14] UA: but mAN! i hAvENt jAmmEd with ANothER bRo iN AGEs
[03:37:24] UA: just bEEN with hER foR whAt sEEmEd likE A swEEp
[03:37:31] UA: so whAt kiNd of books you iNto bRo?
[03:38:05] GK: Knights,adventure,mythic creatures,space/time and whatever catches my eye
[03:38:29] UA: Aww yEAh KNiGhts, SpAcE, TimE souNds fuckiNG fANtAstic mAN
[03:38:50] UA: hEy if you EvER fEEl thE NEEd to REAd somEthiNG AwEsomE hAvE A loAd of this
[03:39:32] -- unopressedAgitator [UA] SHARED trolldoctor.pdf WITH GHOST KNIGHT --
[03:39:48] UA: wickEd spAcEtimE shit RiGht thERE
[03:40:02] GK: Interesting,i'll give it a read when i get the chance
[03:40:13] UA: RiGht bRo
[03:41:08] UA: Aw fuck
[03:41:16] GK: Problem?
[03:41:21] UA: pRoblEm
[03:41:37] GK: Lovely,what kind?
[03:41:37] UA: ***** OF A SEANOOK is fRiGGiN comiNG
[03:41:46] GK: Hmm?
[03:41:52] UA: uGh soRRy bRo GottA Go ANd dEAl with this
[03:41:54] UA: lAtER
[03:41:55] -- unopressedAgitator [UA] ceased pestering ghostKnight [GK] at 15:41 --

Well that was STRANGE though not unpleasant.Its safe to guess that you will be having ENCOUNTERS with this person farther in the future.Though you wonder why he said you would FLIP THE FUCK OUT as you rarely if ever do that and usually only because of that CAT.You also wonder who that SHE he was referring to_Oh well more STRANGENESS on a day full of it.

[03:55:57] -- ghostKnight [GK] began pestering stabsSalesman [SS] at 15:55 --
[03:56:02] GK: Hey Dirk
[03:56:11] SS: =]=> Hey what's up
[03:56:25] GK: Strange question:Has anyone outside of our little circle tried to talk to you?
[03:57:05] SS: =]=> Well there was this one guy in Kentucky who claimed to be psychic
[03:57:13] SS: =]=> But he's not important
[03:57:18] GK: I'll take that as a no then
[03:57:24] SS: =]=> Why are you talking about those trolls everybody has been mentioning
[03:57:30] GK: Trolls?
[03:57:40] SS: =]=> You know
[03:57:43] SS: =]=> Assholes on the internet
[03:58:11] GK: oh...i was think cave trolls...anyway I believe one of them contacted me
[03:58:29] SS: =]=> Huh
[03:58:32] SS: =]=> What did they want
[03:58:36] GK: Believes I can help him
[03:58:46] SS: =]=> How
[03:58:52] GK: He didn't say
[03:59:03] GK: He called me a Rustblood though :/
[03:59:18] SS: =]=> What the fuck
[03:59:28] SS: =]=> GK you've been a robot this whole time and you didn't tell me
[03:59:35] SS: =]=> I thought we were friends
[03:59:44] GK: I am not a robot Dirk
[04:00:14] SS: =]=> Well then why'd he call you a rustblood
[04:00:32] GK: He called some of our friends royalty :/
[04:01:03] GK: But anyway I'm getting ahead of myself
[04:01:03] SS: =]=> Did he mention which
[04:01:06] GK: No
[04:01:10] SS: =]=> Hm
[04:01:16] SS: =]=> Maybe it's because of your orange text
[04:01:25] SS: =]=> That is the color of rust
[04:01:26] GK: That was my guess
[04:01:39] SS: =]=> Well forget about that fucker for now I guess
[04:01:45] SS: =]=> He's probably not important
[04:02:03] GK: I can't ignore someone asking me for help
[04:02:15] SS: =]=> Well what did he ask you to do then
[04:02:57] GK: As it stands he said to do what i was going to do,which as I was going to ask you about the...trolls?....I'm doing that now
[04:03:17] GK: He also said I would flip the fuck out in a minute :/
[04:03:23] SS: =]=> Huh
[04:03:38] GK: He did mention a she though
[04:03:40] SS: =]=> Well I was gonna ask if there anything else you can plop down in here
[04:03:44] SS: =]=> She
[04:03:58] GK: Yes so I wonder how many of them there are
[04:04:13] SS: =]=> No clue
[04:04:23] SS: =]=> But anyway I was gonna ask if there was more items you could place
[04:04:33] SS: =]=> Because the guide keeps mentioning this other shit I haven't heard of
[04:04:45] GK: Yes two others though I lack the build grist to do so
[04:04:52] GK: As it stands I have 202 grist
[04:05:17] SS: =]=> 202 you lucky bastard I've got 14
[04:05:21] GK: as the cap is 200 i guess I got two for deleting your bed :/
[04:05:32] SS: =]=> Sounds reasonable to assume so
[04:05:34] SS: =]=> What are they
[04:06:25] GK: A jumper board,punch designix and a grist torrentdisc
[04:06:42] SS: =]=> A torrentdisc for grist
[04:06:47] SS: =]=> That shit sounds incredible
[04:06:55] SS: =]=> Wonder how we get enough to get it
[04:07:39] GK: I do not know
[04:07:49] SS: =]=> Chas found some grist just laying around in his kitchen
[04:07:53] SS: =]=> Wonder how it got there
[04:08:26] GK: Well,my question is where is Chas?
[04:08:39] SS: =]=> I have no fucking clue
[04:08:46] SS: =]=> Definitely not where his house used to be
[04:09:06] GK: Lovely....I seem to be using that word alot today
[04:10:04] SS: =]=> Have fun with being British
[04:10:12] SS: =]=> By the way I'm working on getting you a server player
[04:10:28] SS: =]=> LA might do it
[04:10:41] GK: Hmm,well I'm going to try to let everyone know about the trolls
[04:11:27] GK: and that they should be nice to them,we don't know there motives
[04:12:06] SS: =]=> Fine
[04:12:25] SS: =]=> But if one comes talking to me I'm laying down some verbal abuse
[04:12:46] SS: =]=> Distracting us from not getting crushed by meteors and all
[04:13:14] GK: /sigh fine but i'm still going to try to help in any way i can :/
[04:14:05] SS: =]=> Never said you shouldn't
[04:14:17] SS: =]=> Anyways wish me luck in making this shit happen
[04:14:33] GK: Just so we are clear :p and Good luck,try not to blow yourself up
[04:15:17] SS: =]=> Who do you think you're talking to AL
[04:15:23] SS: =]=> No explosions happening here
[04:15:46] GK: 'Yet' you mean? :p
[04:16:20] SS: =]=> Fuck 'yet'
[04:17:12] GK: Anyway,I'm off to alert the others and apparently flip the fuck out,if you need anything,don't hesitate to ask
[04:17:26] SS: =]=> All right good luck
[04:17:31] GK: /bow
[04:17:36] -- ghostKnight [GK] ceased pestering stabsSalesman [SS] at 16:17 --

Well atleast you have alerted one of your FRIENDS to the STRANGE BEING,or BEINGS as the case maybe,though you do hope he doesn't do anything STUPID.


Invested all my Souls into Res
Jun 7, 2011
>Dirk: As you pick up the newly CARVED CRUXTITE DOWL... nothing happens. After all, why would it? You have to create your special item with the ALCHEMITER before anything cool happens. Silly.

As Chas picks up the white gem thing, a notification pops up on your COMPUTER: +4 Chalk Grist.


Grist Cache:
Build Grist: 202/200


>Chas: As you open your FATHER'S BREIFCASE, time seems to stand still. At long last, you'll know what secrets lie within.

Yeah, it's mostly just some ASSORTED CUTLERY. Looks like you won't be finding out any of your dad's DEEPLY PERSONAL AND SECRET SECRETS. On the plus side, you also find a KNIFEKIND and SPOONKIND STRIFE SPECIBUS. And the SBURB SERVER DISC!

Suddenly, you hear a noise behind you. As you spin around, you swear you see a cupboard door close. Okay, things are officially getting scary.

Grist Cache:
Build Grist: 14/20
Chalk Grist: 4


>Greg: After your conversation with that STRANGE BEING, you proceed to do WHATEVER THE FUCK IT IS YOUR DOING. As you do that, you begin to feel a few rumbles.

Looking out the window allows you to see smoke rising from multiple points. Wait, didn't that WALKTHROUGH say something about METEORS? Uh oh...

However, you are then interrupted by a massive rumbling right beneath you. It feels like your whole HOUSE is being lifted into the air!



>Xavier: When you find OPRAHSPRITE, you hurl your MONSTROUS TEDDY BEAR straight at her! As she's hit by the mutilated toy, OPRAHSPRITE begins to change...

One CLIMATIC FLASH OF LIGHT later, you behold your new SPRITE... TEDDYSPRITE! Who basically looks like the bear you just threw in it. With very curly hair. Huh.


Grist Cache:
Build Grist: 2000/2000


>Connor: As you continue to read the WALKTHROUGH, you discover that you have to DEPLOY the PRE-PUNCHED CARD in order for Xavier to make his special item. Should probably get on that.

Edit: A quick glance at the PRE-PUNCHED CARD shows that the item appears to be a stack of Legos. Huh?

Alright, got images set up in earlier posts. Thanks again Connor.

Avouleance, Senorcromas, have you talked to anyone about connecting? Just trying to get tabs on where everyone is at.


Elite Member
Jan 6, 2009
>Dirk: Make shit

Oh fuck YES you are going to MAKE SHIT. Your making this happen. Feeling that there is nothing important left to do but get a move on, you dash to your CRUXTRUDER and carefully place the CARVED CRUXITE DOWEL on it. To the best of your memory, you operate it in the same way as Chas did, and wait for wonderful magic to happen.


Senior Member
Apr 30, 2008
>Greg:Flip the fuck out

Why would you do THAT?That would be very unlike yo.....Ok what was that?You look out the WINDOW and see SMOKE rising in the distance from multiple spots.Well this can't be good in any way shape or......And now the HOUSE is rumbling.You think it feels like the HOUSE is being LIFTED into the AIR.You BELIEVE that makes no sense but as it stands you CAN'T argue with the fact that the HOUSE is INDEED being LIFTED into the AIR.The CAT proceeds to FLIP THE FUCK OUT.Even though its against your NATURE,you decide to join HIM.Considering the circumstances you believe no one would fault you on it.

>Greg:Flip the fuck out for real this time


Invested all my Souls into Res
Jun 7, 2011
>Dirk: As you place the CRUXTITE DOWL on the ALCHEMITER, a CLIMATIC FLASH OF LIGHT occurs. Man, these are happening all over today!

In the center of the ALCHEMITER, a grey RUBIKS CUBE appears.


>Greg: After a few moments the shaking stops. As you look out the window, it looks like a large MOUNTAIN appeared right next to your house! The METEORS must have done something with the Earth's crust, and now these CRAZY ANTICS are happening! What are you going to do?


>Chas: As you approach the CUPBOARD, it suddenly springs open! From within, out pops a small, white, imp-like creature. He appears to have hair vaguely resembling GEORGESPRITE'S, and is also wearing a long scarf.

The imp attacks you!


Senior Member
Apr 30, 2008
>Greg:Stop flipping out

You stop FLIPPING THE FUCK OUT and return to your usual CALM self.You hesitate to look outside your window.After a few moments you decide to do so.A MOUNTAIN.There is clearly a MOUNTAIN outside your HOUSE where there was non before.After a few MOMENTS of staring at the MOUNTAIN that wasn't there before you decide its time to plan your next step.First you decide to grab some THINGS.First you grab your LITTLE ANGEL DOLL and store her carefully into your BACKPACK MODUS.

You also grab the LITTLE USED JOURNAL and some SHARPENED PENCILS from a drawer in your DESK and stuff them into your MODUS.The JOURNAL may prove to be useful in the future.You think about grabbing some BOOKS but after awhile you decide against it,even though you would like to.You may need the space in the FUTURE.You also,after a moment of thought,grab your DECK OF
52.Before your current INTERESTS you had had a fascination with MAGIC but had grown out of it.You kept the DECK for sentimental values.Who knows,it may come in handy.

Once everything is SAFE and SOUND in your MODUS you decide it may be a wise idea to try to locate that PDA your MOTHER got for you a time ago.You never knew why SHE got it for you but now it may be a smart thing to have on hand.After a quick SEARCH of your ROOM you find the PDA atop the BOOKSHELF closest to the DOOR.Despite being a little dusty the PDA still seems to work fine.

You contemplate going to explore the MOUNTAIN but decide against it...atleast for a moment.You decide a quick peek won't hurt.

You OPEN the DOOR and head through the KITCHEN and into the LIVING ROOM.

I hope that that isn't a bit much :/


Elite Member
Jan 6, 2009
>Dirk: Solve puzzle

Awww hell. You suck at RUBIKS CUBES! You've never solved one in your life! You are FUCKING DOOMED!

Hey, wait a minute...

How do you solve this stupid puzzle when the sides look exactly alike?! You think you have an IDEA how...

>Dirk: Smash the *****.



Invested all my Souls into Res
Jun 7, 2011
>Chas: As you and the IMP clash in battle, your mighty FORKING easily destroys your low level opponent. As he dissipates, he leaves behind one of the weird gem things you picked up before, as well as a blue one. You guess that's how you earn Grist in this game, by killing enemies. Picking up the white one gives you 4 more Chalk Grist, and the blue gives 4 more Build Grist.

Now that you've vanquished your first foe, you move up a rung on your ECHE-LADDER! When before you were nothing more than a ROOKIE TRAINEE, you are now a mildly respectable YOUNG HIRE! Well done.

Edit: Along with your promotion, you also earn 125 Boondollars!

Grist Cache:
Build Grist: 18/20
Chalk Grist: 8

Very nice 5secondFilms reference, by the way.


>Greg: As you prepare to venture outside, PERRYWINKLE follows you.

Exploring the mountain reveals that it's not exactly a mountain; it's a dormant VOLCANO!


>Dirk: SHOWING YOUR STABS to the RUBIKS CUBE doesn't have any effect on it. In fact, you almost break your RAD KATANA in half SHOWING YOU STABS. You don't actually break it of course, that would lead to all kinds of silly and ridiculous SPECIBUS SHENANIGANS.

Suddenly, your GUNDAMSPRITE swoops in and grabs the RUBIKS CUBE! If something without arms can really grab something. :\

Your SPRITE seems to randomly be messing around with the CUBE; who knows, maybe he'll do something with it.


Grist Cache:
Build Grist: 202/200


Elite Member
Jan 6, 2009

You try your hardest to communicate to GUNDAMSPRITE that you need to SOLVE that RUBIKS CUBE, so it either needs to SOLVE it quick or hand it back to you.


Inspired by Nonsense
Aug 25, 2009
> Xavier: Pester Connor
[01:17] LA: Connor
[01:18] LA: Hey!!!1
[01:18] LA: Cool guy!!!1
[01:18] BS: Yes?
[01:18] LA: You there?
[01:18] BS: Yes.
[01:18] LA: I changed my sprite.
[01:18] LA: What now?
[01:19] BS: What's the spirte like?
[01:19] LA: Half moster teddy bear
[01:19] LA: Half Oprah
[01:19] BS: Dear god, does it talk?
[01:19] LA: I haven't talked to it yet.
[01:19] BS: Don't
[01:19] LA: I will.
[01:19] BS: So, I know what to do
[01:20] LA: Awesome.
[01:20] LA: What?
[01:20] BS: I have to give you a card for your invitory
[01:20] BS: It's some legos
[01:20] LA: ...
[01:20] LA: Wha...
[01:20] BS: When you get the legos out, you can use them and the game will start
[01:20] BS: This is apretnly a intro of some sort
[01:20] LA: Do I have to build something?
[01:21] BS: With the legos, anything I guess.
[01:21] BS: You just have to use them
[01:21] LA: Ok..
[01:21] BS: And you'll be pulled into the game world
[01:21] LA: Any idea what that is?
[01:21] BS: ALong with your house and anyone in it
[01:21] BS: No idea at all
[01:21] -- lionizedAnon [LA] rolls his eyes --
[01:22] BS: So, I have to build the rest of these mashines
[01:22] BS: I'm gonna do that now
[01:22] BS: brb
[01:22] LA: K
-- backroomSix [BS] ceased pestering lionizedAnon [LA] at 13:23 --

> Xavier: Attempt to talk to Teddysprite while you wait
I walk toward Teddysprite.

LA: Uh...
LA: Hi?

Connor Lonske

New member
Sep 30, 2008
>Connor:Start building shit!

You just remembered you build everything already. You pester Xavior.

-- backroomSix [BS] began pestering lionizedAnon [LA] at 13:44 --
LA: Sup
BS: hey, I build everything already
LA: Cool
LA: What now?
BS: I just have to give you the card, then I will tell you what to do when you get it
LA: Awesome.
BS: You got the big blue block?
LA: Yup.
BS: Good, your gonna need it
BS: I'm giving you the card now

You spawn the pre-punched card in his house.

LA: ...
LA: Is this legos
LA: ?>
BS: Take it and bring it and the blue block to the spinie mashine
BS: The one you were fucking around with before


He goes there.

LA:Ok, now what?
BS:put the card in the slot and the block on the thing where it cuts it.


The machine spins the block and makes it into a specific shape.

BS: Ok, now take it to the big spawning plate


Xavior takes the block and bring it to the "SPAWNIE PLATE"

BS: Put it on the fited block thingie and I will do the rest
LA: So...
LA: Legos?
BS: yeah, legos
LA: Why legos?
BS: I'm gonna spawn them now
BS: Cause their your item and stuff
BS: Their spasific to the player
LA: Yeah...
BS: You play with legos?
LA: Not anymore
BS: Well whatever cool guy
BS: I'm gonna spawn it
BS: brb
-- backroomSix [BS] ceased pestering lionizedAnon [LA] at 13:49 --

He puts on the block. You quickly go to the kitchen to get some water.


Senior Member
Apr 30, 2008
>Greg:Stare at Mountain

You can't help but stare at the MOUNTAIN before you just a little ways from your HOUSE.You start to wonder if there is a CAP on how much STRANGE stuff you will see today.If you were a BETTING man you wouldn't bet on it.After a few minutes of just staring at this MOUNTAIN you begin to notice that the cap at the top seems wrong to you.After a second of THOUGHT it dons on you that this may not be a MOUNTAIN but infact a VOLCANO.A VOLCANO in the middle of FLORIDA.

You can't help but find the mental IMAGE a wee bit strange but you can't argue with the fact that there is indeed a VOLCANO in front of your eyes.You hope that this THING doesn't go off anytime soon.You feel something rubbing up against your LEG and when you look down you see it is that bloody CAT.

After another minute of standing there you think it may be a good IDEA to return to your ROOM incase your FRIENDS need you.


Invested all my Souls into Res
Jun 7, 2011
>Dirk: Despite all your attempts at communication, GUNDAMSPRITE appears to ignore you. It continues to fiddle with the CRUXTITE RUBIKS CUBE, flipping sides around in a seemingly random pattern.


Grist Cache:
Build Grist: 202/200




Doesn't look like you're going to get much out of TEDDYSPRITE. Oh well, you're sure he'll be useful later on.

Using the PRE-PUNCHED CARD Connor made for you, you are able to use your various machines to create a bunch of CRUXTITE LEGOS! Great, looks like you'll have to spend a while figuring out what you're supposed to be making... Oh, wait, there's an instruction manual. Ooooooh, it makes a spaceship!


Grist Cache:
Build Grist: 2000/2000


>Chas: As you try and exit out of the GIANT HOLE, GEORGEMICHEALSPRITE suddenly blocks your path. You try to go around him, but he refuses to let you leave the house.

Grit Cache:
Build Grist: 18/20
Chalk Grist: 8

Boondollars: 125


>Greg: As you return to your room, you suddenly hear an alarm going off. All over the house, windows and doors are locked tight. Looks like your MOTHER activated her OVERPROTECTIVE SECURITY SYSTEM. You won't be getting out of the house for a while.


>Connor: While you are getting your water, your DAD suddenly appears. He begins to talk excitedly about METEORITES and FATHER-SON TIME. It sounds like there's one METEOR in particular that's approaching you apartment building quite rapidly. Your DAD wants to watch it with you.


>Beth: After hearing Chas talk about the METEORS, your curiosity is piqued. Glancing out your window, you see a huge red glow covering most of the sky. It appears to be emitting from a MASSIVE METEOR. Considering that there's nothing else around here but your home, you're inclined to believe that that's where the METEOR is heading.

It looks like you've got some time before it strikes, but you should probably get out of here pretty soon.

Wow, this might be my biggest post yet. 6 out of 7 characters, very impressive!

Just so you guys aren't surprised, I should probably tell you that I'll be doing some family stuff this weekend, so I won't be able to update as much as I would like. I'll probably be AFK from Friday evening to sometime Monday, but I'll try to check/update as much as I can.