Welcome to Sburb! (Dead and Over)


Senior Member
Apr 30, 2008
>Greg:Move into Living Room

While waiting for your FRIEND Rich to finish connecting to you and start CONTROLLING your environment,you decide that you would prefer it if he doesn't mess up your room,and head into the LIVING ROOM,with the CAT still following you around.

The LIVING ROOM is less of a LIVING ROOM and more of a TRAINING ROOM with PRACTICE DUMMIES and racks of different NINJA WEAPONRY strewn around.The only real thing that is LIVING ROOM about it are a small COUCH and COFFEE TABLE in the middle of the room.Your MOTHER is nowhere in sight.Probably in a secret NINJA room somewhere in the HOUSE.

You lay on the COUCH and play SOLITAIRE with your DECK OF 52 while you wait.You have become quite good at it.


Invested all my Souls into Res
Jun 7, 2011
>Connor: Your DAD happily agrees.

After you grab your laptop, your DAD leads you up to the roof of your apartment building. He points into the sky, showing you a few points of red light. Through all his astronomy jargon, you're able to make out that this is an unprecedented occurence; there are meteors falling all over the Earth.

Your DAD excitedly begins to predict where some of the meteors will land. However, when he gets to a particularly large one, he pauses, and begins to look worried. He suggests that you go back inside.


>Greg: As you play SOLITAIRE, PERRYWINKLE walks to a certain position in the middle of the floor. Suddenly, he jumps into the air, and your MOTHER flash-steps beneath him, allowing the cat to land on her shoulder.

She has her STEEL KATANA drawn and at the ready; it looks like she wants to duel you.


Senior Member
Apr 30, 2008
>Greg:put away Deck of 52

Just as you start doing good in your game of SOLITAIRE that bloody CAT jumps into the air,landing on the shoulder of your MOTHER who in the blink of an eye flash-steps into the ROOM,STEEL KATANA drawn and ready.Looks like you aren't getting out of the ENCOUNTER this time.You sigh to yourself,picking up and putting away your DECK OF 52.You get off of the COUCH and stand to the opposite side of your MOTHER.

In a fair and,more often then not,unfair fight you know that you can not hope to defeat your MOTHER.However you know that sometimes a good KNIGHT has to take a risk to succeed.You give HER a little bow and ready your KNIGHT'S SWORD.A fire seems to burn in your eyes.Only one option stands.



Elite Member
Jan 6, 2009
>Dirk: Watch in amazement

You... guess you're AMAZED? Really, right now you just wish you understood what the hell was happening. GUNDAMSPRITE is glowing, the RUBIKS CUBE is glowing, and yet somehow the light is all GRAY. The COUNTDOWN is getting dangerously close to kaboom time, and you're still not sure if this will even solve your problem. And if it doesn't, you'll have to do the UNTHINKABLE.

>Dirk: Stop thinking about the unthinkable so much

You CANNOT STOP THINKING ABOUT THE UNTHINKABLE. It is so terrifyingly UNTHINKABLE you can't help but THINK it over and over again. You kind of want GUNDAMSPRITE to fail just so you can reveal to no one in particular what the UNTHINKABLE is. But that's STUPID.


Invested all my Souls into Res
Jun 7, 2011
>Dirk: Be the GM.

You try to be the GM, but fail to be the GM. No one can be the GM except for the GM. As you watch the GM be the GM, you see him ponder his decision. On one hand, he knows what will happen with the GUNDAMSPRITE and the CRUXTRITE RUBIKS CUBE. He knows what lies behind the door of Chas' FATHER'S bedroom. He knows THE ULTIMATE RIDDLE and its solution.

But, he doesn't know what the UNTHINKABLE is. And, he's kind of interested.

>GM: Be the other guy again.

Suddenly, GUNDAMSPRITE slips up and drops the CRUXTRITE RUBIKS CUBE! Shoot, is was so close too!


Greg: Needless to say, if this was an all out honest to goodness 100% authentic STRIFE, your MOTHER would kick your ass. As it stands however, this is just a fake unreal false TRAINING STRIFE. Bet you didn't see that coming.

Your MOTHER is able to easily dodge all of your attacks. She throws a few easy attacks your way, but you manage to block most of them. However, PERRYWINKLE also joins in the fight, giving you a few severe scratches. Your REALLY CALM GUY meter is massively decreased, and you feel that you're on the edge of FLIPPING THE FUCK OUT again.


Elite Member
Jan 6, 2009
>Dirk: 0_0

God damn you and your big UNTHINKABLE THOUGHTS. GUNDAMSPRITE was so fucking close too, you could feel it! You sniffle in FEAR, both at the UNTHINKABLE and at the METEOR now extremely close to your house. You suppose it has to be done now. SHE was always incredible at these puzzles, it will work. But doing this will likely revoke your status as a man forever. You take a DEEP BREATH, possibly your last for multiple reasons, and you do the UNTHINKABLE.

>Dirk: "SIS!"

OK, even if this doesn't work I'm glad I did this because I am really proud of that last picture.


Invested all my Souls into Res
Jun 7, 2011
>Dirk: Your SIS suddenly leaps into the room, kicking you in the face as she flies through the air. When she lands, she picks up the CRUXTRITE RUBIKS CUBE. Once she has it, she flips a few sides, causing the CUBE to glow even brighter.

Apparently done, she tosses it to you and runs out of the room. A CLIMATIC FLASH OF LIGHT OCCURS...

When you awaken, you find yourself in an unfamiliar place. A quick glance outside reveals a horizon tinged with crimson, as though the sun is setting all around you. You see that your house is located on a large, but perfectly flat, square surface. It looks like stone.

GUNDAMSPRITE begins to act a little weird. Its glowing, circular center suddenly splits away from the rest of its body. This in turn splits into a white and black version. The white version travels upwards, outside of your sight, while the black version goes downward.

You can pretty much assume that there will be imps running around your house, so feel free to wipe some out in your posts if you want to. I'll tell you what kind of Grist you earned, and will also let you know when different types of enemies show up.


Inspired by Nonsense
Aug 25, 2009
> Xavier: Also do the UNTHINKABLE
I finish my spaceship.
You have no idea what the UNTHINKABLE is, but if its anywhere a long the lines of FINISHING THIS IMMIGRANT MADE, CONKSUCK LEGO SHIT, then it is done.

> Xavier: Present the spaceship to Teddysprite
I carefully grab Lego spaceship and give to Teddysprite
You guess that's what your supposed to do.


Senior Member
Apr 30, 2008
>Greg:Flip the Fuck out

No damn it.You refuse to FLIP THE FUCK OUT twice in one DAY.With the last of your REALLY CALM GUY meter you explain to your MOTHER that your friends need your help right now and that you don't have time to deal with any TRAINING STRIFES.You also point at the CAT and tell it not to get involved.This is between you and HER.

Of course you doubt SHE will listen and you worry that you will end up FLIPPING THE FUCK OUT again.You prepare for more attacks while trying to come up with a plan if she doesn't listen.

Not saying no to your response oh glorious GM,just what my character would say to it :p


Invested all my Souls into Res
Jun 7, 2011
Alright, after this post, I'll be pretty busy for a few days. Just a heads up.

Also, sorry if this seems a bit rushed. Kind of in a hurry tonight.

>Xavier: After you finish building the CONKSUCK LEGO SHIT, it begins to glow... your house begins to rumble, you go momentarily blind due to a CLIMATIC FLASH OF LIGHT...

When you come to, you find your home sitting on a large island, floating on what seems to be a cloud. All around you, you can see feathers falling through the air.

TEDDYSPRITE undergoes the same strange splitting that occurred to GUNDAMSPRITE, although you of course have no way of knowing what that looks like.


>Greg: PERRYWINKLE, despite being a cat, seems to acknowledge your request. He jumps off to the side, although he continues to watch the STRIFE!

Your MOTHER, however, continues to press her attack. Your REALLY CALM GUY meter is on the verge of being emptied!

Suddenly, another large rumble shakes your house. Your MOTHER pauses, and looks up. She drops a smoke bomb. After the smoke disappates, she's nowhere to be seen.

Sorry, wasn't trying to imply that your character was FLIPPING THE FUCK OUT. I just wanted to assign you a meter, and show that it was quite low. Obviously, you're willing to FLIP THE FUCK OUT if you want, but I'm not trying to force any actions. With the exception of the last time.


Senior Member
Apr 30, 2008
>Greg:Get ass kicked

It would seem that you are on the verge of getting BEATEN by your MOTHER in this STRIFE and your REALLY CALM GUY meter is almost empty.Nothing unusual about that of course as thats how it usually ends.As it seems your MOTHER is about to end the ENCOUNTER another large rumble shakes the house up. Your MOTHER pauses,and looks up.SHE drops a SMOKE BOMB,filling the room in a thin mist and making you cough like crazy.After a few moments the smoke clears and your MOTHER is nowhere to be seen.

You breath a sigh of relief as that couldn't have come at a better time.You put your KNIGHT'S SWORD away and flop onto the COUCH,the CAT jumping onto the headrest.After a moment you sit up and sit your self into a zen like position.After a few moments you bring yourself into an inner calm,your REALLY COOL GUY meter slowly refilling as you wait patiently for your FRIEND.

After a few minutes your PDA foes off,letting you know that one of your CHUMS is PESTERING you.You pull your PDA out of your BACKPACK MODUS and answer CHUM.

[10:43:38] -- tenaciousConifer [TC] began pestering ghostKnight [GK] at 22:43 --
[10:43:40] TC: So.
[10:43:46] TC: Just connected.
[10:44:04] TC: Mind telling me what that whole thing just was?
[10:45:21] TC: No?
[10:45:23] GK: Hmm?
[10:45:44] GK: Sorry when I meditate I tend to be a little out of it
[10:46:03] TC: It appears as though your house is rumbling.
[10:46:06] TC: Also your mom is a ninja
[10:46:14] GK: Yes and Yes
[10:46:37] TC: Alrighty.
[10:46:40] GK: I think the cat is as well but I have no proof of that...none I could show anyway
[10:47:17] GK: Anyway you can change anything down here to your hearts content...but do becareful please
[10:47:44] TC: Okay.
[10:47:57] TC: There is... quite a bit of stuff here.
[10:48:22] GK: Yes we tend to use this as a training room of sorts
[10:49:05] TC: At least it's used.
[10:49:12] GK: But before I forget..While you are doing what you are doing I feel i should let you know of something that may be important
[10:49:23] TC: Shoot.
[10:49:55] GK: There seems to be a group of individuals that we are calling...trolls...
[10:50:27] TC: Do they happen to type all weird and make no sense?
[10:50:28] GK: As it stands I know that both Chas and I have been into contact with a troll each
[10:50:31] GK: Yes
[10:50:54] GK: Yes to the typing weird...can't say for the making no sense
[10:51:06] TC: I, uh, had an encounter with one, myself.
[10:51:19] GK: What did this person want?
[10:51:32] TC: It was tough to make out.
[10:51:40] TC: Keep speaking gibberish
[10:51:50] TC: and then blamed the conversation on me?
[10:52:03] TC: In the future?
[10:52:34] TC: I'm pretty sure somebody ruined something.
[10:52:34] GK: Strange...was his text color red by any chance?
[10:52:48] TC: Yeah...
[10:53:06] GK: Was his handle initials UA?
[10:53:21] TC: That was him.
[10:53:33] GK: Then we have talked to the same troll
[10:53:49] GK: He seemed quite pleasent to me
[10:54:11] TC: He kind of came off as... agitated?
[10:54:16] TC: I guess?
[10:54:29] TC: to me
[10:54:30] GK: I see
[10:54:57] GK: He did think of me as a"bro"...called me a rustblood
[10:55:26] TC: That seems like a health hazard.
[10:55:33] TC: Lockjaw, yaknow.
[10:56:06] GK: Probably something to do with the fact I type in orange...apparently red blood is low blood or something of the sort
[10:57:12] GK: Did he ask you for help?
[10:57:14] TC: Well that's just silly.
[10:57:31] TC: Er, not that.
[10:57:49] TC: He seemed a bit put off by my fear of spandex.
[10:58:09] GK: Hmm I see
[10:58:26] TC: Oh, he also claimed the right to be angry.
[10:59:17] TC: It was not my most beneficial conversation.
[10:59:29] GK: He asked me for help and he also mentioned a "she" who as it stands I believe is the one who talked with Chas
[11:00:22] TC: So I guess they're working together then.
[11:00:42] TC: I guess it couldn't hurt to help them.
[11:00:58] GK: I believe that as well
[11:01:16] GK: We could use the allies once we get into the game
[11:01:36] TC: What's up with this game, anyway?
[11:01:39] GK: And speaking of that have you deployed the Cruxtruder yet?
[11:01:54] TC: The freakiest thing I've seen was your house.
[11:01:55] GK: It is not a normal game it would seem
[11:02:35] GK: I managed to delete Dirk's bed out of existance and it turned into something called build grist
[11:02:48] TC: Okay, let's get some of this stuff out of the way, and you can tell me all about it.
[11:02:59] GK: Ok
[11:03:27] GK: First you may wish to..err delete some of these training dummies
[11:03:58] TC: Why do have so many of them, anyway?
[11:04:07] TC: I could understand, like, two.
[11:04:10] TC: max.
[11:04:20] GK: My mother buys in bulk
[11:04:29] GK: And goes though them just as fast
[11:05:08] TC: Fair enough. Let's just move this one and...
[11:05:12] TC: Oh my.
[11:05:21] GK: Yes quite

You look on in a sleepy hazy,something that always happens when you bring yourself out of your meditative state as your FRIEND tries to move some of the TRAINING DUMMIES around and bangs a few of them into the walls.

[11:05:44] TC: WELL it's a good thing you have sturdy walls.
[11:06:07] GK: Yes I believe my mother had them special reinforced
[11:06:21] GK: Which seems to be coming in handy right about now
[11:06:33] GK: Of course I doubt they would stop a meteor
[11:06:53] TC: That is an oddly specific metaphor.
[11:06:57] GK: But I'd rather not find that out from first hand experiance
[11:07:10] GK: You will find out soon enough
[11:07:21] TC: Right.
[11:07:23] GK: First hand I might add
[11:08:13] TC: Well, I'll just set down this cruxtruder where the dummy was, I guess?
[11:08:38] GK: Ok..and you will need something heavy to pop open the lid once you do
[11:09:29] TC: I suppose that dummy's dead weight, now...
[11:10:02] GK: Quite
[11:10:46] GK: Once you get the lid off of that thing it will release something called a Kernelsprite
[11:11:12] TC: The glowing ball right there?
[11:11:19] GK: Yes

You watch as Rich moves some of the dummies around and plops the CRUXTRUDER into their spot.He then lifts a dummy into the air and crashes it down on to the CRUXTRUDER'S lid,breaking it off,and releasing the KERNELSPRITE inside.

Sorry if that came off as being hostile Pappy.I merely meant that that was my character's reaction to my input command,not at your input command :p.Also I like the meter choice for my guy as it fits him :).Oh and I tend to do as my DM tells me.Again i like how this is going so far and can't wait till my guy gets into the medium and then...the fun begins :)


New member
Sep 24, 2009
Rich: Start SBURBin'!

Oh man you can't wait to BEGIN! You've read a couple REVIEWS, but nothing really told you all that much about the game itself. It appears to give you a complete view of your friend's HEAVILY MODIFIED HOUSE. Dude live next to a volcano, apparently. Pretty BA, if you say so yourself.

>Find Greg.
Done. He seems to be in his LIVING ROOM, STRIFING IT UP with his MOTHER. Oh, it appears as though you've JUST MISSED IT. This upsets your latent PEEPING TOM URGES. OH WELL.

You decide the best course of action would be to PESTER the MAN who was just attacked by a MOM/NINJA.
<spoiler=show pesterlog>-- tenaciousConifer [TC] began pestering ghostKnight [GK] at 22:43 --
TC: So.
TC: Just connected.
TC: Mind telling me what that whole thing just was?
TC: No?
GK: Hmm?
GK: Sorry when I meditate I tend to be a little out of it
TC: It appears as though your house is rumbling.
TC: Also your mom is a ninja
GK: Yes and Yes
TC: Alrighty.
GK: I think the cat is as well but I have no proof of that...none I could show anyway
GK: Anyway you can change anything down here to your hearts content...but do becareful please
TC: Okay.
TC: There is... quite a bit of stuff here.
GK: Yes we tend to use this as a training room of sorts
TC: At least it's used.
GK: But before I forget..While you are doing what you are doing I feel i should let you know of something that may be important
TC: Shoot.
GK: There semms to be a group of individuals that we are calling...trolls...
TC: Do they happen to type all weird and make no sense?
GK: As it stands I know that both Chas and I have been into contact with a troll each
GK: Yes to the typing weird...can't say for the making no sense
TC: I, uh, had an encounter with one, myself.
GK: What did this person want?
TC: It was tough to make out.
TC: Keep speaking gibberish
TC: and then blamed the conversation on me?
TC: In the future?
TC: I'm pretty sure somebody ruined something.
GK: Strange...was his text color red by any chance?
TC: Yeah...
GK: Was his handle initials UA?
TC: That was him.
GK: Then we have talked to the same troll
GK: He seemed quite pleasent to me
TC: He kind of came off as... agitated?
TC: I guess?
TC: to me
GK: I see
GK: He did think of me as a"bro"...called me a rustblood
TC: That seems like a health hazard.
TC: Lockjaw, yaknow.
GK: Probably something to do with the fact I type in orange...apparently red blood is low blood or something of the sort
GK: Did he ask you for help?
TC: Well that's just silly.
TC: Er, not that.
TC: He seemed a bit put off by my fear of spandex.
GK: Hmm I see
TC: Oh, he also claimed the right to be angry.
TC: It was not my most beneficial conversation.
GK: He asked me for help and he also mentioned a "she" who as it stands I believe is the one who talked with Chas
TC: So I guess they're working together then.
TC: I guess it couldn't hurt to help them.
GK: I believe that as well
GK: We could use the allies once we get into the game
TC: What's up with this game, anyway?
GK: And speaking of that have you deployed the Cruxtruder yet?
TC: The freakiest thing I've seen was your house.
GK: It is not a normal game it would seem
GK: I managed to delete Dirk's bed out of existance and it turned into something called build grist
TC: Okay, let's get some of this stuff out of the way, and you can tell me all about it.
GK: Ok

>Do be careful.
Well of course you're going to be CAREFUL. You mean, come on! What does he think you arOh sweet dinosaur jegus that PRACTICE DUMMY got some distance. It goes sailing to the wall, where it breaks apart, utterly USELESS. Those are some tough walls. Not a big deal, though. He has like, 20. Seriously, who needs this many PRACTICE DUMMIES?. You decide to ask.
<spoiler=show pesterlog>

GK: First you may wish to..err delete some of these training dummies
TC: Why do have so many of them, anyway?
TC: I could understand, like, two.
TC: max.
GK: My mother buys in bulk
GK: And goes though them just as fast
TC: Fair enough. Let's just move this one and...
TC: Oh my.
GK: Yes quite
TC: WELL it's a good thing you have sturdy walls.
GK: Yes I believe my mother had them special reinforced
GK: Which seems to be coming in handy right about now
GK: Of course I doubt they would stop a meteor
TC: That is an oddly specific metaphor.
GK: But I'd rather not find that out from first hand experiance
GK: You will find out soon enough
TC: Right.
GK: First hand I might add
TC: Well, I'll just set down this cruxtruder where the dummy was, I guess?
GK: Ok..and you will need something heavy to pop open the lid once you do
TC: I suppose that dummy's dead weight, now...
GK: Quite

You toss the mangled corpse of the DUMMY at the top of the CRUXTRUDER. If nothing else, this GAME certainly makes you good at THROWING THINGS.


Elite Member
Jan 6, 2009
>Dirk: Look around, get acquainted.

W-where ARE you anyway? You try and get your bearings, and fail. Just as you expected, your BIG SIS came to your rescue at your request, and you already feel ASHAMED for doing it. Still, at least you're ALIVE. Now you get a chance to look around. Your first observation is your surroundings, specifically all the red. You feel a need to look closer at it, but first.

>Dirk: Check on pal

It's about time you check on CHAS and see how he is doing. You sit down at your COMPUTER and look to see that he is... doing pretty much the same as the last time you checked. You do, however, notice he has significantly more CHALK, which is exactly what you need to get him that PUNCH DESIGNIX. You grab it and drop it down in a corner in his ROOM, and send him an IM to check it out and get back to you with the results.


Elite Member
Jan 6, 2009
>Dirk: Crash

What the hell was THAT? You think you heard a noise coming from the KITCHEN while you were searching for GUNDAMSPRITE. Maybe the mechanical bastard's dropped something.

>Dirk: Investigate!

What in the... what IS that?

You see no sign of the CRASH-MAKING OBJECT, but in front of you is some strange little creature raiding your REFRIGERATOR. Perhaps this is one of those ENEMIES Chas fought, and you speculated of? Well, it shouldn't be that big of a deal, right?

>Dirk: Strife!

Oh. Oh god. This is going to HURT.

> Kid, this is pathetic! Get yer sorry ass up and show that imp why you're a badass!

The MYSTERIOUS VOICE is right! You're DIRK PACE, damn it, and you are going to kick that CREATURE THAT IS APPARENTLY CALLED AN IMP'S ASS! Attaaaaaaaaaaaack

You have always wanted to do the DELAYED ACTION LIMB REMOVAL SLASH.


Invested all my Souls into Res
Jun 7, 2011
>Greg: As Rich drops a MUTILATED TRAINING DUMMY on the CRUXTRUDER lid, it pops off, releasing a bright orange KERNALSPRITE. Man, you forgot how heavy those things were.

The KERNALSPRITE floats over to you.

The CRUXTRUDER TIMER begins to count down. 20:00

Okay, glad to hear that. Yeah, it looks like everyone might be in the Medium in this next week. And yes, that is where the fun begins.


>Chas: As you inset the CRUXTRITE TOTEM, a DRAMATIC PAUSE occurs. Suddenly, after an ANTICLIMATIC FLASH OF LIGHT, an item appears on the ALCHEMITER.

You made a SHITTY ALTERNIAN BATTLE-AX! -10 Build Grist, -6 Chalk Grist.

What the? You can't use this. It's not a fork! And what the hell is Alternia anyway? Man, you just got trolled.


>Dirk: Your DELAYED ACTION LIMB REMOVAL SLASH succeeds in defeating the Shale IMP! You loot 8 units of Shale Grist from its remains.

You also level up! You are no longer a lowly Nerd Tike, you have earned the somewhat respectable rank of Boy Otaku! +125 Boondollars!

Connor Lonske

New member
Sep 30, 2008
>Connor: Do what it takes to survibe.

You pester Beth on your dad's laptop.

-- backroomSix [BS] began pestering avouLeance [AL] at 13:13 --
BS: Need help!
AL: What's wrong?
BS: There is a medior related to sburb coming at my aprartment
BS: !
AL: Ok dam
AL: i mean oh dam
BS: Need you to use your server disk to get me in the medum and some shit
AL: Ok
AL: what do i do?
BS: You finihs pirteting the game?
AL: yes
AL: it's running
AL: I'm in a server actually
BS: OK, tell me your sever name and password, I'll conect in a bit
AL: Oh I don't know
BS: Make one one then!!!
AL: I just joined one automatically
BS: *faceplam*
BS: just make a new server
BS: and tell me the name and password
AL: Ok sure
AL: I can do that.
BS: OK, mesage me when you do
AL: Sure]
-- backroomSix [BS] ceased pestering avouLeance [AL] at 13:17 --

You start installing the GAME DISK on your DAD'S LAPTOP as you head to your apartment.

You go into your apartment and open your Pip-ventory and add as much stuff you can hold.

Currently holding:
2 game disk: WH=1
Level 5 Clothing: WH=7
Laptop: WH=5

You pick up:

1 Red Rocket Softball bat: WH= 7
1 Alloy bat: WH=5
Some Nachos: WH=1

You get on your computer and see if Xavier is doing OK. He is apparently doing OK, so OK. You wait for Beth to Pester you.


Invested all my Souls into Res
Jun 7, 2011
>Connor: As you attempt to connect to Beth's server, an error screen comes up. It doesn't look like you'll be able to connect to her copy.

You try to calm down and think about who else would have an open server copy.

In order to get everyone connected in one big circle, Connor has to connect to Chas. Here's the order of connections: Connor>Xavier>Beth>Rich>Greg>Dirk>Chas>Connor again.


Elite Member
Jan 6, 2009
>Dirk: Get more grist

The little guys drop GRIST? And they make you STRONGER? Holy shit, you've gotta get some GRINDING done! You wonder where you can find some mo--hey what was that?