Welcome to Sburb! (Dead and Over)


Senior Member
Apr 30, 2008
>Greg:Enter Home

You return to your home after your little romp at the VOLCANO.Just as you close the DOOR,letting that CAT come in first of course,you hear an ALARM going off through the HOUSE followed by a clicking sound from behind you.You turn around and try to open the DOOR only to find that it refuses to move.You have no IDEA whats going on though and you probably don't want to know.You decide to try to figure out that later as for right now you have PRIORITIES.You race back to your ROOM,cat following behind for some STRANGE reason,and shut the door after the CAT enters.

You think about checking on your player when you see that Chas is on.You decide to check on his wellbeing first.

[06:39:45] -- ghostKnight [GK] began pestering snickeringSurrogate [SS] at 18:39 --
[06:39:49] GK: Hey Chas,are you alright my friend? /worried
[06:40:02] SS: oh, you know, just up to my same old antics.
[06:40:20] SS: my dad's dead, i killed a thing, and there's a floating george michael sprite following me.
[06:40:45] SS: i'm about to toss a portrait of my grandpa into an ethereal green floating musician.
[06:40:45] GK: My condolenses on your father,I have nothing to say about the sprite wowever
[06:40:59] GK: *how
[06:41:23] SS: i'm pretty sure everyone in east texas is also dead.
[06:41:28] GK: :(
[06:41:31] SS: my house is now an island.
[06:41:42] GK: My house is next to a volcano now
[06:41:47] SS: how nice.
[06:41:56] GK: Yes...in the middle of florida....
[06:42:04] SS: how's everyone else doing?
[06:42:08] SS: we need to get everyone into the game.
[06:42:09] SS: soon.
[06:42:21] GK: Dirk is fine
[06:42:27] SS: good.
[06:42:29] GK: Don't know about the others
[06:42:48] GK: Also Dirks sprite is a mecha of some kind
[06:43:05] SS: yeah, i heard about that.
[06:43:35] SS: this is some serious shit, greg.
[06:43:41] GK: Very
[06:43:42] SS: like, this has some astronomical consqeuences.
[06:44:07] GK: It would seem so
[06:44:20] SS: do you have a server player yet?
[06:45:13] GK: A term I'm still getting used to but as it stands no
[06:45:30] SS: okay, well, when you get in there, watch out for imps.
[06:45:40] GK: Imps?
[06:45:47] SS: that is literally all the advice i can offer.
[06:46:09] SS: they're these weird little fuckers that are going to be trying to kill you.
[06:46:13] GK: Oh before i forget...have you had any encounters with...as dirk put it...any....trolls?
[06:46:23] SS: i've fought one, and it looked like george michael, so i think they're linked to the sp-
[06:46:25] SS: OH FUCK
[06:46:27] SS: OH FUCK OH FUCK
[06:46:31] SS: DIRK IS SO FUCKED
[06:46:47] GK: WHAT,WHAT DID HE DO?
[06:46:58] SS: okay, when did he prototype the sprite with the gundam?
[06:47:32] GK: About an hour ago?or atleast it seems like an hour
[06:47:56] SS: okay, i still don't know how all this works.
[06:48:03] SS: but if my theory is correct, he is going to be fighting mecha imps.
[06:48:11] SS: that poor son of a *****.
[06:48:26] GK: If anyone can survive it,I'm sure he can
[06:48:36] GK: I will try to warn him when I get the chance though
[06:48:36] SS: i guess he does have some pretty rad katana moves.
[06:48:42] SS: anyway, those trolls.
[06:48:52] SS: some troll chick has been contacting me sporadically.
[06:49:14] SS: she apparently thinks i'm sort of big fucking hero and wants me to rescue her and her friend because they're trapped.
[06:49:28] GK: I might have talked to her friend
[06:49:39] SS: she says he does weird time shit?
[06:49:56] GK: I don't know,Ill I know is he asked for my help
[06:50:14] GK: And called me a "rustblood"
[06:50:19] SS: i don't know why they'd fucking ask us.
[06:50:36] GK: Desperation perhaps?
[06:50:40] SS: this is some heavy shit, man, i'm having a hard time taking it in.
[06:50:49] SS: maybe resurrecting this fucking portrait of my dead grandpa will help.
[06:50:51] SS: this is so fucked up.
[06:51:10] GK: Yes,very much so
[06:51:20] SS: every time i talk to you i discover some fucking psychological fact about the day and it always seems so totally fucking dark.
[06:51:27] SS: jegus.
[06:51:44] GK: Oh thanks,thanks for making me feel bad know :(
[06:52:01] SS: it's not even your fault, i just need to vent at somebody.
[06:52:15] GK: Its ok,its why I do what i do :p
[06:52:24] SS: which is weird because i just KILLED SOMETHING
[06:52:30] GK: Something?
[06:52:33] SS: the imp.
[06:52:38] SS: i don't want to call it a he.
[06:52:50] GK: I see
[06:53:08] SS: actually, how much did the troll know about your situation?
[06:53:27] GK: well he seems to know my future so what
[06:53:34] SS: because the troll chick managed to warn me about the imps and shit, but then i managed to get her to believe that i am the fighting master of forks.
[06:53:42] SS: i don't know what all they do know.
[06:53:54] GK: He told me I would"flip the fuck out"a few minutes before I did
[06:54:08] SS: wow, okay.
[06:54:23] GK: I am very curious about these trolls however
[06:54:27] SS: me too.
[06:54:40] SS: i think we're the only ones that have actually had continuous encounters with the same troll.
[06:54:46] SS: for now, anyway.
[06:55:13] GK: Well Ive had one encounter but i have a feeling he and I will be talking again once I get into the "game"
[06:55:24] SS: probably.
[06:55:39] SS: anyway, i need to get my sprite talking.
[06:55:55] SS: i guess we'll talk later, if we're all still alive.
[06:56:09] GK: Ok I will talk to you later...Oh but before I go...Do try to be polite to these trolls
[06:56:29] SS: she seems pretty nice, but pretty easy to mess around with.
[06:56:41] GK: We don't know their motives and they may prove to be allies which I think you'd agree we may need
[06:56:47] SS: yeah.
[06:57:17] GK: Anyway i shall talk to you later my friend.Good luck...where ever you are /bow
[06:57:22] SS: good luck.
[06:57:26] -- ghostKnight [GK] ceased pestering snickeringSurrogate [SS] at 18:57 --

You breath a SIGH of relief knowing that Chas is ok.You think its time to see what your PLAYER is up to

[07:03:04] -- ghostKnight [GK] began pestering stabsSalesman [SS] at 19:03 --
[07:03:07] GK: Hey Dirk
[07:16:15] SS: =]=> Hey
[07:17:06] SS: =]=> So my Gundamsprite went and stole some fucking all-gray rubiks cube from me
[07:17:13] SS: =]=> And now it's fiddling around with it somehow
[07:17:21] GK: Rubiks cube?
[07:17:40] SS: =]=> The thing that came out of the alchemiter was a Rubiks cube
[07:17:45] GK: Ahh
[07:18:01] GK: Anyway before i forget I thought you like a heads up
[07:18:26] GK: Chas says you might be fighting Mecha Imps once you get into the 'game'
[07:18:45] SS: =]=> Really
[07:18:48] SS: =]=> And why does he say that
[07:19:25] GK: he has a theory though i don't know what it is as it stands
[07:20:01] SS: =]=> All right well I'll be sure to ask him as soon as this flighty metal bastard either hands over the cube or solves it
[07:20:11] SS: =]=> Because right now he is being seriously uncooperative
[07:20:39] GK: Nothing I can do on that front sadly :/
[07:20:58] GK: However..Chas has been talking to a troll as well
[07:21:19] SS: =]=> Interesting
[07:21:21] GK: A she it seems
[07:21:40] SS: =]=> Very interesting
[07:22:20] GK: She asked him for help it seems
[07:22:43] SS: =]=> Doesn't sound very trollish to me
[07:22:45] SS: =]=> Know what she wanted
[07:23:04] GK: Other then help?Not really
[07:23:38] GK: She did warn him about the imps before he got into the game however
[07:23:49] SS: =]=> Now that
[07:23:51] SS: =]=> Is fucking weird
[07:24:44] GK: Well th one talking to me was on the mark.I did"flip the fuck out"but considering a Volcano is now where there was none before i think i had good reason to
[07:25:44] SS: =]=> Well of course that's good reason
[07:26:22] SS: =]=> The problem is how in the hell they figured that shit out
[07:26:52] GK: I do not know
[07:27:02] GK: However i do have some good news
[07:27:23] GK: Remember that grist torrent disc I mentioned earlier?
[07:27:29] SS: =]=> Yeah I do
[07:27:55] GK: I have have enough to build one...well two but they cost 100 grist each and I don't want to waste all of it
[07:28:25] GK: I'll build one and let you play around with it to try to figure out what it does
[07:29:11] SS: =]=> All right that sounds awesome
[07:29:35] SS: =]=> Toss it over here and I'll try it out while this sad metal fuck plays with the magical puzzle
[07:29:56] GK: Ok...done it is next to your right foot....don't step on it please
[07:30:53] SS: =]=> All right awesome
[07:31:13] SS: =]=> That countdown is coming down hard and fast
[07:31:20] SS: =]=> Why is Gundamsprite taking so fucking long?
[07:31:25] SS: =]=> It is a robot it should have this shit memorized
[07:31:55] GK: I don't know...also I thought it didn't have hands?How is it playing with that cube?
[07:32:13] SS: =]=> The same way it is keeping me from taking it back
[07:32:23] SS: =]=> Which I assume is magical science stuff
[07:32:42] GK: Hmm I'll just add it to the list of strange shit happening today
[07:32:45] SS: =]=> Really nothing else in this game makes much sense so why should the floating fairy monsters?
[07:33:38] GK: Good point
[07:33:52] GK: Well i should go and see what the others are up to
[07:34:00] GK: Until next time /bow
[07:34:23] SS: =]=> Bye
[07:34:28] -- ghostKnight [GK] ceased pestering stabsSalesman [SS] at 19:34 --

Well atleast he is staying out of TROUBLE.

However you STILL are unsure of the motives of these mysterious TROLLS.You still plan on keeping your WORD and helping THEM but you would like to know a little more so you could help THEM better.


Elite Member
Jan 6, 2009
>Dirk: Wait on this flighty metal bastard

Ugh. This is so booooring. You watch in boredom and growing terror as your GUNDAMSPRITE plays with the RUBIKS CUBE. You hold a conversation with Greg, and he drops a GRISTTORRENT DISK at your feet. You tell your GUNDAMSPRITE that it has until there are five minutes left on the clock to solve that thing. Then you are going to do the unthinkable.

You walk over to your COMPUTER and put the GRISTTORRENT DISK in, deciding to see just what this is all about.


New member
Sep 24, 2009
>Dave: Return to your ROOM.
Not a problem. You hightail it back into your HOUSE, up the STAIRS, and into your ROOM, slamming the DOOR behind you. Now doubly confident in your SBURBITY, you pop in one of the disks and wait.
Strange, your COMPUTER seems to be taking longer than normal to load. Oh well. You decide it will give you all the more time to THINK. You just as soon decide your time would be better spent PESTERING SOMEBODY.

<spoiler=show pesterlog>-- tenaciousConifer [TC] began pestering ghostKnight [GK] at 20:43 --
TC: Oh hey guess what.
GK: Hey,whats up?
TC: Got the SBURB disks
TC: The real ones
TC: really
GK: Nice,though I should warn you
GK: Prepare for very weird shit man...and I will try not to use that sentaence again in the near future
TC: Looks like a game to me...
TC: Not seein' it.
TC: Anyway, I'm running the server disk right now
GK: nice
TC: Perhaps you could be the client?
TC: There's uh, surprizingly few options
GK: Already doing that with Dirk,otherwise I would
GK: or am i....blah computer terms are not my forte
GK: After this is over...I'm goin back to books....
TC: Uugh
TC: Are you controlling or being ocntrolled?
GK: controlling
TC: and nobody's controlling you?
TC: Or, the environment, rather?
GK: nope
TC: Excellent!
TC: You're in need of a server player, then!
GK: would seem so...if I'm getting you...I need to get a book on conputer terms....
TC: Books, books, books.
TC: There are other forms of info, y'know.
GK: I read books...its my thing
TC: Fair enough.
TC: Anywho, I'm gonna connect with ya
GK: Ok
GK: Yes control my environment...and do be craeful
TC: Done and possibly done
TC: LEt's see what this can do!
-- tenaciousConifer [TC] ceased pestering ghostKnight [GK] at 20:52 --

>: See what this can do.
Oh, you will. Just as soon as this LOADS. Lousy no good COMPUTER. Can't even load right.


Invested all my Souls into Res
Jun 7, 2011
>Chas: OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSHHH! Your GEORGEMICHEALSPRITE begins to glow brighter and brighter, until CLIMATIC FLASH OF LIGHT! Standing before you, in all his glory stands (er, floats) GRANDPASPRITE.

GRANDPASPRITE turns to you.

-- grandpaSprite [GS] began pestering snickeringSurrogate [SS] at 21:49 --
GS: Hello there youngster!
SS: holy shit that worked.
GS: Can I intrest you in some Grist today?
SS: you can sell that? oh, man, grandpa, your skills transcend realities!
GS: No, not really.
SS: oh.
SS: well, you had me going there!
GS: I just like trying to sell stuff!
SS: haha, so do i!
SS: and dad did too.
GS: Sorry kiddo, you're grandpas pretty awesome, but I can't make something from nothing.
SS: but i'm not sure what happened to him.
GS: Oh, don't worry, I'm sure he'll turn up just fine.
SS: really?
GS: My son wasn't a man to die easily!
SS: wow, that makes this all seem a lot less heavy.
GS: Now, I'm sure you must have a lot of questions.
SS: yes, quite a few.
GS: Well, I'm here to answer them for you. Ask away!
SS: uh, well...
SS: what the hell is going on?
SS: where am i, to start?
GS: Chas, you've just entered the Medium.
SS: i've heard that before somewhere.
GS: It is a place between dimensions, a realm created by Sburb just for you.
SS: i think the troll lady mentioned it.
GS: Troll lady?
GS: I don't know anything about her...
SS: yeah, i didn't think she was made by the game.
GS: Anyway, it's here where you and your friends will have all kinds of adventures!
SS: i...see.
GS: You'll vanquish enimies, solve puzzles, and become heroes!
SS: that sounds really cool, except texas blew up!
GS: Yes, that did happen.
SS: :(
GS: If it makes you feel any better, it's not exactly your fault.
SS: i guess that is some comfort.
GS: If you hadn't played Sburb, then someone else would've.
GS: No matter what happens today, the Earth will be destroyed.
GS: Regardless of what you did.
SS: i guess i kind of saw that coming, but wanted to deny it.
GS: I know, I know.
SS: i kind of took the rage out on one of my friends, but he's good at empathy so it's okay.
GS: So I saw.
SS: so all of my friends are working their way into the medium as well?
GS: Now come on, that can't be the only thing you're worried about.
GS: Oh, yes, yes they are!
GS: And it's your duty to help make sure they get here!
SS: i guess i am pretty good at leadership!
GS: That's a skill every good salesman needs, yes.
GS: And you've got enough of it to spare!
SS: i guess that with all the destruction and stuff behind us, there's nowhere to go but up.
SS: which reminds me.
SS: where do i go now?
GS: Up.
SS: yeah, that's really inspirational.
SS: i mean literally.
GS: Here, follow me outside.
SS: okay.
GS: Look up.
GS: Do you see that little green light up there?
SS: yes.
SS: it looks kind of like the loading screen.
GS: That is your first gate. It's where you need to go.
GS: Once you reach it, you'll be able to reach the rest of your Land!
SS: i get a land?
GS: Yes! You all do.
SS: cool!
SS: so, i guess dirk is supposed to help me get up there.
GS: Exactly.
SS: since i don't think i have any superpowers.
SS: but my grist cache is pretty low!
SS: it'll take forever to get up there in chunks.
GS: Yes it is. But, there's a way to fix that.
GS: I saw you defeat that imp.
SS: i was pretty angry, which kind of masked the pure unadulterated fear.
GS: First, very nice fork skills! I see my son taught you well.
SS: yeah, i always preferred the fork.
GS: Did you pick up the Grist it dropped?
GS: It probably wasn't very much.
SS: it was white, though.
SS: there was some on the floor when i got there, too.
GS: Didn't you also get the blue one? The one that was also dropped?
SS: yes, that one too, but i think i've seen those before.
GS: The blue Grist gems give you build grist.
GS: You can use that to build your house up to the first gate!
SS: so basically i just have to murder a bunch of imps?
GS: Imps, and other enemies yes.
GS: And don't worry, they'll be a lot of those running around!
SS: i guess it'll be good practice.
SS: i wish i had some sweet heroic duds and a laser fork or something, though.
GS: Oh, but you can!
SS: everything's coming up for me!
GS: I take it you remember making the cruxtrite pumpkin?
SS: yes, i felt kind of dumb and i'm pretty sure i can feel it in my stomach.
SS: but then i carved a face in it, and it took me here.
GS: Oh, don't worry, it's probably not poisionius.
SS: that is a small relief!
GS: Now, do you remember using the machines your friend deployed to make it?
SS: yes, i remember how that worked.
SS: you put a card in the thing, then you put the other thing in the thing, and then it makes a thing.
GS: Exactly!
SS: but how will i get more punched cards
SS: ?
GS: If you have your friend check his controls, he'll see a few new machines.
GS: These machines will allow you to turn your items into punched cards.
GS: You can combined these to create new, more powerful items!
SS: ooh.
GS: It's a very fun process.
SS: oh, man, all these ideas are flowing in right now.
GS: I should hope so.
GS: You're my grandson, you have limitless potential!
SS: alders forever!
GS: Exactly!
GS: Now, why don't you go talk to your friend about what I told you.
SS: okay, grandpa!
GS: I'll be around if you have any more questions.
SS: and then i'll unleash my mad fork skills on all these imps.
GS: Good luck Chas! I believe in you!
SS: thanks!
-- grandpaSprite [GS] ceased pestering snickeringSurrogate [SS] at 22:10 --


>Dirk: Once Gristtorrent is installed, you open it to discover a pretty simple interface.

It lists seven accounts, only three of which are currently active. You can see your account, Chas', and Xavier's.

For each of the accounts, the types and amounts of Grist they've collected are listed. Noticing that Xavier has more than enough Build Grit, you start to torrent some of it to your account.

Suddenly, another account activates. Looks like Greg finally joined.



>Rich?Dave?Huh?: You successfully manage to connect to Greg's client disc!


Elite Member
Jan 6, 2009
>Dirk: Take the spotlight.

You feel as if you are INTERRUPTING SOME GRAND REVEAL as you step away from the COMPUTER. The GRIST TORRENT is working but will take some time, all you can do now is go back and check on GUNDAMSPRITE. Just as you expect the flighty bastard is still working on that CUBE. You ask it if it remembers what you said. You then realize how stupid that was.

A BEAD OF SWEAT rolls down your forehead. Is it getting hotter? Or maybe you're just terrified of the METEOR coming to crush your HOUSE. Even worse is the feeling in your gut as you begin to fear actually having to do the dreaded thing you warned GUNDAMSPRITE of. It wouldn't be so cruel as to make you do that, right? It's made from BURNING GUNDAM, machine of the KING OF HEARTS. HEARTS, damn it! It should be sympathetic to your plight. But who knows what it's thinking. All you can do is hope something amazing happens.


Elite Member
Jan 6, 2009
Huh. Avo, that may not have been what "get out of there" meant. XD

What happens when a game starts outside of a home? This is unprecedented.


Invested all my Souls into Res
Jun 7, 2011
>Dirk: As the CRUXTURDER TIMER nears 5:00, SOMETHING AMAZING HAPPENS. Or, at least begins to happen. The CRUXTITE RUBIKS CUBE begins to glow, and shake rapidly in GUNDAMSPRITE'S... hands? Telekinesis? Eh.

It looks like it's about to be solved.

Sorry, should have specified this earlier. I'm actually making the Punch Designix cost chalk instead of shale to deploy, since chalk is the first Grist type Chas comes across. So you can go ahead and set that up. I'll fix that in my earlier posts.


>Beth: As your home grows further and further away, Winston suddenly begins to glow green. One CLIMATIC FLASH OF LIGHT later, you're suddenly back home, in the middle of your room. Your computer and WHATEVER-IT-IS are back in their original places too.

Looks like Winston doesn't want to leave. Well crap.

Your copy of SBURB is still looking for someone to connect with.


>Chas: After your conversation with GRANDPASPRITE, you nervously approach your FATHER'S room. Nervously, you place your hand on the doorknob. As you turn your hand, you find...

That the door is locked. Well, that's rather anti-climatic.


Invested all my Souls into Res
Jun 7, 2011
>Beth: Winston says that you should talk to a friend who hasn't set up their server disc yet.

Connor Lonske

New member
Sep 30, 2008

>Connor: Respond to your dad.

You tell YOUR DAD if the flying rocks he saw were close and if now is the best time for FATHER-SON INTERACTION.


Inspired by Nonsense
Aug 25, 2009
> Xavier: Make a spaceship
You attempt to make so.

> ==>
The legos collapse.
Fuck! Who would even make this conksuck blocks anyway!? Immigrants!?
You attempt to make it again.

> Xavier: Check your phone
Oh, Blondie joined your group, you should talk to her later.


Invested all my Souls into Res
Jun 7, 2011

Your DAD responds that it's always a good time for FATHER-SON INTERACTION!


>Xavier: Huh, looks like you're Beth's server player now. It'd probably be a good idea to help get her set up with Sburb.

Your CRUXTRUDER TIMER has 17:16 left on it; you should be good for a few minutes at least.

Unbeknownst to you, some of you Build Grist is being torrented by Dirk. Still, you've got a ton left; you should be fine.


>Chas: You fail to break the door. It's possible that your server player might be able to help you open it, or you could just wait until you level up some more.

Outside, defeating the IMP gives you an additional 8 Chalk Grist, but no more Build. Oh well.

Connor Lonske

New member
Sep 30, 2008
>Connor:Be direct, yet nice

You explain to your dad that their lives could be at stake and that you will spend FATHER-SON TIME with him if he agrees that he can bring his lap top and that he explains what he knows about the FLYING ROCKS.