Were you ever hit/spanked as a child?


New member
Feb 26, 2011
Got spanked when I acted REALLY bad, and I did break into a waterfall of tears when it happened, but that was more from the surprise I think. Then later I'd ignore the pain and remain furious eye contact.. Then momma got scared, and never did it again!


New member
Jul 5, 2011
I wasn't 'beat on', as you would call it. I would get smacked in the back of the head if I misbehaved. It's actually a very effective parenting technique than beating the crap out of the child. Just a bump or nudge if they were messing up.


New member
Aug 18, 2009
hit? no. spanked? yes. i learned my lesson fast.... put on several pairs of underwear when i hear the words "wait till your dad comes home"....

note to all of the 4-6 year olds on this forum. its obvious if you put a magazine in the back of your pants.


New member
Dec 1, 2010
Yes. I was raised in a family that spanked.

I forget when they stopped but my mother pretty much says we're not too old to get beat.

Being too old to get spankings, I imagine she means like slaps to the face or something or other.


Revelation 9:6
Mar 23, 2011
joshthor said:
hit? no. spanked? yes. i learned my lesson fast.... put on several pairs of underwear when i hear the words "wait till your dad comes home"....

note to all of the 4-6 year olds on this forum. its obvious if you put a magazine in the back of your pants.
You got to wear pants? Lucky. On the two occasions where I was spanked, it was done bare, with a spatula. Ouch.

Still, it learnt me good, I'll say that much


New member
Aug 16, 2008
only occasionally, i wasn't really the sort play up to warrant getting smacked but did a few times


New member
Aug 18, 2009
CM156 said:
joshthor said:
hit? no. spanked? yes. i learned my lesson fast.... put on several pairs of underwear when i hear the words "wait till your dad comes home"....

note to all of the 4-6 year olds on this forum. its obvious if you put a magazine in the back of your pants.
You got to wear pants? Lucky. On the two occasions where I was spanked, it was done bare, with a spatula. Ouch.

Still, it learnt me good, I'll say that much
if i was REALLY bad (i cant think of anything off the top of my head) then that would happen. (i think twice) but most of the time (if i hit my brother or broke something small or something) i could wear pants.

Zorg Machine

New member
Jul 28, 2008
No, because my family cared enough for me to learn how to be a proper parent.

Hitting a child is abuse. I don't care if you say "well I was hi and I sure learned my lesson" because I have met people who are severely traumatized from being hit as a child. If you say "I was hit as a child and I will hit my children to teach them what's what" I hope that you never have children because you would make a horrible parent.


New member
Oct 5, 2010
I was spanked once but I was never hit again. It was either because my dad cryed afterwards (I was his first-born and he's generally a big softie) or because I never really acted up again. I can't tell which


New member
May 23, 2010
Sounds like a lot of people here have had lovely childhoods...

No, my parents didn't/do not hit me. That kind of behaviour has long since been acknowledged as problematic in my culture.
I guess they didn't want me to think that violence was the correct way to deal with problems. And they probably didn't want me to think of my parents as people who would hurt me.

My mom did use to say that she would hit me if I tickled her though. Ticklishness (that's one of the weirdest words I've typed) seems to run in the family, seeing how I very nearly gave a female classmate a spinning closed-fist backhand to the face when she snuck up behind me and poked my sides.
Luckily, I managed to stop my hand a couple of inches away from her.
To be fair: I'd warned my classmates that I might hit by reflex if they tickle me. She was pushing her luck.

Fuck, reading this thread is disturbing.
"Hitting your kids is the only way they'll learn"
"If he hits back, he'll be getting the smackdown. That's the worst thing you could do." (I agree with "that's the worst thing you could do" bit, but not in the way the poster intended it.)
"I was hit and I turned out fine. I will hit my children to teach them right from wrong."

Wow, yeah. You're all great people.
Frankly, I'm disgusted.

Kakashi on crack

New member
Aug 5, 2009
renegade7 said:
My dad was hitting me this one time but I kicked him in the balls REALLY hard ( he threw up a little ) and I never had to deal with it again
I kicked my dad in the balls once and got thrown (yes quite litterally thrown) accross the room...

corporeal punishment. Taught me a lot of things and made me resent my father at the same time.


New member
Apr 25, 2009
I got spanked a few times, but it was rare. I think the rarity helped its effectiveness. The gaps between spanks was large enough that an impending one had the same effect as batman appearance in the hearts of criminals.


Robot in Disguise
Mar 22, 2010
A hard smack on the bottom once on twice when I was a real shit. The only time my parents can remember is once when I was 5 or 6, I was upset about something, so I punched my dad in the groin. I think I definitely deserved that.

Overall it was rare for my parents to discipline my siblings or me with physical punishment. Partly because they aren't a fan of it, and we were all fairly well behaved.


New member
Oct 26, 2008
By my parents? Nope, never. But this one guy almost killed me when I was younger, or so I was told.


New member
Feb 28, 2010
My dad spanked me once. My grandmother is old school Mexican and had a piece of a broken chair leg she called her "stick" and would spank us with that from time to time. But I didn't get spanked too much, that I recall. My mom tried hitting me a couple times as I got older, but I don't know if they were serious attempts since I warded it off so easily.

Kakashi on crack

New member
Aug 5, 2009
Aigaion said:
Never, my parents solved things the only sensible way and talked to my brother and I about it.
I'm frankly amazed that so many people have been hit.
I have always been serious in my belief that if either of my parents or a teacher ever hit me I would hit back, unless I seriously deserved it.
Beatings don't make "authority fearing, well behaved children", they make resentful, hateful people who go and take out that aggression on others.
I'm going to make a couple of assumptions here, mainly that you've never worked in Retail and that you've never met society's little bastards who make up 70% of todays kids. Frankly, if I tried to "sensibly talk" to for instance, my little sister, who wasn't spanked as a child (unlike myself) she would just start screeching and throw a fit. Like most kids would. When the kid is mature enough that grounding them will work, then I completely support it, but until then, the only way the kid will GET IT is if they're spanked.

If you tell a 4, 5 year old not to eat those purple pills, and they try to, then there's a good chance that when you talk to them about it they won't listen. Now you have to ask yourself "do I make this child have some fear towards eating those purple pills, or do I let them pay the hard way when they have to get their STOMACH PUMPED and possibly DIE because I tried to treat them as being more mature than they are."

So let me ask you, when you have to deal with one of those kids, one of society's many children who simply don't listen, how are you going to make sure that they understand? By letting them run around that store? Yelling at them? Tolerating the shit out of it while everyone around you tells you to just spank the kid?

Beatings and Spanking are not the same thing, to quote someone above me (who has also quoted you):

Tselis said:
There is a fine line between a 'beating' and a 'spanking'.

1) Spanking is the enforce disciple and change behavior, it is never used for anything else.
2) Spanking is done with your hand, not the nearest heavy object you can reach.
3) Spanking is done with a cool, level head; never when you are angry or otherwise emotionally agitated.
4) Spanking utilizes a small number of 'swats' to bare skin, transferring kinetic energy to cause a sharp stinging sensation.
5) Spanking is a legitimate form of discipline for children to small to talk too, but still in need of understanding 'The Rules'.
6) Spanking is not a legitimate form of discipline for any child old enough to employ an alternate form of discipline on.

I don't support ridiculous amounts of corporeal punishment, having been spanked (among other things) until I was 13 when my dad moved out, sometimes for ridiculous things, I can completely understand the hatred towards corporeal punishment. That being said though, there is a time and a place, and sometimes spanking the kid will get it through their head a lot easier than any other reason.

Now I'm off to rehearse my lines for the play and go to sleep... Gah this thread kept me up a half-hour later than I had planned...


New member
Sep 23, 2009
I got spanked a few times as a little kid, but only as a last resort when I was at my worst. There was also this one time as a teenager when they tried to spank me for really speaking out of turn (nobody had their emotions in order at the time), but I reached behind my back and caught their arm before impact. Other than that, I have had no other experience with corporal punishment.

However, these incidents were very few and far between. The counting system (the threat of incoming punishment), forcing me to stand in the corner, revoking various privileges, and (much more recently) threatening the withdrawal of financial support has kept me in line in most other instances.


New member
Aug 17, 2011
I can't remember how many times I was spanked by my step-father, prick that he was. Only twice did my mother ever lay a hand on me.

The first time was when I dropped all the nuts and bolts for her motorbike down a drain. They were for a 1930's BSA, so hard to find and very expensive. I was only 3 at the time but still.. She never did get them all out. Used a magnet on a string for the rest of them.
The second time was for lying. Can't remember what about, but I was 6 years old so I probably deserved it.

My mother had to adopt a different strategy for my younger siblings though. She had a wooden spoon with a :) on one side and a :mad: on the other. She would hold it sideways and slowly turn it depending on how good your apology was/the severity of the crime etc. It was hilarious to watch as my brother and sister got more and more frantic as it turned towards the :mad:. Yeah, I think my step-dad turned her into a psychopath..