What has ruined YOUR life?


New member
Sep 3, 2008
My problem is that i have very little confidence in myself. I can take insults very well as i usually just laugh them off but if someone compliments me i get all paranoid that there lying. This has stopped me from persuing a lot of things for instance, there is this girl i really like and she likes me but whenever i go clubbing and shes there, i cant gather the courage to get to know her more and afterwards i usually hate myself for not trying.

UsefulPlayer 1

New member
Feb 22, 2008
Nothing! I don't find blame anywhere in my life and its going to stay that way for nothing controls the coarse of my life but me and I will never yield that power. I understand that I will make wrong choices and choose to accept that, because that is part of life and growing. I can sit and contemplate all the choices I made in this life, but I choose to understand why I made that choice and learn from it so that I can make the better one in the future.

Ever Vigilant!

But damn, after reading some of the other posts, it really sucked for you guys. I guess I just haven't had my life ruined yet.

Tranka Verrane

New member
Jul 21, 2008
What ruined my life? Hard to know where to start.

I was born with a club foot, that, despite being fixed has permanantly affected my balance and co-ordination. Especially combined with Asthma, and Dyslexia and Dyspraxia that was undiagnosed till I was in my twenties. I was, however, quite smart, and retained information quite well. I was also an only child of a single parent, who was too busy working to have much time for me. There were things I wanted to do in school that I was prevented from doing, because they weren't academic enough for a smart kid like me, and so I was stuck doing the stuff I hated, and ended up bunking off a great deal of my last couple of years.

Consequently I grew up shy, bullied and lonely, neither good at sports nor academia as well as I should be. I was neither popular with the smart kids or the sporty ones. I retreated into a world of the imagination for the most part, and I have stayed there ever since when I can. When I was in my twenties I went to Uni, having made my own way around my academic difficulties, and met a girl I liked and later loved, and eventually married her, just before my mother and only real relation died of cancer.

Two years ago we separated, her having admitted she no longer loved me, and hadn't since before we got married, but not before we had bought an expensive house together, mostly with my mother's legacy, out near her family and at least 50 miles from my nearest friend. There is very little work around here so I am stuck doing the most menial job I have ever had in my life with no hope of advancement, as because of a constant state of depression and boredom I keep making silly mistakes. I still live in the same house with my ex, as we can't sell it due to the housing market collapse and i can't afford to move out. She can, but she won't.

I'm supposed to be at work as I write this but I've had to take a couple of days off till I can get to a doctor because I spent the whole of my last day at work stressed that I was going to either burst into tears or punch someone, and I had no idea which it would be. I feel constantly paranoid, anxious, and sick.

I am 39 years old at a total dead end with no friends, no family, no money and no hope for the future. I can't even drive, or I'd buy a car and just set off and see where I ended up.

So what ruined my life; Dyslexia, Asthma, Parental pressure, Lack of confidence... take your pick.


New member
Nov 8, 2008
Khell_Sennet said:
I was put in a hospital school (rehabilitation) for grade 6. I was always getting into fights at school, with one kid in particular. He hated me because I was younger than him, born in December I was just before the cut-off so I got into school a year early for my age, whereas he was also a December birth, but just after the cut-off. For some reason he hated me for that, me being a year younger than him and in the same grade, and he'd always shitkick me in the playground. Both of us were expelled for continually fighting, so having one's head kicked in is fighting I guess. I was transfered to a rehab school (day student only thankfully) which cut me off from all my friends and my crush I'd been in love with since forever, and being locked away drove me kinda insane. The forcing Ritalin on me didn't help much either, no I wasn't ADD, I was being bullied. How many kids are going to pay attention in class when they're expecting a curb-stomping once the bell rings for lunch?

Well after grade 6, me and my family moved to another city, so I was TOTALLY cut off from all my friends. Things weren't better for me there, first being the new kid, then being picked on again by another classmate older than me (he was flunked a year). The move to the island created health problems, I developed severe asthma and the medication they put me on for it caused me to gain weight like crazy. I went from being a skinny, energetic kid who was in Badminton, Gymnastics, Tae Kwon Do, Swimming and Skiing, to an obese teen who couldn't so much as jog without collapsing.

My parents still claim one of the reasons we moved was to give me a new start because I was always in trouble at school. They never listened to my side of things. Well I got a new start alright. And I'll never forgive them for it. When the asthma began to develop, they never believed I had a problem, they just figured I was getting lazy because I played on the computer too much. It took three years on the island before they finally took me to a doctor to test for breathing problems, and the doc nearly hit them when he found out what I'd been through. My asthma could have been prevented/controlled, my weight gain wouldn't have happened if the asthma was caught earlier, and I could still be an active and attractive person instead of a 300+ lb computer geek, all if my parents ever listened to me.

So yeah, I've had my life ruined, and a lot of people claim their parents ruin their lives, but it's rarely true. But my parents definitely played their part.
Wow man, that must have been a really crappy time for you.


Not David Bowie
Apr 3, 2008
SecretTacoNinja said:
crippling shyness and hatred of everything.
You can keep that hatred of yours but The Shyness... It has no place here. The Internet is Serious Business girl. Serious Serious Business


New member
Aug 3, 2008
Drinking. Smoking. Video gaming. Drinking.

Did I say drinking? XD

But saying that I am in the top 50 in tennis in New Zealand...




Not David Bowie
Apr 3, 2008
CrafterMan said:
Drinking. Smoking. Video gaming. Drinking.

Did I say drinking? XD

But saying that I am in the top 50 in tennis in New Zealand...


So I could go to the local club now and get all your details... Awesome. TO THE TENNIS CLUB!


Aug 3, 2008
Well, I got bullied in primary school by this one girl... She made my life hell. Then she got the rest of the school to bully me and whenever I reported it, they'd all gang up and say I started it, so I got the detention.
That made me so depressed, but because I was so young, no one would believe I was, until the day I tried to hang myself in my room, but my dad found me. I must have been about eight. The bullying continued and I attempted suicide again...

But before I started secondary school, my dad left. Of course, that was upsetting too, so I began writing stories and taking drama classes to take my mind off it. Now, I'm happy, confident and optimistic. :)
There is still the odd person who tries to drag me down, but I don't give them the time of the day.
So, bullies. I despise them.


New member
May 5, 2008
I flunked out of University my freshman year because of depression linked to things I'd rather not get into. Spent a few months working in a warehouse in Jamaica in fucking 100 degree heat, and realized I needed to get my ass back in school.

So I took myself to a therapist, dealt with my shit, and now I'm in college again, and passing all my classes. Hooray!


New member
May 1, 2008
Crap_haT said:
What's this? A wall of text. Well fuck me, I've never done that before.

I usually try to keep my personal life away from forums and the Internet in general. But hey, may as well share this one time.

Well, my upbringing wasn't the best. It all kind of started off at birth. I was an unwanted child, the condom broke and my mother refused to have an abortion (the same happened to my brother). Then for the first 6 years of my life I suffered neglect from both parents, as they were constantly arguing and shouting.

When I was 6 they divorced and I was asked which parent I wanted to live with. At the time I was shit scared of my intimidating and aggressive father who would have a go at me because I couldn't do my alphabet backwards, I was 6. So, My brother being the oldest picked my father as he thought he would get more freedom in his life, and I picked my Mother. I said I picked her because I wanted each parent to have a child and it wasn't a lie; that was what I wanted to happen. If my brother had picked my mum, I would have chosen my father. That's what I saw as fair.

The weeks were split between parents, who had by now each found new partners. So I had to continuously change between houses; and each house I lived in was a completely new life style. My Mother?s was a strict and closed environment where the outside was completely off limits. But that was because a paedophile lived just down the road. (This is understandable now, but not when I was a child). Everything had to be monitored to ensure my safety, I wasn?t allowed to do certain things, I had to spend time with the family that I hate. On the other hand my father?s was an open free environment. I was literally able to travel miles from home with friends as long as I was back by 9. Christ, I even got to watch 18 rated films. Bruce Lee films where people?s hearts were ripped from their chest. This was awesome, but still 7-year-old children shouldn?t be able to watch that. (Oh yeah, and on a side note, this is where gaming came into my life. The Sega Mega drive was only way I could get away from the reality of living at either parent?s house).

Skipping forwards a little bit, because every minor thing that made me hate life just a little bit more in that period of time is not worth mentioning. Let?s just assume that it was an all round a pretty horrific time. Eventually my mother decided to move to another city. Of course this basically ensured that I would never see any of my friends ever again. However it did tare me away from my shitty, bully infested school life and dropped me into a completely new one. Suddenly school wasn't shit anymore. It was still pretty bad, but I enjoyed going there and didn?t cling to doorframes when being pulled into the car. It took me about 2 weeks to make any friends and the friends that I did make were not the right ones. No offence to them, they were great guys. But being associated with them made the teachers suddenly assume that I was a complete dick. So, here we go again. School isn't shit because of the bullies any more; it's shit because of the teachers.

Then when I got home, I was greeted by a relationship that had grown stale between both my Mother and Step-Father. It was like my Mum had never really left my Dad. Just gone and found a lesser version of him and to this day, they ask allowed "Why did I ever see it necessary to Marry you?"

So, to quickly summarise, my primary school life (in both schools) was shit, and eventually I moved on to Secondary school. That was a dream come true. I loved it and it was always good. I wasn't bullied by either the students or the Teachers. No, I was put through emotional torture by the ones I called my friends, but after a while I left them and moved on to others who actually treated me like a person. Skipping that, this was coming close to the part where I caught Meningitis. I stayed in a hospital for 2 weeks scared that I was going to die with weeping parents all around me. On the up side, I got to watch Dragon Ball Z for hours on end each day. So that was awesome.

I was around 13 when things started to actually look a bit brighter. I had an assortment of a few close friends, who I still have to this day. School life was good. However, home life was still pretty bad. I had stressed out parents on either side of the family, which made weekends the things I dreaded the most. I was a stressed teen as well, as a result I ended up spending my nights in my room, playing the Ps1 and enjoying myself. My parents saw this enjoyment and disapproved, making me spend more time downstairs with the very reason I went upstairs. Fun fun fun.

Again, skipping a load of shit I either won?t or can?t be arsed to talk about? I am 16 at this point. I find a lump, I go to a Doctor, and he thinks its cancer. Oh wonderful. A month passes, I get a scan. Thank Christ, it?s not Cancer. 2 Weeks later I am told I have an auto immune Disorder. That basically means that my immune system had gone haywire and was trying to attack my kidneys. WHAT THE FUCK?! Fortunately, I managed to get through it, with many illnesses all the way through, because my immune system refused to fucking work.

This basically brings me up to date. There is some stuff I refuse to put in because I don?t want to share it. Some of It?s pretty sensitive. My younger year?s haven?t exactly crippled me, but it?s been a pretty shit childhood. I would like to think of it as character building, but years of my father calling me fat, and my step father calling me a messy lazy **** hasn?t really allow me to gain and self respect or confidence. Instead I just hate who I am. Although, In some ways it has made me appreciate all the good stuff that has happened. I thanks who ever the fuck made those good things happen, or else I would hav topped myself. (Jut as another side note; I no longer feel the same way I did about my dad. In fact, I really get on with my dad now, that has genuinely helped.)

And people still ask me why I am a pessimist. I just want to point at my family when that happens.

Also, I haven't proof read this, because it's not really important enough to me. So if there is something you can't read, or a fuck-off load of spelling mistakes. Sorry.
this was actually an interesting read. not so much the cascade of bad things as how you interpret some of them. i guess the bright side to this is that you retained some intelligence. chances are it'll help you out in life, going by the mantra of, "what doesn't kill you, makes you stronger".


New member
Aug 28, 2008
I'll tell you what ruined my life.. The internet, but as much as I want to hate the internet I just can't because of the fact that its the only thing that I can use to entertain myself by watching Yahtzee's videos! And Iron Ninja's comic web.

Spartan Bannana

New member
Apr 27, 2008
When my pet died last year, it fucked up my grades and did irreparable damage to my ability to feel emotions, I still feel them, just not as strongly as others.


Not David Bowie
Apr 3, 2008
EmileeElectro said:
Well, I got bullied in primary school by this one girl... She made my life hell. Then she got the rest of the school to bully me and whenever I reported it, they'd all gang up and say I started it, so I got the detention.
That made me so depressed, but because I was so young, no one would believe I was, until the day I tried to hang myself in my room, but my dad found me. I must have been about eight. The bullying continued and I attempted suicide again...

But before I started secondary school, my dad left. Of course, that was upsetting too, so I began writing stories and taking drama classes to take my mind off it. Now, I'm happy, confident and optimistic. :)
There is still the odd person who tries to drag me down, but I don't give them the time of the day.
So, bullies. I despise them.
Girls are the bitchy bullies. They take you down mentally


New member
Aug 28, 2008
Spartan Bannana said:
When my pet died last year, it fucked up my grades and did irreparable damage to my ability to feel emotions, I still feel them, just not as strongly as others.
Oh-noh! I feel sorry for you. I lost my uncle today so I know how you feel.


New member
Aug 28, 2008
smallharmlesskitten said:
EmileeElectro said:
Well, I got bullied in primary school by this one girl... She made my life hell. Then she got the rest of the school to bully me and whenever I reported it, they'd all gang up and say I started it, so I got the detention.
That made me so depressed, but because I was so young, no one would believe I was, until the day I tried to hang myself in my room, but my dad found me. I must have been about eight. The bullying continued and I attempted suicide again...

But before I started secondary school, my dad left. Of course, that was upsetting too, so I began writing stories and taking drama classes to take my mind off it. Now, I'm happy, confident and optimistic. :)
There is still the odd person who tries to drag me down, but I don't give them the time of the day.
So, bullies. I despise them.
Girls are the bitchy bullies. They take you down mentally
Excuse me... Not all girls are bullies, but most of them are. I'm a girl and I got bullied by most guys in school... when I was still in school! So don't comment girls like that.