What has ruined YOUR life?


New member
Jul 26, 2008
I really dont have much to say compariiivly as it would probably make a mockery of the seriousness this thread has shown so far.

All I want to say is that I am so sorry to all of you about eveything. The things you guys have gone through have been terrible and I truly feel for you, I am realy sorry.

I dont know why I posted this apology, I think you guys just needed to hear it.

Stay strong, you guys are amazing.


New member
Jul 29, 2008
Im A Cuttlefish said:
(Note: I have not given up on my dream, I believe it is achiveable, and I still have time, I have years, but when I look forward and think of what i'll be, I don't see myself being in a band, I see myself taking drugs and throwing my life away).
Do you know what a self-fulfilling prophecy is?

It's when you say this is how it's going to be, and then it is, but not because of destiny or anything it's simply because you've made it that way by saying and believing that that's the way it's going to be; and it's what you're doing

If you envision yourself in the stardom life and take all the positive steps towards it then you'll get there. Don't become one of the thousands of fuck-tard druggies who're wastes, go out and fucking do something with what you've got
You've literally got everything to lose and everything to gain

There are a million and one ways you can get help, best of all: walk in to your local doc's and say "i have a drug problem, i'd like to get some help please" and you'll get your help and i'll look forward to buying your album :)

P.S. if you wanna form a band and can travel to Mumby in Lincolnshire, U.K. i can hold a beat wit der drumming fings (Y)


Pandah Extremist
Jul 20, 2008
Man, some of you guys have been through some really rough times. I know the last thing you'd want is someone to take pity on you. I salute you on making it through all of your hardships. It makes me reflect on what has happened in my life and all the stuff I take for granted. I am lucky, since I have no story that can amount to anything next to half of your stories on here. So in response to the question at hand, no, I have nothing that has ruined my life...yet! =X


New member
Jul 29, 2008
Up till i was 16 i felt like an outcast (then again, who didn't, even the really popular people feel left out sometimes) and in those years some stuff happened with parents and family and abuse and i've always just locked those things away in their place which i think is what made me Believe i was an outcast but in my upper-school days i cut my hair, worked out a bit and became a lot more rounded as a person, fitting in did wonders for my self-esteem, and am now very cheery
The only tragedy to befall me that really fucked me up for a while was losing my best friend to lung cancer, it was a lot on himself, he smoked himself to death but that doesn't at all make it easier, in fact you feel guilty for being mad at them for leaving you and it all gets a bit crazy (as i am completely sure more than some of you know)

EDIT: Mr.Pandah i join your salute of anyone with hardship who makes it through, i feel it was a very noble gesture of you to volunter such a motion


New member
Nov 6, 2008
Up to now I've been fortunate in being able to see the signs indicating my downward spiral and set the course straight in time.

Atvomat_Nikonov said:
When I think about something too much, I will be very hesitant to do whatever I was thinking of. For example(and I have just used this example in another thread), talking to that hot girl in science class. I will think of all the different things I could start a conversation about, all the ways I could succeed and all the ways I could fail and I end up not doing it. It annoys me to no end, as I've missed out on quite a bit because of it.
Don't think too much and just do it. If you can't approach her for fear of rejection, say it with flowers. I fancied this girl in high school once, and couldn't bring myself to talk to her - we had no friends in common and shared no classes. So, roses. I bought a very nice rose with a card and had it sent to her. The card just said, "Just wanted you to know I think you are beautiful." She started to ask around to find out who sent her that rose, and she eventually found out. She approached me one day to thank me for the rose, which was a great ice breaker. A few minutes later, we agreed to a date.


New member
Aug 25, 2008
Im A Cuttlefish said:
Drugs and Alcohol.

I am faced with the choice of trying to get myself out of a mess, attempting to better myself and eventually make something, I could become what my heroes are, I could reject how most of society works and not take the normal option, I could be in a band and live a life of excitment of adventure.


(Note: I have not given up on my dream, I believe it is achiveable, and I still have time, I have years, but when I look forward and think of what i'll be, I don't see myself being in a band, I see myself taking drugs and throwing my life away).
Convincing yourself you still have time and that you have the potential and then never doing anything about it is almost worse than just giving it up entirely. You're basically running away from having to prove yourself and to anyone that matters.

Obviously YOU DON'T WANT IT BAD ENOUGH. Keep running like a coward and keep telling yourself that you could do it but its not worth it, it doesn't matter, or you still have time
that stupid mantra is a fucking security blanket and sucking your damn thumb.

keep it real. have enough self-respect to not lie to yourself.

I know I can change it, but really, why? What's so special about life? It's a meaningless existence where all we do is work and follow the conventions of society until we retire, at which point we live out our last days totally unhappy and left alone by the family we created because they are young and trying to be different to their parents, when they will turn out exactly like us.
Life's about as meaningful as you make it... ...which is probably why you find it so meaningless.

Seriously, even if you're right, at the end of the day it comes down to self-respect: will you have it? will you have lived a worthy life in your own eyes? What's the point of an existential crisis if you can't even please yourself?

Even though I'm being tad judgmental here, your little existential crisis is a fucking security blanket to keep you safe from viewing yourself as a failure because your little procrastination nonsense is less painful for you to deal with than seeing yourself as a loser and working your way out.

Stop being so emo and stop lying to yourself


New member
Oct 18, 2008
avykins said:
Women. Women have ruined my life. However thats kind of a given... kinda like saying that death ruins your life.

So to expand on that its more my need for vengence that ruins my life. If someone hurts me I get even no matter how many years it takes.
After like 5 years I got back at one girl by using a old key to go into her place and left a few "personal effects" around. Her fiance came home and well... theyre no longer together. XD
The point is I cannot let shit like that go and cant just walk away without payback.
That is cold! Are you actually proud of that?

Edit: Fixed broken quote


New member
May 19, 2008
Many things and people have made valiant attempts, but being a devout atheist, I always pull through when I realize that at least I'm still alive...

The top three is my lack of ambition, drugs and dead-end jobs.


New member
Jun 27, 2008
I wasn't really 'popular' in Elementary school until grade 7, and then I moved. In grade 8, one dick just kept pestering me, and eventually he jumped me on my way walking home. He beat the shit out of me, I couldn't even do anything. I had to go to a counselor every day for a year, and it really screwed me up. I never really did make any friends at that school, but thankfully, I go to a different High School than everyone there now.


New member
Sep 15, 2008
I just wanted to let everyone know I got off work this morning and read all of the posts. Didn't want you guys to think I just started a thread to be some kind of forum attention-getter. Best wishes to everyone out there, you guys are great.

Since everyone has been pretty blunt and honest; I'll be the same. At 12, I had seriously considered killing myself. My father, favorite uncle and grandfather all died within a year and a half of each other. To this day, I can't really talk about it without getting choked up. It wasn't as if that wasn't tramatic enough, but when I tried to cry or express how I felt, I was told to stop it or not to dwell on it. Having no one to talk to or even care what I was going through was nearly unbearable. The only thing that stopped me from killing myself was that I just didn't know how to go about it effectively. Overall, looking back, its probably because of being treated like that that I'm pretty emotionally removed from most people. Anyone who doesn't know me well mistakes that I'm pissed off, when in reality, I'm just a very serious person around people I don't know very well.

On a lighter note, one co-worker at a previous job had thought I was ignoring her every time she said 'hello' to me. I hadn't realized she had been talking to me at all because her voice was so gentle you had to be paying attention to hear her. One of my friends pulled me aside one day and I thought she was going to slap me; 'She's been trying to get you to talk to her for about three weeks now, the least you can do is say hello back!' I was floored, I hadn't realized how unobservant I had been. That woman is now my wife, and we just celebrated our 8th year together last October.


New member
Jul 8, 2008
smallharmlesskitten said:
SecretTacoNinja said:
crippling shyness and hatred of everything.
You can keep that hatred of yours but The Shyness... It has no place here. The Internet is Serious Business girl. Serious Serious Business
I'm far from shy on 'teh internets' but if you met me in real life I would probably be like this:



New member
Sep 22, 2008
Probably other people. They seem to exist pretty much to cause me pain, sorrow and frustration, yet unfortunately I rely upon them for many things, being a fundamentally social creature and all that. If anyone wants to be friends with me, they're going to have to put a shitload of effort into it and be willing to take my frequent (though feigned) insults.

Reaperman Wompa

New member
Aug 6, 2008
avykins said:
Dude. If I had a photo of her tear streaked face after her fiance left her I would freaking frame it and hang it above my bed.
Hell I would get it blown up to full poster size and plaster it all over town. ^_______^
That's really harsh, admittedly that's one of the coolest things I've heard of it is still a bit over the top, you kinda ruined two people's lives, one of which (I am assuming) never did anything to you.

So Internet cookie and a slap to the face to you.


High Priest of Haruhi
Aug 22, 2008
Reaperman Wompa said:
avykins said:
Dude. If I had a photo of her tear streaked face after her fiance left her I would freaking frame it and hang it above my bed.
Hell I would get it blown up to full poster size and plaster it all over town. ^_______^
That's really harsh, admittedly that's one of the coolest things I've heard of it is still a bit over the top, you kinda ruined two people's lives, one of which (I am assuming) never did anything to you.

So Internet cookie and a slap to the face to you.
I'm with Reaper here. That's a little harsh and a little cool at the same time.

SecretTacoNinja said:
smallharmlesskitten said:
SecretTacoNinja said:
crippling shyness and hatred of everything.
You can keep that hatred of yours but The Shyness... It has no place here. The Internet is Serious Business girl. Serious Serious Business
I'm far from shy on 'teh internets' but if you met me in real life I would probably be this:
After knocking around /b/ for a while, not much could give me that expression anymore.

Reaperman Wompa

New member
Aug 6, 2008
avykins said:
Reaperman Wompa said:
That's really harsh, admittedly that's one of the coolest things I've heard of it is still a bit over the top, you kinda ruined two people's lives, one of which (I am assuming) never did anything to you.

So Internet cookie and a slap to the face to you.
Actually I ruined her life but she did bring it upon herself. The guy I actually did a favour. I could go into details some of the shitty things she did not only to me but to others but well this aint really the right place for it. So will sum it up with possibly the worst of her sins.
She claims her step father abused her. Yet she abandoned her little sister and brother in the house with this guy (I understand she had to get out but leaving family in that enviroment is unforgivable) then when, unsurprisingly, they too get raped she tries to shift responsibility by saying "I thought they would be safe" making her either the stupidest wench alive or a lying hypocrite. Even now after the authourities found out and arrested the guy, the govt were basically asking if the mother knew any of this, basically is she a decent mother. The mother did know all along but did nothing but this girl told them she didn't and was a good mother so once again left these poor kids with a unsuitable parent who brings in drunk guys and lets them abuse her kids.
Shoot the *****. (In the leg, to avoid probation for violence mongering)