What has ruined YOUR life?


Not David Bowie
Apr 3, 2008
Murrah said:
Excuse me... Not all girls are bullies, but most of them are. I'm a girl and I got bullied by most guys in school... when I was still in school! So don't comment girls like that.
Take it personally then...

I meant the girls that are Bullies.... The Girl Bullies. They Exist. Girls are not perfect.

It was kind of implied that the Girls who do the bullying are the snidey bitchy ones.


New member
May 1, 2008
Crap_haT said:
theklng said:
this was actually an interesting read. not so much the cascade of bad things as how you interpret some of them. i guess the bright side to this is that you retained some intelligence. chances are it'll help you out in life, going by the mantra of, "what doesn't kill you, makes you stronger".
Thanks. Hopefully I'll get somewhere. But my doubts out weigh my optimism.
you'll go a long way if you learn to control your fears and doubts. the process of eliminating them, however, is not easy. i speak from experience. you're off to a good start with everything you've experienced. in your place, i would go all the way and become, ah, i can't really say here. suffice to say that i think of the elimination of fears as important... as much as you can take my word for it.


Not David Bowie
Apr 3, 2008
Khell_Sennet said:
Hunde Des Krieg said:
Damn, if this was a competition you'd win, I thought my life was shit, but damn, you sure help me put it in perspective. I totally feel for you dude. Hope you can still turn it around.
Oh I got on fine. I carry some resentment towards my parents but I still love them, they're still part of my life. I battle my obesity to this day, I still suffer from chronic asthma which prevents me from exercising as much as I should, and I just can't give up my bad eating habits. But I have my own home, my own vehicle, a decent (if tedious) job. And I have very few regrets over my life, which some people can't claim as they drown themselves in regret, self-doubt and recrimination. But I do still wonder if I'd have gotten anywhere with my old crush, and I wonder what I would look like today if I hadn't gone from 102lbs to 310lbs over four years.
The Male version of Jessica Alba?


New member
Aug 28, 2008
smallharmlesskitten said:
Murrah said:
Excuse me... Not all girls are bullies, but most of them are. I'm a girl and I got bullied by most guys in school... when I was still in school! So don't comment girls like that.
Take it personally then...

I meant the girls that are Bullies.... The Girl Bullies. They Exist. Girls are not perfect.

It was kind of implied that the Girls who do the bullying are the snidey bitchy ones.
My apologies. I do agree with you about Girls aren't perfect which what I keep on telling Bob. Anyway, yes most girls are quite bitchy and the results... low self-esteem/confidence. So yeah, I know this things because... i'm Jesus.


Not David Bowie
Apr 3, 2008
Murrah said:
smallharmlesskitten said:
Murrah said:
Excuse me... Not all girls are bullies, but most of them are. I'm a girl and I got bullied by most guys in school... when I was still in school! So don't comment girls like that.
Take it personally then...

I meant the girls that are Bullies.... The Girl Bullies. They Exist. Girls are not perfect.

It was kind of implied that the Girls who do the bullying are the snidey bitchy ones.
My apologies. I do agree with you about Girls aren't perfect which what I keep on telling Bob. Anyway, yes most girls are quite bitchy and the results... low self-esteem/confidence. So yeah, I know this things because... i'm Jesus.
Pfft... I'm Zombie Ninja Cyborg Jesus....I also took some levels in Viking, Ghost, Knight, Rogue and Hill Billy


New member
Aug 28, 2008
smallharmlesskitten said:
Murrah said:
smallharmlesskitten said:
Murrah said:
Excuse me... Not all girls are bullies, but most of them are. I'm a girl and I got bullied by most guys in school... when I was still in school! So don't comment girls like that.
Take it personally then...

I meant the girls that are Bullies.... The Girl Bullies. They Exist. Girls are not perfect.

It was kind of implied that the Girls who do the bullying are the snidey bitchy ones.
My apologies. I do agree with you about Girls aren't perfect which what I keep on telling Bob. Anyway, yes most girls are quite bitchy and the results... low self-esteem/confidence. So yeah, I know this things because... i'm Jesus.
Pfft... I'm Zombie Ninja Cyborg Jesus....I also took some levels in Viking, Ghost, Knight, Rogue and Hill Billy
Dont make me steal your skills.
I'm warning you!


New member
Jul 3, 2008
Haha well I were bullied from 1st to 9th grade, Now thats a life ruiner there. I never attempted suicide but if I add up the total time I've spent thinking/considered it it adds up to several weeks. BUT! I found the ultimate bullycure, Get rid of all excess emotions and harden yourself. It worked for me.

WARNING: This course of action should only be taken in the most dire situations, Side effects might include the following.
A loss of compassion, A loss of human value, A loss of emotionality and in some situations, Extreme self hatred.
Another thing to note is that you will probably lose some social skills and find yourself more drawn to computers/forums instead of humans.

I suffer from all above side effects but you might not! Sign up today for a free advice on "How to become a cold-hearted bastard".


New member
Jul 29, 2008
EmileeElectro said:
Well, I got bullied in primary school by this one girl... She made my life hell. Then she got the rest of the school to bully me and whenever I reported it, they'd all gang up and say I started it, so I got the detention.
That made me so depressed, but because I was so young, no one would believe I was, until the day I tried to hang myself in my room, but my dad found me. I must have been about eight. The bullying continued and I attempted suicide again...

But before I started secondary school, my dad left. Of course, that was upsetting too, so I began writing stories and taking drama classes to take my mind off it. Now, I'm happy, confident and optimistic. :)
There is still the odd person who tries to drag me down, but I don't give them the time of the day.
So, bullies. I despise them.
You go girl! lol

EDIT: In getting over it i mean


New member
Oct 3, 2007
Got a dead father and a little brother who watched him go, and even a mom who drink like a fish. But, I don't let that depress me, because thats probably what he wouldn't want to happen. Instead I party it up, and ace my tests.


New member
Nov 24, 2008
Without going into too much detail, 2 years at CBC (Some highschool) made me paranoid of what people really thought of me because I was always being bullied for what seemed to be no reason. Sometimes people would pretend to be kind, other times they'd put me through hell. Because of that, I can't really completely trust anybody or what anybody says, and I'm usually instantly suspicious of anyone who seems to care about me (Which cost me a place in another highschool, something I deeply regret).

There was a girl I had a crush on in primary school, I only knew her for about a year before she went to highschool (She was a year older then me) and after that I never saw her again. Recently (Over a year ago, actually) I met a girl at my workplace. Initially I didn't care too much for her, like everyone else I met, but eventually I started to find myself growing fond of her. Eventually I told her that I loved her, and she responded pretty well. We continued along being friends until near the end of February this year when she asked me if I wanted to be her boyfriend. I was more then happy to agree, and we've been going out since then... But there's a problem. It's been 2 months since I've seen her (Largely due to school, work and family) and she's currently in Germany for 3 months. I'm starting to wonder if she still loves me, but I'm too afraid to ask because there's the possibility she might think of me as insenitive and immediately break up. I want to ask her in person, but that doesn't seem very likely to happen at the moment.

And of course, video games have always played their part. I kind of grew up on them, mainly Nintendo stuff. For a few months in grade 7 I was addicted to an MMO called Tibia (I started playing because some of my friends recommended it, and I eventually got into it), but I stopped playing when I realised it was starting to ruin my grades. Since then I haven't gotten into any other MMO for fear of the same thing happening, but currently I'm addicted to Team Fortress 2.


New member
Feb 7, 2008
Wow, reading this thread makes me feel lucky for all of the support and care I've received. I already talked about one of the things that has "ruined" my life (and I'm actually taking a break from last minute editing), so let me talk to you about the thing I fear might ruin my life in the future (or two things rather).

My paranoid desire to hide things and my semi-eidetic/photographic memory.

My parents, as I was growing up, didn't like me playing video games/using the computer/internet/etc. too much. They always took me out to play sports, martial arts, etc. instead, and the many times I impeded on their rules, I'd always get punished. As a result, I came to equate getting caught with punishment, and started to hide things away with unusual vigor.

I'm not sure when I discovered I had a semi-eidetic memory, but it's always been a strange thing. I can remember that when I was in fifth grade, my sister in eighth, going to a Baskin-Robbins across from a Cici's pizza and a Sears, my mom parking in the third spot from the corner, and my sister ordering a small mint chocolate-chip cup while I got a raspberry and orange sorbet mix in a cone. Even so, I'm horrible with numbers: I can't remember what the year or day was, only that it was in April.

Why would these two lead to my ruin? Well, my semi-eidetic memory can re-create faces, images and events perfectly, but it doesn't just happen on command. Sometimes I'll be showering/doing work/etc. and it'll just hit me, so vivid that I can almost taste it, and sometimes it hurts. Whether unconsciously or on command, most of these times are accompanied by a scream, though I usually stifle it with a hand or by closing my mouth.

I'm worried that one day, I'll be giving a presentation/saying marriage vows/doing something important and public, and a memory of seventh grade will pop up, the time when I was in English class and I accidentally spilled a box of Nerds over a tile floor, causing my female blond teacher with a leather-ish face and green eyes to sigh and force the entire class to pick them up by hand. I'll scream reflexively, perhaps even rant and rave in pain, and by the time I recover, I'll be institutionalized, or else my reputation and sanity forever in doubt. It's bad knowing that your past is a bit messed up, but it's even worse to know that you might/will screw up in the future, causing irreparable damage to your life.

Sorry for the run-on sentences, and I'm not psychotic, I swear! :p


New member
Dec 4, 2007
well, i feel I should add my peace to this story.

im 15 right now but before this my life has been a mess.

it started when my parents got divorced when I was 4 and i frequently saw them fight... alot. although it no longer exists i had a huge tempertantrum when I was little and id get mad very easy. I was constantly picked on all the time and all the kids in elementary school disliked me for the most part. I almost commited suicide 3 times and I had no friends. I got suspended 2 times for fighting and threatening another kid the second. I grew out of this stage and became a caring person... until i seemed to become the middle man in many peoples break-ups due to me being a sensative person who always trys to help out others no matter what. I became very depressed and found myself crying alot.

it got worse when, 3 years ago 2 of my cousins died in Iraq. Now, they werent soliders, My family is 50% iraqi and the rest being mixed into Irish,English,Welsh, And scottish. they were killed when they were walking home from school and a parked Bradley i guess saw some insurgents with RPG's and opened up... well my cousins were right by a school bus when it happened and a shell caught the fuel tank of the bus. shrapene hit both of them and they died... there families didnt even realize until 8 hours later.

Iv constantly been depressed due to people who take me down (mentally) and youd think thatd be wierd for a 6'3 220 pound guy...

Im a very shy kid now and i dont open up to new people easy, tho once i know them its like a switch that flips on ahah.

I feel fine now and I feel that i left all the bad behind and im opening up to a new life and friends.

whew feels good to get all that off my chest.

EDIT: i almost forgot to add the BIG thing.

when my dad left me he turned gay and now he cares more about his partner than he does about his own kids...


New member
Aug 14, 2008
Middle school crush and laziness. Recovering from that I let my metalhead hair grow for a few years and in a conservative school you take shit from everybody. I was seriously pissed off most of the year. But by 8th grade most of the irritating teachers had either retired or died so I got to live a bit more. Now in sophomore year I'm more accepted for my passive anarchy.

dalek sec

Leader of the Cult of Skaro
Jul 20, 2008
Self loathing, depression, having Asperger's for most of my life without being tested till near the end of high school, resentment at my parents cause all those years they thought I was just being a smartass when I was having trouble.


New member
May 20, 2008
During the 3 years of middle school I was branded as the 'psycho' or 'most likely to go postal'
because I didn't talk or participate in much of anything in school, just sat in the back of the class and read books. This caused most kids to avoid me like the plague or try there hardest to make my life hell, it pissed them off that I never reacted but 3 got expelled because they tried to fight me and i didn't react. This was a low point in my life because I literally had NO FRIENDS (the maturity of the student body appalled me) and no motivation to do anything school related so I was grounded most of middle school. When I graduated and moved to high school everything got better because i met all the other rejects from middle school and my life turned around, but those 3 years were the worst in memory.

Mean Mother Rucker

New member
Oct 27, 2008
I was actually suffering from depression, no real reason that I could think of once I got down to it, but I felt depressed all the way through 8th grade. In the middle of 8th grade, I had a knife on top of my common carotid artery when I thought of all the bull crap that I told myself, like how I was useless, of how no-one cared or understood, all that emo bull that you hear all the the time, of everyone that I would both piss off and get depressed, and they might actually go through with what I didn't that day. So I called it off, sat down, listened to some Sublime and Afroman, and just mellowed out. But, it was mighty close there.