Which video game franchise do you think has the least pleasant fanbase?


New member
Mar 26, 2008
Sonic the Hedgehog.
Show them any bad Sonic game that Sonic Team has made, something that Nintendo would never make for obvious reasons, and they'll defend it like it's something Jesus touched. Logic doesn't matter to them, common sense is nonsense, basic game design concepts go out the window. It's Sonic the Hedgehog, so whatever is wrong is forgivable and they don't have to think anymore.


New member
Jun 22, 2008
Everyone is saying CoD but I've found Battlefield is much worse (cod isn't great). Also whatever franchise has people saying FPS are full of screaming 12 year old kids, or that Skyrim is the second coming.


New member
Mar 7, 2011
Speaking as a Sonic fan, Sonic fans. But not for the reason @rabidkanid stated. That's called a "fanboy", dude. Not exclusive to the franchise, surprisingly enough.

No, the reason the Sonic fanbase blows is because since the franchise is constantly changing, the fandom has been split between the classics, the dreamcast and the Sonic X era, so they are literally impossible to entirely please. "I don't want to play as Sonic's stupid friends/Why do we JUST play as sonic?" "I hate Jason Griffith/why did they fire Jason Griffith?" "The storylines are conviluted and too serious/The storylines are too goofy and not serious enough." "Sonic isn't fast enough/Sonic is too fast." "GREEN EYES, DEAR GOD!!!"

As well, the fanbase has the biggest pair of nostalgia goggles I have ever seen, and that's saying something given that gamers as a whole (of my generation, anyway) absolutely hate change.


New member
Sep 25, 2011
Counter-Strike always sucked whenever I tried to play it. I had played a few times on a friends computer but once ended up playing when he wasn't there, it had been a while and I had to ask "Which one is the buy button?" Granted that does point me out as a noob, but no one answered the question, 3 people said "kick him", 2 people on the other team apologized for my team having a crappy player. I've played enough shooters before and did know the map we were playing on, plus had played CS enough times before to know the general flow and what-not of the game. But saying that immediately put me on the crap list.

Only other one that comes to mind is Call of Duty or Battlefield, but I regularly mute everyone when the game loads on both games so don't really hear the hate going on, not that always muting everyone is a point in their favor. Generally, I only notice them when there are the threads about how one of them sucks, I don't really see why it matters though. Can't we have 2 modern realistic-ish shooters at the same time? I mean Halo gets along a hell of a lot better than either of these 2 games, and while it's not as similar to either no one really says "CoD is better than Halo! Down with Master Chief!" or anything like that. I guess they did back when MW1 came out, but that died off pretty quickly. Can't we all just get along?


Level i Flare!
Mar 23, 2011
rabidkanid said:
Sonic the Hedgehog.
Show them any bad Sonic game that Sonic Team has made, something that Nintendo would never make for obvious reasons, and they'll defend it like it's something Jesus touched. Logic doesn't matter to them, common sense is nonsense, basic game design concepts go out the window. It's Sonic the Hedgehog, so whatever is wrong is forgivable and they don't have to think anymore.
Alternatively, every good game automatically sucks because:
-Hold X to win
-Where's Sally?
-Too many friends (even in the games where they cut back on them)
-The physics are all wrong
-It's not Adventure 3

(and my personal favourite...)

-Sonic does NOT NOT NOT NOT NOT NOT NOT NOT NOT NOT have green eyes!!!!shift+1!!


New member
Nov 16, 2011
The worst part about the Sonic fanbase is from the article I just posted... which i will quote.

" This is both sad and hilarious. Here we have people in their 20s and even 30s arguing with children about a blue hedgehog. What?s more, in a sort of sick ironic twist, the kids actually want the Sonic series to be less childish while the older fans want it to be more childish! One can?t help but wonder if the entire Sonic fandom comes from Bizzarro World. "


New member
Mar 12, 2009
CleverCover said:
mega48man said:
oh don't get me started on the vampire fans. back when the first movie came out, when i was in high school, the 2 tolken goth kids got all giddy and ran around the school putting up twilight posters everywhere....EVERYWHERE...i even overheard the popular kids talking about how the movie's not all that great.

console, microsoft, no preference, and star wars, now stfu and quit yer bitchin. these debate polls aren't that bad though. it's just a desire for an intelligent discussion between fellow escapists over an interesting subject. screaming fan girls in real life is a lot worse.

i don't mind the star wars fans and halo fans, they make pretty awesome costumes at the comic cons and other stuff cons. doctor who fans, i am one, i've got a friend who's dad built her a tardis. jimquisition fans...don't exist. however, i don't shove dr. who in peoples faces like fan boys do. actually, whenever i'm talking to anyone outside of my fandom about something i'm a fan of, i break it down into terms a baby can understand like "he's a british alien with a time traveling blue box, and a hot chick" or "you're the chosen one and you have to kill dragons".

but when fans get in your face about something like it's the best thing in the world......to find fans of other stuff, you have to look for them, suggesting you want to find them, but otakus, OOOOH, OTAKUS, they make SURE you find them, ESPECIALLY when you're not looking for them.

Suicida1 Midget

New member
Jun 11, 2011
I would say DoTA fans but seeing as how most of them went to LoL. Yeah. At least in CoD or Halo they were limited to a vocab of quickscope, noob, rage quit, umad, and ur mom.


New member
Nov 14, 2011
Halo. There could never be anything worse than Halo fans. Ugh, just getting T-bagged over and over on the kill cam while some twelve year-old yells obscenities at you... There really isn't anything that could be much worse.

What's that? They're releasing another Halo? Just...stop.


New member
Jun 1, 2011
The worst fan-base is usaully the one with the most vocal idiots in their fan-base... So I think it is probably CoD, with all those people playing and it being a mainstream game, it probably has the highest vocal idiot to non vocal, nice and well-mannered player.


New member
Jul 31, 2011
Everybody who plays first-person shooters is a screeching twelve-year-old. Popular things are terrible because they are popular.

Am I cool yet, internet?

In all seriousness, the most annoying fan base I've encountered is the fan base for that godawful 2010 adventure game, Heavy Rain. So freakin' sick of these kids. They act like Heavy Rain is some intricate masterpiece and scream the word "ignorant" over and over at anybody who points out that Heavy Rain is a pretentious puddle of fuckspittle.


New member
Nov 17, 2010
mega48man said:
CleverCover said:
mega48man said:
Okay, now I'm confused. Because it sounded like you agreed with my point, but then you backtracked. You had at the beginning about the Tolkien goth kids putting twilight posters up everywhere, but then the last bit made that seem like those goth kids were any different from otakus.

I'm not talking about you, your friends, your friends' parents, or the few people who actually have decent conversations and arguments for their preferred form of entertainment. I'm talking about the goth kid that is personified in every group. For every moderate fan of doctor who like you claim to be, you have the fan that runs around with every conversation including what they personally think is the best season ever and talk really loud about that best season ever.

It happens on the internet. That guy that steers every conversation into how Sony is B$ and Valve should be our new overlords? Or the person that for some unknown reason keeps making threads about PC vs Consoles? Or the person that constantly calls Uncharted crap just because it's on the PS3 and "why haven't you bought GOW3, you pansy? It has a gun with a chainsaw!"

That is the "otaku" that lives in every fandom. Maybe they're not as blatant for you just becasue otakus offend you on a personal level. Fine, I get it, but they're not any worse than the people that exist in every fandom.

Maybe it's just me who get the random people because I have a star trek button on my bookbag and got a guy on the train that started an argument with me over which one was better while I was trying to do my homework. Or the twilight girl that catches you in the library wondering why there are so many of the books ready to be loaned to the unsuspecting public and swoops down on you with a tirade in Jacob. Or the bastard in Best Buy that for some reason needs to demean me and my little 360 console just because I don't much like playing on a keyboard. Or the %(%^&% that nagged on my enjoyment of DA2 but couldn't comprehend why I didn't feel a burning need to erase my sins with the Witcher 2. Just from a comment about how I liked the characters from the game. I don't even know where the hell he came from.

If all you get is that otaku that walks around talking about death note, then you are a lucky man, my friend. For some reason, all of the annoyances of the internet appear in real life around me instead.

I promise to send them all to your house for a stirring conversation. Then they and your annoying otaku can give each other tips.

Hot Madness

New member
May 20, 2009
I'm going to join the chorus and say that League of Legends has the worst community I've come across.

Yeah, I've had real bad experiences playing Halo, CoD, TF2, WoW, and Starcraft; but for me it comes down to a matter of ratios.

I can play 10-12 matches of any of the above mentioned games before running into a huge asshole griefer, or rage quitter, or all around massive fuckwad.

But League of Legends? Every. Single. Game. Every game I've EVER played with strangers has has made me want to reach through my internet connection and kill someone.


New member
Dec 23, 2009
The worst one I've personally experienced is the Sonic fanbase. They're not all bad, but good god. There's complaining over trivial bullshit, and then there's complaining over trivial bullshit. On top of that, the fanbase is so divided that trying to find a friendly discussion or debate is extremely difficult. You know how Republicans and Democrats war with each other, blame the other side for all of the world's problems, and refuse to listen to what the other has to say? The Sonic fanbase is that multiplied by 100.

And while this is more of an annoyance then anything, any fanbase that has a large population of fangirls. Stop. Talking. About. Shipping. For. The. Love. Of. God.


New member
Mar 26, 2008
leet_x1337 said:
rabidkanid said:
Sonic the Hedgehog.
Show them any bad Sonic game that Sonic Team has made, something that Nintendo would never make for obvious reasons, and they'll defend it like it's something Jesus touched. Logic doesn't matter to them, common sense is nonsense, basic game design concepts go out the window. It's Sonic the Hedgehog, so whatever is wrong is forgivable and they don't have to think anymore.
Alternatively, every good game automatically sucks because:
-Hold X to win
-Where's Sally?
-Too many friends (even in the games where they cut back on them)
-The physics are all wrong
-It's not Adventure 3

(and my personal favourite...)

-Sonic does NOT NOT NOT NOT NOT NOT NOT NOT NOT NOT have green eyes!!!!shift+1!!
Physics only becomes a problem if it gets in the way of gameplay.
I don't/didn't complain about physics because they're not exactly like those in the sega genesis. I do when the physics makes playing the game an issue or unnatural or you end up fighting against the physics/game engine due to how poorly programmed the game was.

Example: Sonic Heroes in general, specifically the casino/pinball level.

Andy Shandy

Fucked if I know
Jun 7, 2010
I'm going to have to say platform fanboys (and girls). Yes, we get the point, your platform is superior to the other person's platform for a set of completely arbitrary reasons. I honestly couldn't care. I'll just go and play Halo on my Xbox, or Metal Gear Solid on my brother's PS3, or Legend Of Zelda on my other brother's Wii, or play Civilization on the PC.


New member
May 14, 2011
Halo. I find the Halo series a generic and fairly boring game with only average multiplayer. The fanbase even worsens my opinion. I could say the same about CoD, but that game actually has GOOD multiplayer, somewhat validating their opinion more. Also note how I said Game and not Series, for there is only one game CTRL+C CTRL+V'd every once in a while.

Switchblade 327

New member
Nov 25, 2011
Call of Duty, because most of the ones on consoles are too young to know to keep their goddamn mouths shut anyway.

PC FTW! Perma-ban the fuckers.