Will someone please explain why hitting a girl is bad but hitting a guy is fine?


New member
Apr 1, 2009
cheftacular said:
This whole concept strikes me as a little dumb. I got in trouble at school for smacking a girl who, might I add, is considerably larger than me (in more than one way) AFTER she hit me. I got in trouble for hitting a girl. She didn't get in trouble. I'm getting the sulphuric scent of hipocrisy here - women want to be treated equally, but now when it comes to things NOT in their favour?
Man. In more than one way? That sounds seriously ominous.

But! OP-wise, well. It's been said before and I'll just say it again - men are biologically stronger than women. Not that it means a woman should be allowed to smack a guy around, I'm just saying that might be where this whole cultural "GASP" about hitting women came from in the first place.


New member
Jun 3, 2010
because noone likes bruises where you have your feeling spot :S unless your homosexual, or your into S&M, or you hate the woman


New member
Jan 18, 2010
All of the points people are making about women being weaker therefor not hitting them sorta falls short on me at least. If a guy is that much weaker than me and attacks me, I will hurt him. Same goes for girls.


Elite Member
May 19, 2008
eggy32 said:
For some reason people seem shocked by the fact that I'm as willing to hit a girl as I am to hit a boy, why is this?

Is it not sexist to say that girls cannot be hit by us guys? After all, males and females are apparently equals, so why does this not apply to violence.
Easy answer here. Look at mammals in the wild. The deer, the moose, the walrus, hell even reptiles like the donsaurs and crocodiles. In all these examples the males fight for the right to breed. The deer clash horns, the moose ram eachother as do goats and crocodiles and dinosaurs. Males compete, even if its subconcious now, for the right to be better than his fellow man and more likely to be a mate. Its a male instinct but not a female instinct. Men fight and compete naturally, women choose too but i dont think they insticntively feel the need to physically compete like men do.

My point is in nature its usually the men who fight eachother to decide who gets the women, the women do not fight eachother. Its part of the throwback to our past that the men have an instinct for playfull fighting/hitting while women do not. It therefore seems wrong (as it did back then) to include women in this masculine display of dominance, it doesnt achieve anything and the women might be hurt which is counter productive to our instinct of species preservation.

Of course these days these instincts are silly and unneccessary but they subconciously affect our actions concerning this issue.


New member
Jan 16, 2009
It's never okay for either to hit each other. Some guys will use the vulnerability of a woman to control them through mental and physical means and some girls will do the same, knowing that most men won't hit back. But, if a girl is going to pick a fight with a guy then by all the means they should be prepared to cop a few equal to that of their own. You don't dish what you can't handle yourself, that's what I've always been taught.


New member
Aug 22, 2009
Pist0l 07 said:
Its chivalry dude, also I'm pretty sure its man-law.
For me it's a question of equality. I will hit a girl for the same reason I would hit a guy, not to do so would be sexism.


New member
Feb 19, 2010
eggy32 said:
For some reason people seem shocked by the fact that I'm as willing to hit a girl as I am to hit a boy, why is this?

Is it not sexist to say that girls cannot be hit by us guys? After all, males and females are apparently equals, so why does this not apply to violence.
You don't hit a women because u just fucking don't!

For the reasons of physicality differences everyone has stated as well as the emotional differences that women don't expect to be hit by a man because violence isn't really how they deal with their problems where as men commonly use it to settle disputes with other men. Call me chivalrous but you should just treat a women with respect and any man that thinks its ok to hit a women is no man in my eyes.

If you didn't sound so feeble and pathetic then i would actually be pretty angry and worried but luckily you come across as if you could barely fight your way out of a paper bag let get even close enough to a woman to beat on her buts then again its always the weedy pricks who think its ok to start on a woman because they know if they tried that shit with a guy they would end up in hospital.


New member
Feb 1, 2010
if anyone attacks me, man or woman, i will fight back with all i've got.

i don't get why it is seen as bad to fight back against a woman, in a situation where a person attacks me, fuck chivalry, i'm out for myself.


Fuhuhzucking hellcocks I'm good
Mar 17, 2010
It's an old societal thing that still hangs around; I've dropped it.

Also, people? Women tend to have a higher pain threshold than men, those who have matured that is. This is especially true of women who have gone through pregnancy.


New member
May 28, 2009
I never throw the 1st punch, but man or woman if your gonna attack me I am going to defend myself.

I believe in equality among the sexes btw.


New member
Aug 14, 2010
i agree that its sexist to not hit anybody male female hermaphroditic, or alien gender not yet defined if they deserve it, for example attaking you or anything else, it doesnt matter how they think you'll react they shouldnt put themselves into such a position. furthermore i firmly believe that while ideally we never SHOULD hit ANYONE EVER that is an ideal and therefor i advocate the use of violence in solving disputes, as sometimes it is the only way to satisfactorally end things i know that this view is unpopuler but it is the truth, as i have been put ino such a situation at least once(no matter what your parents may have said, sometimes ignoring the idiots out there just doesnt work.)


New member
Jan 25, 2010
Marter said:
Males are usually stronger. They can do more damage.

That's the way I look at it anyway.

And it's a societal thing. It has always been worse, so that thought is in people's minds.
Although a hard slap on your cheek can hurt.


New member
Nov 18, 2009
I've never heard of this stereotype, I was under the impression that hitting either gender is bad.


New member
Jul 23, 2010
because women are typically weaker than men. yes, there are exceptions, but unless she draws first blood(in which case just chicken wing them.), hitting them is a total dick move.

in fact, hitting anyone outside of a fight or self-defence is wrong.


New member
Nov 26, 2009
son, male or female, I will put you down.[/quote]
WanderFreak said:
I love how the arguments FOR generally include things like "men are physically stronger than women" or "woman have less upper body strength."

So you're saying ALL women are weaker than men?

Oh, you're not? Some are stronger?

Well then you don't have an argument.

If hitting one is fine, hitting the other is fine. I'm not advocating going around hitting people for no reason, but if you give me a reason, male or female, I will put you down.
i get the fact that men are in most cases stronger.
when i had a "heated discussion" with my gf, i told her, if you want to be one of the boys and hang out youve gotta understand how men hang out, if i was to punch my friend square in the chesty and call him a ***** we'd both get stuck in and still just be messing, she looked disturbed when i was fighting with friends and stfu


New member
Jul 24, 2008
It amazes me how everytime this topic comes up the standard response from most people is "Well if the guy hits a woman for no reason that's wrong of course" even though that's not what the OP was asking.


New member
Aug 14, 2010
Standby said:
It amazes me how everytime this topic comes up the standard response from most people is "Well if the guy hits a woman for no reason that's wrong of course" even though that's not what the OP was asking.
the general response seems to be more along the lines of violence period is wrong, however SOMETIMES one has to throw down but only in self blah blah blah...


In an unsuspicious cabin
Jul 22, 2009
Well, like many people said, it's a chivalry thing. And yes, domestic violence is an awful thing, and women are not punching bags.

With that said, I see the rule as "Never hit a lady". If someone (even a girl) attacks you, or causes a great deal of pain to your loved ones, or whatever, it's okay to fight back.