Will you forgive Bioware if they bomb ME3?

Zack Alklazaris

New member
Oct 6, 2011
IceStar100 said:
Heck if they though they could they buy Valve and pump out half life and portal even few months.
No, EA needs to stay the f%#K away from my favorite game developers. If they take Valve...
Jun 7, 2010
If it turns out to be shit it will be entirely EA's fault for dumbing it down or partly Bioware's fault as they have a lot of resources going into The Old Republic that could be used for Mass Effect.

In that case, I just won't buy their games after that. I'm not as hugely invested in the series as absolutely bloody everyone else here, ME2 was really good and i'd like to see how my story ends but i'm not going to cry if it turns out to be shit.

Distorted Stu

New member
Sep 22, 2009
iM GOING TO HAVE TO SAY ITS GOING TO BE HARD TO BOMB me3. If they finish it there and then and on a good note il be a please customer.


New member
Sep 5, 2011
MiracleOfSound said:
I've played Mass Effect 3 and I'm pretty confident it's going to be amazing.
How on earth (or any other planet you care to mention) have you played it already?

On topic, I would be deeply upset and disappointed with bioware if they screw up ME3. The first two games were awesome and a poor ending to the trilogy would do them such a disservice that my faith in the company would be shaken.

Contrary to mostly public opinion though, I actually prefer Dragon Age 2 to Dragon Age Origins (even though I have played much more of DA2 than I did DA1) so my faith in Bioware has not been damaged by the perceived drop in quality from the first game to the second that seems to be common in the gaming community.


New member
May 6, 2009
Yes i hope that this game bombs i hope it sinks like a brick in a river, because i don't like mass effect or dragon age origins and if they fail then bioware may return to doing things i love like KOTOR and the equivelent of baldurs gate.


No Time Like the Present
Jul 4, 2008
If they bomb Mass Effect 3, I'll definitely look at future games they make with a skeptical eye. I wouldn't cut myself off from buying a new BioWare game forever, though. That would be silly. If they make a bad game, they make a bad game and of course, I'll be disappointed if Mass Effect 3 does not turn out to be as good as I hope it will.

But I'm not going to descend in a apoplectic rage and swear to never EVER buy a BioWare game again! I won't be devastatingly crushed with a feeling of bitter, heart-wrenching betrayal. They're a video game developer, not my closet friend, and if they make a bad game that isn't on par with being betrayed or abandoned by a loved one.

Will I "forgive" them? Sure, if they make another good game. I don't expect, or demand, every single game from a developer to be good in order for me to like them. I haven't liked every single game Valve has put out (I did not like the first Left 4 Dead for instance), but I still like Valve as a developer. I haven't enjoyed every single Call of Duty game I've ever played, but I have enjoyed some.

If Mass Effect 3 turns out to be bad or rushed, I'll be disappointed. A bit sad, even. But my life does not revolve around the games they make and after a hour of depressed moaning about how things "could have been" for ME3, I'll move on with life. I've played many a disappointing game in my life. I have not be psychologically scarred by them.


New member
Feb 21, 2009
zama174 said:
Fuck no.. After making ME1 and 2 so amazing if they some how bombed Mass Effect 3, I would never buy another game of there's. Why? Because they would have crushed my soul, and that is a wound time cannot heal.
Personally speaking, if it can heal from the blasphemy that were the SW prequels and the last Indy movie, a soul can heal from anything. lol

As for the OP, could I forgive? Sure, but never forget! Although from what I've seen ME3 seems to offer everything I can hope for. A return of weapon/gear upgrades, better TPS, mele, AND YES EVEN MP (hey, it'll be fun). So I don't have much to worry about. But what I am a bit worried about is the direction the plot might go. Considering how the Reapers have been built up, I'm worried Bioware will cop out, get lazy with the story and end the series with a deus ex machina. That would blow! -_-


New member
May 13, 2010
kman123 said:
Only if they make KOTOR 3
This for me...and if KOTOR 3 turned out to be amazing.

They'd have to try really hard to screw up Mass Effect 3. At least that's what I'm hoping, anyway.


New member
Apr 3, 2010
Bioware's entire reputation is riding on ME3 for me. In ME 2 I saw a major decrease in their writing abilities. (The use the same mini plot scenario 7 times in one game...) then DA2's mess. If they blotch ME3 i may very well not buy from Bioware again.. extreme? maybe, but at the same time there are plenty of other companies that i would rather support by buying their products.


New member
Sep 20, 2009
Probably not. They're already on shakey ground with me after the whole multiplayer fiasco. The simple fact that they told everyone to relax and in Casey Hudson's words "Rest assured it's nothing of what you've feared" proves that they KNEW hardly any of the fans wanted it. (Notice I said hardly anyone before whoever reads this starts frothing at the mouth.)

It's like that line in Banjo-Kazooie N&B. Grunty says words to the effect of "Banjo you look ridiculous, the fans will hate you." If you KNOW the fans will hate it, WHY DID YOU DO IT IN THE FIRST PLACE?

Something Amyss

Aswyng and Amyss
Dec 3, 2008
I don't get why I would "forgive" a company that is developing games for public consumption.

They already waved their genitals at me and told me they wanted to go that route, though, so I'm probably biased.

But seriously, they're a game company. We have a business relationship. I don't know why I'd forgive Pepsi for Pepsi Clear, either.


New member
Mar 1, 2011
well i haven't set my hopes to high for mass effect 3 because i highly doubt that it will end up being a great game. they have been going on a downhill path for a long time now. they really need to go back to how they used to make their games. they should go back to actually making in-depth rpgs instead of this complete and total bs where they have been dumbing everything down so a 2 year old can play it. i just wish bioware would realise that rpg gamers aren't retarded and majority of us like the more in depth rpgs. so really i aint gonna be buying another bioware game probably ever unless they decide to go back to the good old days when they made masterpieces like baldur's gate.

Random berk

New member
Sep 1, 2010
rockhard556 said:
Yes i hope that this game bombs i hope it sinks like a brick in a river, because i don't like mass effect or dragon age origins and if they fail then bioware may return to doing things i love like KOTOR and the equivelent of baldurs gate.
What, and to hell with all the people who do love it? Aren't you fucking thoughtful.

OT: Since Mass Effect is basically the only Bioware game I've played (After seeing the first bit of gameplay on Dragon Age Origins, I ejected it from the console like it was 300 degrees C and returned it tto where it came from) I'd have no reason to forgive them, especially since Mass Effect is my favourite game series to an extent that only one or two other game series have ever come close to.

Kevlar Eater

New member
Sep 27, 2009
I've already told myself that once the Mass Effect and Dragon Age stories are finished, I'm done with Bioware (unless they make a game that piques me interest). If ME3 is shit, I'm staying away from that developer, no matter what.


New member
Jan 12, 2010
I really, really doubt that's going to happen. Everything I've seen and heard about it has done nothing but get me more excited for it. Yes, including the inclusion of co-op.

If it somehow does happen? Eh, dunno. They would need to make one hell of a game after that to make up for it.

Adam Jensen_v1legacy

I never asked for this
Sep 8, 2011
I would never forgive them. But that doesn't mean I wouldn't buy other games they make if they continue making good games. That would be irrational.
But they won't bomb it. Everything I've seen so far has been amazing. I even like the co-op as long as they let us play it completely solo. The only thing I don't like is the possibility that it will be Origin exclusive. But I can simply uninstall Origin after ME3 is downloaded and then I can use a crack and never look at Origin again.