Xbox Live is "More Juvenile" Than PlayStation Network


Jul 25, 2009
I try not to get involved with this sort of thing on live but most of my friends think thee opposite... good job we generally stay in parties


New member
Jul 25, 2008
Yog Sothoth said:
If by " "more juvenile" he actually meant more online supported games, a larger player base and an overall more stable and superior network, then yes, I agree 100%...
What tha... huh?

You do realise that MAG has a TWO HUNDRED AND FIFTY SIX player cap? With Dedicated servers? And SO many other PS3 exclusive games have low-lag dedicated servers like Warhawk as well as Resistance FoM and R2. Resistance 2 had a freaking 64 player cap on huge low lag maps as well as eight player cooperative playthrough way back in early 2008 and it's still going strong.

What the hell are you talking about "less online support" or "more stable and superior". I mean big titles like Halo 3 have a player cap of only 16. The pay-wall for XBL blocks out the majority of XBox 360 owners from online multiplayer, encouraging a huge proportion to never go online. Also it prevents any game adding casual online access like with Demon's Souls there there is subtle but significant interaction between all the players around the world.

I think the lack of bundled mics is good, acts like an idiot barrier. You'd only go to the trouble of getting a USB mic if you really wanted to contribute something constructive, the same applies for PC gaming as well. The bundled 360 mic is just annoying, especially if you play with headphones and I wish I could buy a better quality mic.


New member
Apr 16, 2009
obviously biased, but i have never been insulted on playstation network, and my friend who has an xbox 360 has complained about being called a ****** a few time.


New member
Jul 25, 2008
SinisterDeath said:
PS3 mics, aren't cheap. $60 for a bluetooth head set? Maybe $40?
You don't need a Bluetooth headset, one of these USB mics for $15 should be enough



New member
Nov 6, 2006
Treblaine said:
SinisterDeath said:
PS3 mics, aren't cheap. $60 for a bluetooth head set? Maybe $40?
You don't need a Bluetooth headset, one of these USB mics for $15 should be enough

Only idiots buy USB mics, when you got a Blue tooth capable system.
You know, wireless all the way?
Dec 16, 2009
A nice cure for this would be the ability of selecting any age range and a gameplay maturity level for yourself, then the teams only being made up of people of similar stats.

The Austin

New member
Jul 20, 2009
So what do you say, Xboxers? Are you really more low-browed and foul-mouthed than your PlayStation brethren, or is this just PR-speak from someone a company that sold its soul to Sony?
Well, I'm not, but if MAG came to XBOX it would be an massive free for all. Players would not be willing to plan strategies, and it would pretty much come down to ever team randomly shooting at each other.

Sir Prize

New member
Dec 29, 2009
I have to say both can be childish, both have jerks on them that rage quit and both have issues. Calling one more childish than the other is stupid.


New member
Mar 5, 2008
Well for one, Mass Effect 2 comes out on the same day. You can bet what I'll be playing when MAG releases.

OT: I personally play multiplayer games seriously, to work with a team and, through superior skill, coordination, and strategy, defeat the enemy. And most people on Xbox Live simply don't do that. It's full of idiots, noobs, and selfish jerks. Not to say a game like MAG couldn't turnout well on it: I think it would work fine (namely because not everyone on Xbox Live would work well with it, but the number that would is probably similar to the total number of people on the Playstation Network :p). But it is true that Xbox Live has plenty of immature people.


Jan 4, 2010
This is what I have to say to the developer of PS3.


The Xbox 360 owners get a free mic with the purchase of an Xbox 360. which is mostly 12 year olds and lower because it is cheaper (like someone else said) and about 99.5% of those 12 year olds and lower are shit heads that like to swear, call other people noobs when they die, talk about how big their dicks are (when they are probably small), and generally just be a douche because they think they are cooler than everyone else in the entire planet.

I just mute everyone in the game so I don't have to listen to any of this shit.

So in conclusion, you must be pretty fucking proud of yourself PS3 for figuring out something other people have figured out ever since the Xbox 360 ever came out.

Yog Sothoth

Elite Member
Dec 6, 2008
Treblaine said:
Yog Sothoth said:
If by " "more juvenile" he actually meant more online supported games, a larger player base and an overall more stable and superior network, then yes, I agree 100%...
What tha... huh?

You do realise that MAG has a TWO HUNDRED AND FIFTY SIX player cap? With Dedicated servers? And SO many other PS3 exclusive games have low-lag dedicated servers like Warhawk as well as Resistance FoM and R2. Resistance 2 had a freaking 64 player cap on huge low lag maps as well as eight player cooperative playthrough way back in early 2008 and it's still going strong.

What the hell are you talking about "less online support" or "more stable and superior". I mean big titles like Halo 3 have a player cap of only 16. The pay-wall for XBL blocks out the majority of XBox 360 owners from online multiplayer, encouraging a huge proportion to never go online. Also it prevents any game adding casual online access like with Demon's Souls there there is subtle but significant interaction between all the players around the world.

I think the lack of bundled mics is good, acts like an idiot barrier. You'd only go to the trouble of getting a USB mic if you really wanted to contribute something constructive, the same applies for PC gaming as well. The bundled 360 mic is just annoying, especially if you play with headphones and I wish I could buy a better quality mic.
Warhawk...? What's that, never heard of it...

Yes, the player cap in MAG is impressive, but I still think that Live is the better service of the two... Xbox and PSN have about the same number of subscribers last I checked, ergo Sony's free service is just comparable to Xbox Live with it's fees... What does that tell you?

Also, there are a number of games on Xbox that have dedicated servers as well... Left 4 Dead is the first that comes to mind, but I know that there are others...

EDIT: Also want to remind people here that Xbox Live costs less than $5 a month... If you're gonna pay hundreds of dollars for a console & games, you should be able to easily afford the fees for online service.


New member
Jul 26, 2009
Although this is incredibly bias, he does have a point unless your already in a group of friends it's impossible to get more than 3 people to listen to you on any xbox game.


Resident Morrowind Fanboy
Aug 10, 2008
Pimppeter2 said:
Developers who are openly fanboys deserve bops to the head.

If Microsoft was throwing money there way like Sony was we'd be getting the exact opposite statement.

WrongSprite said:
Wow, I didn't expect the developer of a PS3 exclusive to come out and say something like that!
/thread, And whats up? Haven't seen you in a while
Oh, I've been around, I've just had my face as a avatar for a while so nobody recognized me :D


New member
Jan 20, 2010
Guaranteed there are going to be a armada more of Fucknuts on XBL but I can tell you with all the hype that MAG is getting, they'll all be going to the PS3 to ruin it for the PSN users. Thanks for taking the bullet on this one guys. Now I can probably play L4D 2 in peace without hearing some would be- Screech yell "FUCKING NOOOB TAKIN MAH KILL IMZ RAPE YOUR MOMZ" (Yeah, I shit you not).


Jan 4, 2010
ryai458 said:
you PS3ers have fun on MAG Jan 26 while us PC and Xbox360 people are going to be rocking it on ME2 a much better game (I think PR guy is jealous he can't play ME2 since its not on PS3).
I agree with you, Have fun! we will be chilling out with 2 disks of storyline, and me with an M490 Blackhawk. Because it shoots a fucking giant ball of dark energy and transports you into a toilet (Commercial reference..HAHA NO COOKIE FOR YOU!)


New member
Nov 10, 2009
bjj hero said:
A guy I regularly play Endwar with on the 360 plays all of his shooters on the PS3. He says that there is very little talking at all on PS3.

I guess dignified silence is better than kids singing and making stupid noises.

I find muting these illegitimate spawn and talking to the adults fixes things.

I wish there was an age filter for online communication. You could do it on the grounds of protecting kids from predators but it would instantly stop the annoying children whos parents think xbox live replaces baby sitters when out whoring for crack.
i doubt it. most of the little kids would just lie about their age (like i do). because the age would also not let them play all of the mature games. then most games would lose alot of players too


New member
Jun 23, 2009
funksobeefy said:
God shut up. Its open beta, only the pros really want to play beta. As soon as you put it out on the main stream out come all the 13 year old whinners and dickheads. Same on every platform and every game. Only the really hard core try beta.
I'm going to go ahead and be really harsh here and go out on a limb and say you prefer the 360, and don't play on the PS3 much, if at all.
Am I correct?
Anyway, I've played online on both systems (betas and finished games Funk) and found that what the guy is saying isn't entirely innacurate, maybe it isn't the same setting, but some stereotypes got there for a reason, even if it is cruel.
[sub]For the mods, I said some, not all stereotypes, most stereotypes were made by dicks, but even 360 players characterise most people on xbox live as whiny complaining people.[/sub]