You first "**** This" Moment in Gaming


Devil's Little Sister
Feb 26, 2011
Avaholic03 said:
The speeder section of Battletoads on the SNES. Co-op mode. Nothing will end friendships faster.
Oh GOD how I remember this, I even tried playing through it with my older brother (who made a point of making fun of me for doing poorly) and by the nth try we were ready to strangle each other with the cables from our controllers. Ty for the nostalgia and F*&^ this....


There's HOW many pokemon now!? F(*&^ this....

I just spent 40 min trying to beat someone in Street Fighter and I have a blister, f*&^ this...

I just wasted 3 hours on COD multiplayer trying to level up and I'm still getting my ass kicked by the player with the 13th prestige and the little (*&^%$#$%^& 12 y/o with buttons in his name, f&^% this...


A Simply Dignified Manly Man.
Feb 3, 2011
Starwing on the Super NES, the boss on Macbeth, at the time I was roughly 9 years old and the boss's attacks filled about half of the screen and he spammed then every 2 secs. The chunk I bit out of the controller is still in my rage-quit hall of fame, along with a similar chunk I chewed out of another Super NES controller during my attempts to kill Eyedol from the original Killer Instinct. FFS, Eyedol could heal by grunting, oO


New member
Mar 3, 2011
Playing Pokemon Silver. Goldenrod City Gym. Whitney and her Miltank. Easily she's one of the cheapest bosses ever created in the Pokemon series. I burned through several batteries trying to defeat her, and then she has the nerve to cry and NOT give me the badge right away.



New member
Dec 6, 2007
I hit Ornstein and Smough in Dark Souls right about the time that Skyrim came out.

So yeah, I need a few hundred hours being a hero and getting my confidence back in Skyrim before I take the Dark Souls plunge again.


New member
Jun 2, 2011
Every Outland boss beyond the Golem, ESPECIALLY the Winged Serpent and The Sisters. I actually started playing that game again and I thought 'Wow, this is easy.'


New member
Jun 8, 2011
Somehow I had this Lego Racer video game as a young kid and it was fucking impossible. I don't know what kind of sick person designed a game clearly aimed at children in such a way that it was a soul-crushing ordeal to beat even the first couple races. I'm feeling the onset of PTSD just thinking about all the poor little child tears I shed over fucking PEPPER THE FUCKING RACECAR GODDAMNIT


New member
Jan 28, 2011
Alphakirby said:
TJC said:
Trauma Center

Fun, unique and awesome game, except for one type of alien Virus which made me nearly snap my DS cleanly in HALF...

Are you talking about this one:

is it Triti you're talking about?
I think I needed you use the healing touch trick to beat that, I was so proud when I beat that game, though I still have 3 of the X bonus missions that I will probably never do as I have probably lost any skill I may have hade at the game

Also Castlevania order of Eclsia for the DS I went on a year and a half break before I could beat it, Im not very good at games like that but I beat it and I was so proud. Of course I unlocked hard mode after and I was oh F&%* NO! And have not played it since.


New member
Aug 22, 2009
Silent Hill: Origins.

Me: Oh I got this sledgehammer... YOU'RE GOING DOWN NURSE!

*three hits later, sledgehammer breaks*




New member
Dec 7, 2010
ToastiestZombie said:
I was about 8 and I had gotten the 360. I got two games, Viva Pinata (awesome game) and the polar opposite of that, Sonic the Hedgehog. Viva Pinata wouldn't work, so I was stuck with Sonic the flipping Hedgehog for 2 weeks whilst we sent out for another copy of Viva Pinata. The first silver battle is when I just went **** this.
holy crap i saw 8 years old and got a 360 and suddenly thought you were really young. Then i realised this gen of consoles is 7 years old. Crazy huh?

My first really frustrated moment in videogames. hmmmmmm well it was probably ff7 im pretty sure i was really young when i played that game. I got to some tower that i had to climb that was full of guards and stuff. They kept killing me, ragequit, never played again. In hindsight there was probably some way around i dont really know.


New member
Sep 18, 2011
I can't remember it in any sort of clarity but given the first games I played were Super Mario Bros and Duck Hunt I'm guessing it's one of them, either that fucking Dog laughing at me (though if I remember right I was great at that game, and it started my love of gun games so I don't think it's Duck Hunt) or the far more likely "OH GOD FUCK PLATFORMING" as, straight up, while I am really good at a NUMBER of different game types (I feel my best is stealth) I suck at platforming, so I died a lot. For the record, I haven't beaten a single Mario game, not even when it went 3D and became retarded easy (because that was when Zelda and Final Fantasy began to steal every second of my life).


New member
Jul 30, 2011
The first time I did it was when I was playing Threads of Fate for the Ps1 when I was around 8 (great gem of a game that few people have heard of, at least thats what I think) I was playing Rues story got to the Ghost Temple where you have to fight 3 Chimera and each is more difficult than the last. The number of time I must have died to the foul beast boggles my mind. I gave up and never touch the game for at least 3 years. Came back to it finally beat him after maturing and get treated to a wonderful scene of the 4th Chimera being stomped by Duke who you have to fight right after. Whew that felt nice to say.

Xenosaga Ep II one save point away from the end of the game I stopped playing for a months, the combat system made random encounters so frustratingly long that I just could not take it anymore.

Nier. After beating the game you get the option of starting story B. Once you begin B you are treated to about 20 minutes of white text on a black background explaining the backstory of one of your party members. The moment I saw this I turned off the Ps3. This is compounded by the fact that one of the areas you go to The Forest of Myth, forces you to sit through the same thing in order to finish the area and you cannot skip the text in the forest because you are asked question about what you read and wrong answers start you over form the beginning.

So yeah, fornicate that


New member
Aug 9, 2009
My first was in Gladius on the Gamecube. I realized pretty early on that the heavy class was overpowered as long as you knew how to get criticals (which were easy to get), so I stopped using my heroes and just focused on building up my heavies. I would even leave a few spots open so if they needed a specific class, I could just recruit some new ones with my massive pile of money. My school was all powerful, even if my heroes were massively underleveled (seriously, they were underpowered compared to even other murmillos or barbarian options, and you had more customization options).

Then of course, we get to the Windward Steppes and the game forces me into a battle I have to fight with my heroes against enemies levelled to the rest of my school. Needless to say, I was vastly underpowered, and my last save made it so I couldn't go back and grind them up. I was doomed to endlessly repeat the same damn battle with the vastly overrated and weak characters. If I wanted to get farther in the game, I'd have to revert to my backup save and grind endlessly for grinding's sake.

F*** that, my impatient 11 year old self said. And lo, it was that I removed the game from the gamecube and replaced it with the better-than-people-remember Super Mario Sunshine. And all was good.

Simeon Ivanov

New member
Jun 2, 2011
The Twin Bosses in Prince of Persia: The Two Thrones
A lot of segments in Deus Ex Human Revolution
The tank mission in Prototype
A lot of moments in Heroes of Might and Magic 3.
Mass Effect - During the final boss figght, my weapon cooldown froze, so I had to kill him with happy thoughts and a lot of dumb luck


New member
Mar 1, 2011
Wanted: The Game-Halfway through the game on normal difficulty when I come across a turret section with me raining hot lead into the castle walls with a mounted machine gun. Somehow, no matter how many I take down, there's always more to kill me. Add to that when you take too much damage, your screen dims making it harder to see. I must have done that part over a dozen times and even lowered the difficulty to easy and still couldn't get passed it. Thank God I just rented it.

Kane and Lynch: Dead Men-The part where you fight off the guys in the makeshift grave and the bulldozer comes in. Me and a friend tried that level so many times until the game glitch and our characters were frozen. HAven't been back since.

My first one though was Suikoden 5-I was trying to get all 108 Star recruits. The only one left was the painter guy who will only join if you give him a specific painting. I scoured and farmed through levels to get ? paintings for him and none of them are it. I gave up and turned my attention to other games. 3 years later I go back and by my third time harvesting I get the damn thing.


Level i Flare!
Mar 23, 2011
Entering the Taris Lower City, in Knights of the Old Republic. Sith armour to fool the guard, can't bring Carth with me because he'd blow my cover, change back in the next area, and I get unavoidably cluster-f***ed by three dudes with better armour and weapons than exist previously. And that's on normal mode.


Madness to my Methods
Feb 28, 2010
meowchef said:
The "Control" mission on Goldeneye 007 on Secret Agent difficulty as an 11 year old.
That reminds me of that one level in Nightfire where the snipers respawn every five seconds. I recently played through the game again and both levels I got tripped up on as a child I beat in one go.


New member
Jan 24, 2010
MirkoP said:
Two thirds through the first Suikoden game my memory card data somehow got corrupted and I just couldn't load any of my saves. Just threw it away...tho I did enjoy the second installment not long afterwards.
oh god as a lover of that game i must say that for me that would hurt so much

as for me it was a game called birth of amercia from steam looked like a indy total war type game and for the life of me i cant figure a dam thing out its sitting there installed staring at me as if to say hah i beat you

but i swear some day i will beat it


Level i Flare!
Mar 23, 2011
got_ginger said:
prince of persia: sands of time. i got stuck on this one timed course for 2 days of trying. i gave up and haven't been back to it since
It helps if you use the 'jump' button to roll under the door; I saw it in a vision once, so that's how I know it's possible at all.


Dice Tart
Oct 22, 2009
Avaholic03 said:
The speeder section of Battletoads on the SNES. Co-op mode. Nothing will end friendships faster.
Very much this, recall having to memorise the wall locations and yelling them out to each other.

For me it was probably Two Worlds though. I had just finished playing Oblivion and I was told that Two Worlds was insanely awesome, if not a tad glitchy, and that it was a really open RPG world with lots to do.
I decided to check it out on the 360 as I found a copy for a mere £3 in the local game store. I didnt bother reading the manual or the tutorial system and pretty much charged in... and died. Considering for the first few levels everything can pretty much wipe you out in a few hits compared to Oblivions pampering I got to the "Bugger this for a game of soldiers" stage pretty quickly.

Have since gone back to it and completed it several times though and now class it as one of my favourites but I still recall that controller-flung-onto-the-desk moment clearly.