Your 5 most disappointing games, 2008-2012


New member
May 8, 2012
1)New vegas. Inferior to fallout 3 with lame choices and a lame setting. I dropped the controller when I reached new Vegas and learned i'd be spending more time on loading screens than playing the actual game.
2)Dragon age 2. Hawkes stupid family sucked. I don't give a shit about being the champion of kirkwall. Make me a grey warden damnit!
3)GTA 4. Shit game. Sleeping dogs and Saints row 2 did everything better
4)Resident Evil 6. Didn't even finish the leon Section. With my AI partner popping 20 bullets into a zombie's chest at a time, the akward camera, the retarded melee, the insane amount of ammo, and the simply silly QTEs it may be the worst game I have played in a long time. Not an RE fan but this is just horrible.
5)Borderlands 2. Every gun in this game is shit. Or at least for the first few hours I drudged through.


New member
May 4, 2012
Joccaren said:
In no particular order...

Duke Nukem Forever
Lets get the big and obvious out of the way first. An FPS from the old age coming out in the present generation? Maybe I'd escape regenerating health, 2 weapon limits, 3-4 shot deaths with rapid firing weapons and a bunch of other crap that's in modern FPS. It somewhat did some of them, but at the same time... It just didn't work. At the start I found it alright, the puzzles were something different that I've always enjoyed in games. Something other than constant shooting to do, and there were a couple of fun gameplay things that popped up, but eventually its poor optimization, overly crude tacked on humour and just general poor gameplay got to me, and I stopped playing.

Mass Effect 3
Another big one out of the way first. There was very little that 3 did better than 1, or even 2. Shooting was about it, and even that was disappointing as it was still just a, more polished, linear corridor shooter. The story and level design went down the crapper further than in ME2, dialogue mostly disappeared, choices equated to nothing and the ending was downright bad. For something I was so excited for, it basically killed my interest in the Mass Effect series. I may eventually reinstall and replay ME1, but I have no interest in the rest of the series seeing what 3 failed to bring to the table.

Dragon Age 2
Really, this was pathetic. I'm not going to argue that combat in Origins needed to be better balanced, and made just a little faster to be more interesting - it really did. However DA2... Completely the wrong way of doing it. Enemies were action game enemies, you were a mix between an action game hero and an RPG hero, and it turned out poorly. The lack of unique areas also bought the game down massively, and whilst the story wasn't really bad, it was really just a bunch of faffing about until the end. Companion customization was gone, and many things in Origins that were not executed the best, but were still interesting were simply removed rather than fixed. The game could have been average, had it not been so incredibly rushed. I cautiously await DA2 to see if Bioware have learned, or not - like with ME3.

Forgive me everyone, for I have sinned. I haven't played much of TES series beyond a couple of hours in Morrowind at a friends house. Skyrim was hyped to be a large, open world RPG full of interesting things to do set in a Viking like setting. It managed the open world bit, mostly, and there was stuff to do, though not interesting, but overall it was severely disappointing.
Firstly, it was nowhere near as large as I'd been thinking it would be. IMO it seemed smaller than Tasmania, and for a whole province of Tamriel I'd expected it to be larger. Of course, there are limits to what videogames can do, so I was fine with this.
What really got me, however, was how dead the world was. The AI was just... uninterested in anything. Townsfolk and civilians were boring and largely lacked personality most of the time, anyone with any personality, no matter how important, only maintained it for a short while, the quests were short and relatively uninteresting, and the dungeons were amazingly repetitive. Dragons, instead of being something awesome to go kill, became the equivalent of Ogres in DA:O. Originally you're like "Wow, Ogre, its a boss or something, awesome!", and then you're like "Ah, and ogre. Great, one enemy that won't die instantly. Might have to hit it twice". Upping the difficulty didn't make it more interesting, simply more tedious to do anything. After being so excited for it, I was severely let down thanks to the simplification of it compared to previous titles, loss of features such as custom spell making, and how dead the world was overall.

Battlefield 3
I thoroughly enjoyed Battlefield 2. IMO it got the pacing right, its maps were good, I liked the classes and most importantly it had single player for if I got sick of the people online. BF3 dropped the ball.
It looked great, and I like the idea of weapon mods, but in other aspects it just failed me.
Vehicle mods was one of them. Planes, missiles and flares. You need flares to be half effective in an aircraft, yet they're an unlock. Yeah, they're the first one, but that's not helpful if the second you lift off you have 3 missiles locked onto you. You're just screwed in cases like that. It upsets the balance of the game in favour of those with the unlocks, as all vehicle unlocks IMO do. Weapon unlocks do too to an extent, but not as much as the vehicle ones.
Map design is terrible. IMO it tries to base itself largely around set pieces as opposed to being a good map. Bases are far too close together in most maps. The majority of the map itself goes to waste because there's no reason to be there - the bases are just stuck in the middle. This is slightly alleviated in the Back to Karkand maps, thankfully, but that's not enough.
Its too fast paced compared to 2 IMO. The speed at which everything dies... isn't fun. I have never liked 3-4 shot kills with assault rifles and SMGs that fire over 60 bullets a minute. It means if someone sees you you have less than 2 seconds to live. That's not fun. That's hide and seek with who sees who first.
And most of this I wouldn't mind too much if there was single player with AI on the maps because the AI doesn't really know how to exploit these things to make the game boring. Sadly, no such option existed, and thanks to severely weighted teams online, I lost all interest in the game a while back. It had some potential, but was really just... bleh in the end.
Mind officially blown. How could you possibly like BF2 more if this is true? The major disappointment to me as far as BF3 goes compared to its predecessors is the ridiculous body armor where you can hit someone over a half dozen times with an AR and they live, BF2 was much better with this, 1-2 shots=dead.


Elite Member
Mar 29, 2011
lowhat said:
Mind officially blown. How could you possibly like BF2 more if this is true? The major disappointment to me as far as BF3 goes compared to its predecessors is the ridiculous body armor where you can hit someone over a half dozen times with an AR and they live, BF2 was much better with this, 1-2 shots=dead.
In general it came down, largely, to the fact that guns at the very least felt like they fired slower, had a different sort of accurassy, and spread out maps so that in general it didn't feel like a constant shitstorm of death 24/7, except at the ramp in Karkand. That was constant grenade shitstorm a lot of the time. It might have taken less shots to kill [I don't really find its 1 or 2 unless you get headshots, but maybe higher unlocks are unbalanced], but the way the maps were laid out, the ability to instantly fall to the ground, and the feel to everything gave it less of a shitstorm of death feeling compared to basically anything I play in BF3. The maps are designed to be shitstorms, especially the ones in France [Metro, Sienne Crossing]. It also doesn't help when the teams are severely weighted against you, which is something autobalance causes more often then it fixes.

If it takes you half a dozen shots to kill someone in BF3 with an assault rifle, you're doing it wrong. You're either trying to snipe them - which I can understand, but damage drop off takes effect over 50m [Which in BF3 is a lot considering half the bases are generally 1-200 away from each other] - or you're missing badly on half your shots.
Before damage drop off all assault rifles deal a minimum of 25% health per shot in damage, with a fire rate of at least 550 [G3A3, which deals 30% health per shot in damage], but on average around 7-800.
If you're looking for the most dangerous weapons, however, Support have them. The PKP Pecheneg deals 34 damage per shot, requiring only 3 shots to kill an enemy at up to 60m, and has a fire rate of 600. With a bipod, its accurassy is rather evil, and its good for holding choke points.
Even all Engineer carbines deal 25% health per shot in damage most of the time, although their dropoff point is generally closer to 30m and their damage drops further than an assault rifle's too.

In addition, see the point after the one you bolded. I've never like multiplayer communities for anything much, and I would have spent most of my time on single player with modded in bots for large maps, so maybe I'm just forgetting most of the BF2 shitstorms. Either way, its something BF3 didn't engage me with. Everywhere you go is always too hectic to be fun from my experience. There was the occasional good game where you'd accomplish something amazing, or have two non-weighted teams facing off against each other, but that's 1 in 50 matches last time I played, so I just gave up on it. I haven't even thought of a reason to re-install it on my PC, whilst BF2 I'm tempted to for some of the mods.

Jason Rayes

New member
Sep 5, 2012
Bhaalspawn said:
4. The Elder Scrolls V: Not as good as Daggerfall or Arena, MUCH better than Morrowind, but WAY too hyped for it's own good, and constantly bugged.
Arena was terrible. A monstrous world that was basically empty. Every NPC was exactly the same and the quest overall was dullsville.

How much Daggerfall did you play? I loved it but it was the buggiest game I have encountered. I had to restart 3 times because of game killing bugs.


New member
Sep 3, 2008
I think many of you are under the impression that a game you knew you'd hate or a game that looked like shit came out and you hated it counts as a disappointment. This is the exact opposite of what a disappointment is.

Anyone who says DNF counts under this. Seriously. Anyone who had high hopes for DNF was either delusional or someone who had absolutely no idea about any history of the game.

Anyway, my list! Don't actually have 5, so 4 will have to do.

Skyrim - Definitely enjoyed this game and still play it a lot, but there's just so...little to it which is a wierd thing to say with such a big game. The only thing that seems to have lastin impact is if you murder an entire town. Exploration is great, except the rewards are always just more random useless junk. My biggest annoyance for me was the absolute guttin of the magic system to make room for the absolutely unnecessary shout system. Every single shout already existed as a spell. Why did we need both?

Saints Row the Third - I loved the shit out of this game. I really and truly did. I spent hours flyin around on my incredibly awesome hoverplane bike with no real reason to. I spent hours on the zombie island just to see how long I can survive with nothin more than a baseball bat. However none of this diminishes how much was missin from 2 to 3. There were less than half the amount of minigames in 3 as there were in 2. The story went from "This is wierd, but so cool" to straight up the fuck just happened wierd. Was it amusin? Yes, but I felt droppin absolutely every pretense of seriousness was a big mistake.

L.A. Noire - Not much to say on this. A game that I wanted to enjoy so much because there was so much potential in it and it just fell flat because of far too many little annoyances. Seriously, this game oozed potential and it just...ugh.

The Sims 3 - Oh god Sims 3. If any game could possibly top the list of biggest disappointments in gamin, The Sims 3 has to be high on that list. The Sims 2 was great, if not lackin in certain areas that couldn't be solved in an expansion. All Maxis had to do was take 2 and upgrade it with new tech, new graphics, and fill in all the blanks that they could not fit into older versions of the game and they would have the best time waster around. The weird thing? They actually kinda did that. So why is it a disappointment? Let me point you to a recent Escapist article

The author is exactly right. There are so many things that Sims 3 does right (character interaction is absolutely amazin in 3) that the horrid way EA nickle and dimed its loyal customers was atrocious and, to exaggerate quite a bit, a little heartbreakin. I loved The Sims. I loved it when character interaction was mediocre and world buildin was super limited. I loved it when bug after bug was released and they fixed some bugs but added new ones in. I loved it through all of the expansion packs. However I stopped lovin it when I realized that EA wanted me to pay for an expansion pack, then pay another 15 dollars for stuff that was intentionally taken out of that pack to be sold separately. Then they had the balls to sell even more stuff on their online store that was left out of both of those other packs. Horridly disappointin so much so that I actually sigh sometimes when I look at my Sims disks.

Casual Shinji

Should've gone before we left.
Jul 18, 2009
SkarKrow said:
Casual Shinji said:
Metal Gear Solid 4, definately. Somehow worse than Metal Gear Solid 2. A fucking achievement if there ever was one.

Resident Evil 5 was a disappointment, too, but it is soon to become a game I'll be looking back to fondly with the release of Resident Evil 6.
With the release of the Resi 6 demo I was looking back on 5 with fond memories. ): Read my previous post for more details. God damn it 4 was gold I don't know what Capcom are thinking...
I don't know how they could jump the shark more than with RE5, but by jove, did they ever. I had to go and replay RE4 immediately to wash the horrid taste outta my mouth.

Remember when the Capcom logo used inspire trust that you were about to play something awesome? *sigh*


New member
Oct 17, 2011
1) Final Fantasy 13 - definitely 'the' most disappointing game of this generation for me. I went from die-hard FF fan to dreadful cynic in one game. Good going SE!

2) Uncharted 3 - a collection of separate set pieces with a flimsy plot line trying to tie them all together, with clumsy shooting mechanics and an obnoxious use of cinematic gameplay. A real step back from Uncharted 2 in almost every way.

3) Kingdoms of Amalur:Reckoning - huge amount of talent and potential squandered on a generic hum-drum RPG. Absolutely nothing original and interesting to distinguish it from its counter-parts. I still can't believe how boring this game turned out to be.

4) Bioshock 2 - oh yay I get to play as a Big Daddy! Oh no that's actually really boring!

5) Diablo 3 - See number 3.


New member
Jul 10, 2009
1. Marvel VS Capcom 3. The most boring game I have ever played that was outdated in less than a year.
2. Dead Island. Good game, but it could have been so much more than a melee and zombie based Borderlands.
3. Crackdown 2. The first one was amazing. The sequel was just okay at best.
4. Dynasty Warriors 6. Extremely hard forcing you to grind just to get past story modes for people, a poorly set up combo system, changed most of the characters weapons, and a really low enemy cap on screen.
5. Gears of War 3. While it had a more balanced multiplayer, the story mode just wasn't memorable and the you barely ever got to play as the best characters in the game, Cole's group.

Also if it counts. Megaman Legends 3. Sure it never came out, but that is why it is so disappointing for me, the fact that I was looking forward to it, then it got canceled so Capcom could make a new version of MVC3, and just the way they are treating the fans of Megaman in recent years. If it counts, Megaman Legends 3 would be my most disappointing game in the past years.


New member
Aug 30, 2010
Sixcess said:
Fallout 3 - good atmosphere, great open world, but terrible shooting, laughably bad animation and NPCs straight out of the uncanny valley.

Dragon Age: Origins - kill dull brown things in a dull brown castle. Repeat.

World of Warcraft - it was great once, but Blizzard's constant chasing after the widest possible audience has left it a dumbed down shadow of its former self.

Star Wars: The Old Republic - a respected dev studio, perhaps the biggest IP in sci-fi, six years work and 200 million dollars, and this dull single player WoW-clone is all they have to show for it...

The Secret World - I almost feel bad about including TSW. The concept is good and the atmosphere is great, but I found the gameplay itself to be absolutely horrible.
yeah, i really wanted to like the secret world, but it lost my interest as soon as i had to do the intro a second time (the first time i wasn't in the beta yet, and a friend was, so i got to try it there).

besides that, no real true disappointments. on the other hand, im fairly easy to entertain.


New member
Aug 30, 2010
natster43 said:
2. Dead Island. Good game, but it could have been so much more than a melee and zombie based Borderlands.
ah, forgot about dead island.
its too bad, the game was really interesting, but had little staying power. hopefully with the second game it will be refreshed enough for me to want to play it more, like borderlands 2!

A Satanic Panda

New member
Nov 5, 2009
1: Ace Combat: Assault Horizon
2: Ace Combat: Assault Horizon
3: Ace Combat: Assault Horizon
4: Ace Combat: Assault Horizon
5: Ace Combat: Assault Horizon

I mean sure, Crysis 2 and SRt3 were a step down, but they were still fun to play. But Assault Horizon just took every aspect of Ace Combat and tried to make Call of Duty out of it. It takes the whole list because I fear for the franchise's future. Some people, god forbid, actually like it. If That is what Ace Combat is going to turn into, then I say the series ended at Fires of Liberation.


New member
Oct 29, 2010
In order of least disappointing to most.

SW:TOR: If it wasn't for the fact that it was a subscription-fee based MMO, this wouldn't be on this list.

Civ 5: To be fair, it is still a great game, it was just massively over-shadowed by Civ 4.

World of Warcraft: It's been brought up that it has gone down the shitter since Wrath, and i must agree.

Quantum Conundrum: Would have been alright if not for the massive amount of bugs.

Annnnnd of course, Duke Nukem Forever: I went in to DNF expecting absolutely nothing good, and I was still disappointed.

Copying s69-5, there were many good moments as well.
Indie Games have really picked up the slack that Triple-A Companies producing dull, reliable cash cows have left. We received Minecraft, Terraria, Bastion, Faster than Light, and The Binding of Isaac in this time frame.

Driver: San Fransisco, Persona 4 + Arena popped up, Killing Floor dropped it's mod origins to become a fully-fledged game. And of course, Portal 2 was also released.


Neloth's got swag.
Aug 22, 2011
I don't really like threads like this, because it feels like if there's one or two items I don't agree about (Skyrim, for instance), a debate's going to start.

I can't think of five titles, but I can mention two. My biggest personal disappointments have to be MindJack and BioShock 2.

MindJack needs no introduction. Awesome concept, one of the most horrible executions ever seen. If you really need a breakdown, just go and watch Angry Joe's review on the subject. You'll at least get some chuckles out of this stinking dung heap.

BioShock 2 is competently put together and if it weren't for the first BioShock, I'd even say it's great. What really bugs me is the fact that it's clearly the result of publisher interference. 2K Boston had made it clear that BioShock was pretty much a one-way trip, and yet here we are, with another team stretching Rapture's lore thin just to fit in a second game and an utterly forgettable multiplayer system.

It's one of those games that gets me ranting about how no, not every freaking franchise ever put together needs an option to run around playing bullet tag with a bunch of strangers. The strength of BioShock was the lore, not the fact that I could roast shit up with Plasmids.

The White Hunter

Basment Abomination
Oct 19, 2011
Casual Shinji said:
SkarKrow said:
Casual Shinji said:
Metal Gear Solid 4, definately. Somehow worse than Metal Gear Solid 2. A fucking achievement if there ever was one.

Resident Evil 5 was a disappointment, too, but it is soon to become a game I'll be looking back to fondly with the release of Resident Evil 6.
With the release of the Resi 6 demo I was looking back on 5 with fond memories. ): Read my previous post for more details. God damn it 4 was gold I don't know what Capcom are thinking...
I don't know how they could jump the shark more than with RE5, but by jove, did they ever. I had to go and replay RE4 immediately to wash the horrid taste outta my mouth.

Remember when the Capcom logo used inspire trust that you were about to play something awesome? *sigh*
I do remember those long gone days ): I had to go play Resi 4 too, the Wii edition, and by god it was bloody great. I also remember when a new Devil May Cry game didn't fill me with dread, it was called Dantes Awakening and it's one of the best hacky slashy action games I've ever played.

*Sigh* Memories...

Edit: Where the fuck is Viewtiful Joe 3 Capcom? Not that it'd be any good anyway, they'd make it 2.5D and force co-op upon you so they could sell it on multiplayer.

The White Hunter

Basment Abomination
Oct 19, 2011
Simonoly said:
2) Uncharted 3 - a collection of separate set pieces with a flimsy plot line trying to tie them all together, with clumsy shooting mechanics and an obnoxious use of cinematic gameplay. A real step back from Uncharted 2 in almost every way.
You forgot the atrocious level design, a challenge is one thing but being attacked from every direction by grenade launchers and armoureds shotgun peeps is pretty shitty. If you then throw in the hawk-eyed snipers that insta-kill me the moment I leave cover and combine that with the pitiful amount of ammo Uncharted lets you carry, and you've got a real shit heap.


New member
Apr 8, 2004
Final Fantasy XIII: The list for this one goes on forever.
Red Faction Guerrilla: I would have loved a game that rewarded you for thinking tactically and setting ambushes, and supported by a great story. What we got was an anemic story, and a game that actively discouraged any tactic other than "Drive a car into into and blow it the hell up."
Prototype: The story had a lot of promise, but by the time I reached the end of the game I was so disappointed with where it'd gone that it single handily killed my desire to play the sequel.
Grand Theft Auto IV: "It's your cousin Roman, let's go bowling!"
Diablo 3: A lot of build up, a lot of hype, and a bland action game as deep as a puddle.


New member
Mar 15, 2010
Crysis 2 - Call of Duty with watered-down nanosuit. Campaign was alright though, but extremely linear compared to the first's.
Diablo III - Biggest disappointment for me, not just of this year but of my whole life. Even without the DRM or Auction House it would still be a bad game for me. The combat is fun for a playthrough or two, but everything else about it is nothing more than mediocre, whether it's the story and writing, graphics and art-style, music, enemies, or loot, it's not done well.
Duke Nukem Forver - I only played the demo, but I don't think there's more to see in the full game, and it was just simply terrible. How could they screw it up that badly?
GTA IV - Hype made it seem like the perfect game, but when I played it I was disappointed to see that the game took itself way too seriously and tried to be way too realistic, and that just made it boring.
Skyrim - Glitchy, ugly, badly made overrated mess. I had a good time with it and there was a lot of content to do, but honestly I don't know what good there is to say about it. It doesn't do much well.