Your name


New member
Nov 21, 2009
My name is (no joke) Harry Long. LOL.

I also know someone called (I shit you not, this is all true{His parents must be REALLY mean...}):

Harry Cock. No joke. Also, a friend works with a Teresa Green. XD

Vengeful Dusk

New member
May 18, 2011
I know a guy called Liam. He's pretty badass.

My name is Tom, so growing up I got all the "lol yur Thomas the tank herpy derp" sort of things but I heard them so much I didn;t even notice when people did it after a while. Still, Tom is a majorly boring name. I was called Max for the first 3 days of my life, then my stupid mother decided to swap that for my middle name and give me the boring one.

Everybody these days calls me Tomothy. I'm cool with that.


New member
Jan 17, 2008
That's my name.
Also, if you're wondering, it's an Italian surname and it's pronounced "Ro-sa-mil-lia', NOT "Roz-mil-la".
I WILL punch you in the face through TCP/IP or whatever the hell you use to connect to the Internet.


New member
Aug 20, 2009
Henri some people write it as "Henry" for some reason there are multiple ways to pronounce it and I don,t care how people pronounce it.

Joel Dawson

New member
Jun 26, 2011
Dolos said:
I know a guy named Liam and he has the same problems having people pronounce his name. my name is Evan (Ev-van) but so many of my teachers called me Even, or Ethan. its just weird. Even is a word and th does not sound like a v. I think its a fault on the teachers, my Chinese teacher can call me by my name and she still cant pronounce a third of English words right.
Interesting. I'm an Ethan, and people often call me Evan.

I'm also often mistaken for Nathan. I have never had a joke about the name Ethan (and I am not sure there are any).


New member
Jul 30, 2009
Aww, that's a high school thing. I have a chinese name and live in Australia, you can NOT believe how ignorant people are. Most are fine, have trouble pronouncing it the first few times and need correction, but they're nice and will (with the identical expression of the past five that have mispronounced my name in the same way) trill out "Oh that's a beeeeeeeeeautiful name!". It's offensive when people think to shorten it, I'm like wtf thats not even my name. It got so bad that I changed my name towards the last two years of high school, at school i refused to answer to any name other than "Izzy". It's still unusual enough for my tastes, but it's not difficult to pronounce.
I hope you don't change your name, Liam, yours is fine, once you get out of high school this crap stops.


New member
Feb 4, 2011
Apparently, I was supposed to be called Jeremy Ian by my mom, but my dad decided on Jonathan instead. It's sad though that so many people I've talked with have a tendency to add an H in the middle, like it helps them pronounce it better.


I'm back, baby, & still dancing!
Dec 27, 2010
People have TRIED. My name - Fionnuala - doesn't lend to easy rhyming however, which is the preferred method of teasing in Swedish schools, or punning, another favourite. There is my (Swedish) nickname - Fiffi - which conveniently rhymes with "Pippi", but that never really bothered me. The times it did, I didn't show it and the teasing stopped.

I've been pretty luck really. My niece used to be called something that translates into "dead rat" in 4 grade because of her name - which upset her a lot, poor chicken.

Kids can be mean little bastards sometimes.


Mad Cat Lady
Feb 25, 2008
No, Liam is a perfectly fine name. Short, easy to pronounce, I have no issues with the name Liam. Except that most people I know called Liam are chavvy little scrotes. But I don't know you, so I'm not going to judge.
As for my name, Morgan, I've been Megan, Mogan, Moran, Morag etc. You get the picture. I've never been told that it's stupid or gay or retarded. It's not the most common name, unisex, apparently. However, I've yet to come across another female Morgan. If I ever do, I will hug her.


New member
Sep 14, 2010
Liam is a great name, a name I would consider giving to my own son. I have been called Feedback so many times in my life that I now resort to spelling it out loud every time I say it to someone new.


New member
Aug 30, 2011
I've gotten tons of crap about my last name. Got me so far that I started to hate it.
Still do. If I ever marry, I'll happily drop it.

+ Family guy told us that Keith is the ugliest english First name. So at least you got it better than all those poor bastards named Keith.

Josh Horton

New member
Apr 6, 2011
Romblen said:
The name Liam doesn't really seem strange to me. I can understand it being mispronounced, but I don't see anything unusual about it.

As for having a name that people make fun of you for, I can relate. My name is Forrest, which seems to be universally associated with Forrest Gump. Granted it's a good movie, but I don't really like being associated with a character like Forrest Gump. He's an idiot, and as interesting and likable as a character as he was, he was still an idiot. Usually I deal with by taking it as a joke, most people aren't trying to be mean when they use it, it's just an obvious joke.
I hope to God you weren't out for track >_>....

OT: Plain and simply put:
<<<<< That is my name, got a lot of shit for the last name, nickname for the longest time was "Horton Here's a Who".... Oh and I'm good friends with about 4 other Josh's, we hang out at the same time a lot, its quite enjoyable.


Do the buttwalk!
Mar 11, 2009
Rawne1980 said:
and all the "noon" jokes I can handle.
So... Rawne1980 + quality weed = High Noon?

... couldn't help myself. Before you get mad, just return the favour - my last name is Kindt ("Kind" = "child"), you can bet your ass people have had their fun with that since I was in kindergarden.

OT: Why would anyone make fun of "Liam"? I think it's a cool name.
I suggest you have a shirt made with a badass picture of Liam Neeson, with a caption that reads "Can't get more awesome than Liam". :p

Titan Buttons

New member
Apr 13, 2011
Liam is my cousin, pronounced the same too, I don't think he has had that probably. My name is Jarrod (JA-RED) everyone that ever need to write down my name gets it wrong, so if they ask I now, by reflex, spell it out for them


New member
Oct 22, 2008
The drummer of our band was called Liam and he was cool. You're only as cool as you want to be, and if you want the name Liam to be cool, then it's up to you to make it cool. I remember George from Seinfeld complaining he had a shit life because he was called George. Well since George Clooney came along he can no longer say the name was the cause of his problem.


New member
Mar 20, 2010
JCBFGD said:
My name's Jonathan. I go by Jon. People give me shit for not using an "h"...LOLWUT?! Jonathan doesn't have an "h" in it, so why the hell would the shortened version of my name have an "h" in it?! Morons.
I understand that. I'm Jonathan too. But I use Jonny, and even after seeing it they instinctively add an 'h'.

Also, this thread certianly succeeds in making teachers sound retarded with very simple names.

Who can't pronounce Liam or Blake?

Druss the Legend

New member
Jun 6, 2009
Liams a fine name, it just assholes who have a problem, not you.


I got called jack-a-homo a few times. I just ignored it, not really much I could do.


New member
Nov 2, 2009
Redlin5 said:
My name is weird and rare and thus incredibly easy to track down and stalk so I'm not at liberty to share it o.o

I did get a few jokes thrown my way but they were half hearted.
Wanna join the club? :)

I like the name Liam. It's quite popular here in Sweden.
It's pronounced like Lee-am (like AMerican).

Seriously though. You should not care what strangers think. Imagine how much worse it would be if people you cared for would make fun of you.


New member
May 9, 2011
I have a friend called Liam and I've never heard anyone in sweden having problem to pronounce that name.

my name is Patricia, and as trollnystan above me mentioned, rhyming is a preferred method of teasing in sweden, and the way Patricia is pronounced in swedish it can rhyme with a kind of swedish translation of "farty", but that was onlyone of several mean thing they did to me.
all in the past though, meaningless to dwell over.

I read a book once named "Help! My name is Zbigniew" (in swedish though) and that one is a based on the experience of the polish author named Zbigniew Kuklarz (kuk meaning cock in swedish an lars being a rather common name becoming "cock lars" for swedes) of what it was like growing up with that polish name of his in sweden.
one of the funniest parts of the book was when the character was to have his military training and all his stuff needed to be signed with the three first letters of his last name meaning all his stuff had "COCK" written all over them, for which he was kind of given a hard time from the others.