I loved the vid yahtzee.
To quickly sum up my thoughts.
1. camera and effects. It's his opinion, you have yours, your both right.
2. Unlocking chars, it sucks playing with friends when you don't have everything unlocked previously. Not everyone has the game, and not everyone has everything unlocked
3. Button mashing. The game is button mashy.... when you play it as a game instead of a lifestyle. If you've played ssb(any in the series) for more than 200 hours collectively, your lost to reason. But the advance techniques, and tournament quality play, is out of reach, and in fact is not even desirable, to the average player(as in 90% of the people who bought the game). And the game will be sorta mashy.
Yahtzee isn't going to practice playing this game(note, ssbb is just a game, it's not a lifestyle, or a way of life) enough to become "that guy". Let alone the fact that, "that guy" could never create a funny review, since i can watch fluffy rainbows, and perfect flowery bunnies all day long, and its just as boring and gay as someone describing their favorite game why it is awesome.
4. Unknown characters. They are unknown out of japan, why do you think jump ultimate stars never got out of japan. IT wasn't because of low sales potential(lol it'd have sold like hot cakes) it was because a lot of the stuff is unknown outside of japan, and some of the stuff is actually unlicensed, or held by different licensing companies for rights regarding various things in different countries.(at least thats how it was explained to me, i never got into the game, or researched it enough to verify it)
Now that you realize that, and he wasn't trying to insult your way of life. Maybe you can realize that... he was exaggerating the button mashing situation for humours sake.
And that he wasn't calling you ignorant for liking this game, or that your a fanboy for liking it. If you'd have actually listened to the review instead of steaming with nerd rage, you'd have realized that he was saying "if you defended the name "wii" when it was announced on internet forums, your going to love this game regardless of anything anyone says because your that much of a fanboy twat" And frankly, you argueing against him on these forums... has pretty much proved his point, and proved what you are.