Recent content by Nin9Worlds

  1. Nin9Worlds

    Here's 60 bucks, go buy a 360 game

    I would buy Super Meat Boy... and use the remaining cash to eat a nice juicy fat stake at a fancy restaurant. Edit: or maybe just donate the remaining 50 buck to Team Meat, they deserve it.
  2. Nin9Worlds

    Thief Steals Laptop, Returns Data on USB Stick

    Couldn't resist...
  3. Nin9Worlds

    Sony Announces New PS2 Bundle

    From a Business standpoint the removal of PS3 back-compat. makes much sense, because of what we are reading here: many people still play and are willing to buy a PS2. Also, we must not forget that there are diferent markets all over the world. Many parents buy PS2 for their yonger kids, there...
  4. Nin9Worlds

    Braid creator's next game, The Witness: first gameplay footage

    And this is an early build, a lot might (probably) will change. But it already looks so beautifull and playable =)
  5. Nin9Worlds

    Braid creator's next game, The Witness: first gameplay footage

    Been following with antecipation what Jonathan Blow is conjuring up for 2011, it seems The Witness made a subtil appearence on PAX 2010. I just found this footage, from Kotaku i think, wanted to share it with you guys. Also, check out the games site -> where...
  6. Nin9Worlds

    From Dust- OH MY GOD GAME

    Just found out this recent interview where Chahi explains in detail From Dust, check it out.
  7. Nin9Worlds

    From Dust- OH MY GOD GAME

    This game was presented in E3 as Project Dust, and is the first game after a long 12 year hiatus from the Awesome Lord of Awesome Gaming Monsieur Eric Chahi, best known for the game Another World, released by Delphine Software in 1991 for the Amiga. Before Another World he developed the graphics...
  8. Nin9Worlds

    UFO sighted over Chinese airport.

    IA IA! Cthulhu F'thagn!
  9. Nin9Worlds

    Zero Punctuation: Super Mario Galaxy 2

    Loved the space oddity reference. Cake you Mario!
  10. Nin9Worlds

    Most Frightening Game You've Seen?

    Awesome game, especially if you have read the books on wich the game is based. The game has a lot of annoying bugs and glitches but if you like horror games and Lovecraftian lore, you owe it to yourself playing it :) Cthulhu F'taghn!!!
  11. Nin9Worlds

    Most Frightening Game You've Seen?

    Thats some scary game, nice to see an older school game popping up :) Playing the original Silent Hill was a heart stopping experience, its is such a weird and ****** up game. Of course Silent Hill 2 is a masterpiece. Condemned: criminal origins -> very very scary game.
  12. Nin9Worlds

    Poll: Your weapon of choice for surviving the zombie apocalypse...

    Shotgun is, and will always be, the only scientifically certified Zombie Repellent.
  13. Nin9Worlds

    Poll: inFamous 2: Die inFamous-er: I am Worried

    My ability to read minds is legendary and something to be feared :P Super speed and teleportation, sounds good and i don't see how it would be hard to implement (although it would probablly mean some tweeking in the enemy design and combat). Maybe we will be pleasently surprised, we never know :)
  14. Nin9Worlds

    Poll: inFamous 2: Die inFamous-er: I am Worried

    Although you might have a point there, i still believe that changing the character, for whatever reason (just hope it isn't for the sake of larger audience appeal) is a let down giving the painfull endeavour Cole went thru in iNfamous. Is development as a character is consistent with a darker...
  15. Nin9Worlds

    Poll: inFamous 2: Die inFamous-er: I am Worried

    I love Infamous, but im sad about the changes they implemented with Cole. I think Sucker Punch is hanging out a bit too much with Naughty Dog, because the game is looking dangerously similar to Uncharted 2 in terms of the "cinematic" feel. Notice the helicopter chase in the gameplay video, the...