You seem to be assuming that just because there was a very vocal outcry against games like DA2 and ME3 that they were disasters...that's not really true. In reality there's just as many people that thought that DA2 and ME3 were great games, and it's not just Bioware fan-boys either. Just because the nay-sayers were shouting with the loudest voice doesn't mean that they represented the majority of people that bought those games - which were commercial successes, I might add.Paragon Fury said:Maybe the three near-ruinous outings they've had will have taught them something and they'll hit DA:I completely out of the park. But if we're to err on the side of caution and say they do fail again - you think Bioware will still be around this time next year? Or will EA finally jettison them after sending they finances and shareholders into a panic for the 3rd time while making EA look like the devil (again)?
So yes, I think that Bioware will be fine. Though I can promise you that just like with ME3 and DA2, the "vocal nay-sayers" will be out in full force regardless of how good DA3 turns out to be. It could be the greatest game in the history of RPGs and there's still going to be people raging about it. The threads have already started (this one, for example) which are trying to shoot down the game before it even comes out, and I promise you this site's forum will be swamped with anti-Bioware and anti-DA3 threads as soon as the game comes out and for weeks to follow.