Need to vent? Here's the place.


New member
Aug 1, 2011
To make a long story short, this customer comes in and starts to insult Puerto Ricans(not just Ricans, a lot of other Hispanic races too, not as much though). I happen to be half Puerto Rican, so when hes finished with his tirade(which started off on why the city was bankrupt, then moved on to illegal immigrants, which he thinks Puerto Ricans are for some reason) I take off my work shirt, I have a muscle shirt under it. With my arms exposed, I have my PR tattoo visible. The douchebag notices it.

Now this old ignorant fuck just looks at me, and before he can say anything I tell him,"Go fuck yourself, your mother, and this piece of shit you rode in on." He doesn't even know what to do and I scream at him to leave. He goes on to say he knows my boss and he'll call him. He leaves. My boss' friend who watched it all just laughs.

30 minutes later, my boss comes in, and sees me working, he notices that I'm pissed as hell. He asks his friend what happened. His buddy starts to tell him, and I notice my boss' eyes widen, then he comes up to me and says,"You ok?" I look at him and told him I'm fine, but he tells me to take the rest of the day off and come in the next day, and that I don't need to worry about a "racist jackass." There are little moments where I love my boss, then theres most of the moments where I want him to get off my ass. YES GOD DAMNIT, I SWEEPED UP ALL THE DIRT, EMPTIED THE GARBAGE CANS, PLUCKED ALL THE WEEDS, AND I JUST CHANGED THE OIL ON 27 CARS IN 5 HOURS. GOD FORBID YOU SEE ME SIT ON MY ASS FOR 10 MINUTES WHEN EVERYTHING IS FUCKING DONE.


New member
Aug 7, 2011
I recently lost 50 lbs of fat and have gotten in quite good shape, mainly for the purpose of boosting my self confidence, and then tonight on my way home from seeing rise of the planet of the apes with my friends, they all start saying that i wouldnt be able to find a girlfriend, and that even though I've changed my body completely. The thing that pisses me off is that ive actually been in a relationship before, and one of these guys hasnt, and the other one is a real creep who insults his girlfriend behind her back and says he finds her brother sexually attractive. The whole situation is enough to make me want to just scream in frustration.


New member
Aug 9, 2009
Vangaurd227 said:
I'm sick of living with my dad in particular
My Dad is the most cruel ignorant selfish bastard I have ever had the displeasure of living with!
He never let me have any friends or even go to public school when i was a little kid.
When I first started playing the guitar he hit me if i didn't learn a song before my next guitar lesson.
I recently came out of the closet...when he found out he pushed me over and kicked me....mum just stood there and watched....he's the reason i'm so darn shy and socially awkward and the worst part is i have to live with him for another 4 years.

Also screw garageband for not having a better drum loop creator...I can't work with this!
I don't know if its your story, your avatar or THIS FUCKING BEAUTIFUL MUSIC THAT IS TITILATING MY EARS RIGHT NOW, but that was really moving.



As for myself, worrying about a career path (currently in college) is really annoying.

At first, I was majoring in Physics but that got really boring, dull, and consequently, I didn't study enough. I'm lucky I got a C, and that was because the curve gave me that for getting a fucking average of 50. What a joke. I shouldn't even have passed that. Thing is, sometimes I doubt myself and wonder if I did so poorly because I just lacked the competence and diligence to succeed. These thoughts basically crashed my self-esteem.

I got so apathetic about my work that I nearly fucked up my grade in English ("College Writing"). I kept procrastinating to the point of fucking myself over despite that fact that I was easily the best writer in my class. Not that that goes for much. Everyone else in that class could hardly write a decent essay.

And the thing that constantly ebbs at my pride is the fact that I'm attending Umass Lowell- a state school- while everyone I know is at some god damn private school. Most of them can seem to afford it somehow too. (I went to a private High School which explains why so many of my classmates are richer).

It just makes me feel like some kind of joke.

Academically, my first year left me feeling really unsatisfied.

Now I've switched my major to Psychology because I found it more interesting, but the two classes I've had in psych so far have been so fucking easy they feel like a joke. It also seems like every fucking time I go into chat channels or talk with people with engineering/bio majors, they shit on other majors.

People seem to say that their aren't any jobs outside of those fucking dry majors, and it makes me wonder what the fucking purpose is of any other major then.

So am I really spending all this money on college for a glorified fucking piece of paper? WHAT. THE. FUCK.

Shit like this makes me and my work feel pointless.



But yeah, those anxieties were sharper back in the early half of the summer. Now I'm eager to continue learning and hopefully find something worthwhile and engaging.

I could whine about the lack of romance in my life, but fuck that. One thing at a time :D

Matthew Adams

New member
Aug 30, 2010
Great Idea for a thread. Reading through the posts is really interesting. :)

I've just been told by my father that we'll have to move again, It's not by choice, we have to. Right now, we live in a fairly rural area, plenty of privacy, plenty of space, we can do what we want, go for walks on the expansive property, target shoot with my father using his rifles (we take very good care and it's completely safe BTW), and we finally just got a great internet connection a few months ago as well. The mortgage on the property is just too damn expensive, my father originally bought the place with his GF, she's now moved out, he can't buy her half from her and continue to pay the mortgage himself, he also needs to pay the mortgage on my mother's house because she is no longer working (she hasn't worked since she and my dad divorced, oh... six years ago), and she seems to be making no effort to find herself a job (I haven't a clue what happened to her old job), so my father is stuck paying two mortgages. If my mother had a job and could pay her own mortgage, we'd be able to stay where we are, and not have to worry about the hassle of moving, and not have to leave this home which I love (I didn't grow up here, I just love the place). We'll have to move to a place with much less land, which I'm not crazy about because of lack of freedom. I'll be at the same school, so that is pretty good. I will definitely stay with my father though, he's great, my mother and I just argue most of the time. It'll get sorted out, and life will go on, It's all just a ball-ache.

whoa... that felt good, sorry about the length :)

Black Arrow Officer

New member
Jun 20, 2011
I was picking out my dinner in our local supermarket today when Moby Dick comes rolling by on a scooter loaded with nothing but frozen pizza, candy, and ice cream. He runs OVER MY FUCKING FOOT with his 400 pound lard tub of a body on that scooter, then has the balls to call me a "Skinny *****" when I call him out on it. I felt like grabbing a steak knife from the kitchen supply section, cutting him in half and watching him bleed steak sauce. Two of my toes are broken, but I'm not going to sue because of how fucking merciful I've decided to be. Fat Acceptance my ass, lose some weight you piles of cottage cheese. I don't care how "hard" it is for a walrus like you to exercise or eat right, it's completely possible to lose weight as long as you---get this---exercise each day and not eat crap 24/7. NOTHING in the world is preventing you from exercising and eating right, not any disease, not any bad luck, not any mental condition.

Unstable Ark

New member
Jul 26, 2011
I need a fucking job. I've been spending the last few weeks handing out resumes and applications in hopes of at least a seasonal job or something part-time, ideally. No responses, not even an interview. I'm tired of straining my parents for money and my sister's fucking attitude when I need help. For some reason, it doesn't matter if financial aid fucked me over or if I forgot to complete a task she NEVER mentioned I should do, it's all apparently my fault.

Somewhere down the line, she developed this superiority complex that because she's older by 6 years, she knows everything, and because we live long distance, she just has to hang up the phone when things don't go her way and is safe knowing there's nothing I can do about it.

At least my brother's here. At least I have his support, even if I do feel bad that he uses his money to help me out. Now I'm in the realization that some of my best friends are drifting away. Now I only have one left. She's awesome, but we rarely hang out as much as I'd like. Now, I'm stuck at home all day until the next semester, hanging on to the hope that financial aid won't screw me over again and will cover my classes and books.

And I haven't had any type of creative spark for any of my stories for many months now. Getting frustrated.

And it seems that I get rather unhappy with myself every other day. Unfortunately, it's been following this pattern for the last 3 years. I wish I knew what the cause was, but I guess I'll manage through.

By the way, thanks for the thread. It's good to vent, but I wish there was a companion thread for the cheer ups now.


New member
Nov 8, 2008
Dear best friend, I know we don't talk very much anymore. But there's a good reason for that; I'm in love with you and have been for years. Every time I see you with him I don't know what today. Maybe I could kill him? But now, you're moving away and I might never see you again.
Do you know how beautiful I think you are?
Do you know that I think about you every day?
I guess you might. But I suppose it doesn't matter anymore. Not like I'm too worried, for some reason I never get properly worried about anything. I just wish you could take a look inside my head and then you'd understand everything. You might not want to talk to me ever again, and I would understand. You always underestimated my capacity to understand.
Well, I'll miss you.


New member
Jul 24, 2010
Well I have several matters to vent about, and I guess I might as well, though I normally wouldn't participate in this type of thread.

Matter 1: I'm still in love with my ex-girlfriend, and I hate it. I absolutely hate that I love her. I want to hate her, but I can't. Why? No idea, pisses me off.
No. 2 (spoilered to save space)
My cousin is dating the most obsessive ***** I've ever met (I apologize for the rudeness, but sadly, it's true). He can't even hang out with me, not only his best (and only!) friend, but his cousin, without getting bitched at for not being home when she gets home or some stupid crap. I hate her. He hates her. Now the other day, he finally grows a pair and tells her it's over. She has so much control over him that I haven't been able to speak with him since the incident, as she's taken his phone so he can't have contact with anyone save her. I have been working for the past two months to get them to break up, and he finally does it, then he chickens out. I am so pissed off at him right now.
No 3: I haven't slept well for three weeks now. Schools getting ready to start up again, and I need to sleep. Last night I drank (not took, drank!) cough medicine to help me sleep. I slept for one and half hours, then I was wide awake for another four and half hours till I finally managed to fall into a restless sleep.

I have a lot more stuff, but man, I feel a little bit better already. I also just noticed that I make very few typos when typing posts for the Escapist, while chatting with friends I have to backspace every five seconds to correct something.


New member
Feb 7, 2011
Okay here I go.

I FUCKING HATE READING! I think it's boring, no matter how compelling a book is it's much more fun to listen to music or play a video game. I was raised in a house wear I was taught "you're life depends on reading books." If I need to read a book on how to fix a pipe, fine I'll do it, or maybe I'll just call a professional to do it for me. I'll read a book if I want to but I think it's just plain boring.

I don't want to take my pills. No mom, I don't think taking ADHD pills will help me do better in school. I goes against my free will and I consider it slavery in a since. Oh what's that? I got a "C" in Language Arts and I'm not going to live a happy and long successful life with that grades like that? No, I didn't fail to pay attention in class, you know what made me get a "C"? I DIDN'T FUCKING READ A BOOK AND TAKE A STUPID MOTHERFUCKING QUIZ ON IT BECAUSE BOOKS ARE TOO DAMN BORING!

No dad, I don't want to hear about how you raised your brothers at the age of 5. Why? Because it would be the 18th FUCKING time that you did this week. I don't care if you we're a cop at Bangkok at age 14. Here in America, WE DON'T FUCKING HAVE CHILD LABOR!

Don't give me shit for being a Juggalo. Alright, I have a taste in music that you think is dumb. Do I give a fuck? No. Don't bring up "fuckin magnets how do they work?" and how it was stupid. Everybody in this thread has seen one thing and wanted to know how it worked, an electric guitar, a car, the human body, anything. Don't tell me "there fanbase is white trash retards." Of course you make fun of them, they're the people you've always made fun of, the outcast you see sitting alone at the lunch table.

Fred Durst you are a massive tool.

Jersey Shore? Real Housewives? I tried to watch these shows and quite literally felt my IQ dropping.

Greyson Chance, Cody Simpson, and teenybopper, I hope you are aware that nobody is going to know you in 3 years.

Justin Beiber, you are the bodily representation of everythings that's wrong with the modern music industry.

No you redneck chicken fuck, don't tell me how you shot a 12 point buck or whatever it is they measure game in. I'm going to say something about myself and you just say how you've done some shit I don't care about. I don't care if you got 41 kills in a game of Black Ops, no I don't care you broke your arm from being a dumb ass and trying to ramp over a river.

Rene (sister) YOU'RE NOT FUCKING BETTER THAN THE REST OF THE HUMAN RACE! Get out of your world where your family is a source of money.

I have more so I might even come back to this thread a few time over a period of time.


New member
Aug 31, 2010

I hate those people


New member
Nov 21, 2010
Black Arrow Officer said:
I was picking out my dinner in our local supermarket today when Moby Dick comes rolling by on a scooter loaded with nothing but frozen pizza, candy, and ice cream. He runs OVER MY FUCKING FOOT with his 400 pound lard tub of a body on that scooter, then has the balls to call me a "Skinny *****" when I call him out on it. I felt like grabbing a steak knife from the kitchen supply section, cutting him in half and watching him bleed steak sauce. Two of my toes are broken, but I'm not going to sue because of how fucking merciful I've decided to be. Fat Acceptance my ass, lose some weight you piles of cottage cheese. I don't care how "hard" it is for a walrus like you to exercise or eat right, it's completely possible to lose weight as long as you---get this---exercise each day and not eat crap 24/7. NOTHING in the world is preventing you from exercising and eating right, not any disease, not any bad luck, not any mental condition.
I <3 you so much right now.

Mr Box

New member
Jul 8, 2011
Damn you Microsoft.
To Hell with you Sony

Why did the two of you have to start this war?

(Referring to the fanboys, not the actuall console war.)


New member
Oct 2, 2010
I never have any time. I was at uni full time plus 2.5hrs travel each way every day, and a casual job on top of that. I decided to drop out of uni due to a severe lack of interest/motivation, and now everyone seems to think that I've let them down. Parents in particular. Of course, now they are being really "encouraging" about finding a full time job somewhere. Or just finding anything to not have me sitting around doing nothing for more than 10 minutes at a time

I haven't seen my best friend in months, my two other good friend that I do see more regularly often talk like I'm not even there.

I'm tired of being single. I'm 23 and have had exactly one date, while my 21 year old sister just got engaged. As happy as I am for them (and I am) it really makes me feel like I'm falling behind.

I'm tired of my Dad always guilt tripping me about playing games. I always have to be looking over my shoulder to see if he's coming because he thinks that there is nothing worse in the world I could be doing. So many games I would have liked to play but I never buy them because he makes me feel terrible about it.

Thanks you Ren3004, I needed that. Not that it really changes anything, but its nice to know that someone out there read this.


New member
Mar 14, 2010
I'm sick of having to go to a Catholic school and not being able to show my thoughts on their stupid, fucking religion or even present my own beliefs without the fear of expulsion.


New member
Apr 9, 2008
I'm beginning to hate some of my friends. i have a lot of female friends, most of which are very much anime fangirls, and, frankly, its getting a bit annoying. they show a disturbing level of obsession with certain shows, certain characters, and especially yoai.. i don't mind yoai, not interested in it, but don't mind... but their utter OBSESSION with it is honestly disturbing me. this can't be psychologically healthy..


New member
Nov 21, 2010
I hate how some people have opinions that they claim as fact, and when your opinion differs from theirs, yours is seen as wrong, and of lesser value. This can be on anything from where you stand politically, to whether or not you like ketchup. I have different opinions, stop getting mad that I don't agree with you!


New member
Aug 25, 2009
Don't get me wrong all in all I think I'm a pretty lucky guy, and am thankful for what I have but I do have quite a few things that I get pissed off about. Like my brother who seems to think that he can just wantonly mess up the house ie: make himself breakfast and lunch, invite his friends for a party, frigging leaving water bottl;es dirty dishes, glasses scattered thoughout the house, and actually expects me to clean it up and if i don't my parents get angry at me for being so lazy. Not to mention the fact that I continueally ask em for help to get my application for a post secondary school ready and help me acquire the documents nescessary to apply. I ask em for help it takes forever, partially due to the recent post office strikes so I just got them now. My brother asks for help its done in a day two friggin weeks ago WTF, and yes I am jelous of him. My job isn't much bettter either. Time and time again I have continually asked for a transfer to floor associate just about anywhere since I am tired of being a stock associate for walmart (My job is to get the carts back inside, collect baskets help customers load stuff into their cars, cover matenance and greeter positions, make bales take care of empty pallets and whatever else the managers can dream up.) I am friggin tired of it so ask for a different position on 5 seperate occasions. I have gotten every excuse in the book, sorry we need stock associates because we are understaffed, sorry we have to keep you in your full time position and we have no full time positions in the areas you want to work in, or when they really feel like feeding me BS: oh don't worry I'm actually giving you shifts in a new department with the new schedule I'm just writing up right now. Then a week or two later nope still haven't been transfered go find the manager ask him what the heck happened "O sorry I totally forgot to schedule you guess you'll have to make due with your full time shifts in stock associate," then pretty much get this bull fed to me for a few weeks on end till I give up. Followed by me asking around for references since clearly I am wasting my time. Standard answer I only got 2 references while the others I asked simply gave me the old "I'm sorry we cannot provide evaluations for other venues of employment, corporate policy." So finally go to my resume turns out since I don't have the right program for word that was used on the resume so i can't change it and my printer ink is empty and have no idea wut type to buy, yay me I totally suck.


New member
Mar 5, 2011
alright, here goes. I hate scene boys, and people who make up cute little names for things to not face the truth, like "escort" instead of whore. I hate people who push their dogs in strollers, and people who rant about how animal abusers should die. I hate people who love animals but don't give a shit about people, and people who complain because "under God" is in the pledge of alleigence. I hate gay people who act flamboyent and disgusting in public and then complain that they're being persecuted in the same way black people were during the civil rights movement. I hate black people who say they love martin luthur king junior but hate God, despite the fact that his full title was the rev. martin luther king jr. I hate people who are racist for no reason except that they are mindless idiots who do what others tell them without question. I hate teenagers who shoplift and want to have sex at fifteen, and be dicks to adults because they are feeling rebellious. I hate people who get absurdly drunk without caring that the sober people have to take care of their clumsy drunk asses, and people who are picky eaters simply to cause problems for the other people they have to eat with. I hate people who say that my tax dollars should pay for all of the lazy unemployment milking slobs, and people who overspend and destroy the economy. I hate people who make a big deal about things that offend people, and then turn around and talk about how much they like free speech. ironically, I know with absolute certainty that I will be banned from the escapist forums for this post, as I have engaged in several debate here on this site, and have not been very subtle about my opinions. this is the final straw for me, but I rest easy knowing several things. first of all, this felt damn good to get off my chest. second of all, I love living in a country where I can't be persecuted for this post. as conservetive as I am, freedom of speech is pretty fun. thirdly, I love the fact that the escapist still has the authority to shut people up when they say bad things, so banning me for this post is actually kind of a blessing as it restores my faith in humanity.

finally, to anyone who actually finished reading this, I congratulate you. if you are now steaming with rage because I somehow insulted you, get over yourself. I'm just a high school kid, so everything I say here is pretty meaningless, and if it offends you, that's probably because it's the truth.


New member
Dec 8, 2010
I think this is a great post idea!

I just got out of the military, and I'm going to college. All the friends that I left in this god forsaken state have stabbed me in the back, but despite knowing this my family thinks I should still hang out with them. Those bastards (my parents) wonder why I don't want to live in that god damn house and they ask me consently: why I had to move to a different city, why I couldn't go to school locally, But I pity them to much to out right say that I hate them. I mean, they have to live with the fact that their son graduated high school (they didn't), served his country (they wouldn't), and is going to college (they never will); and their daughter is probibly going to drop out of high school after her punk-ass boyfriend knocks her up then leaves her, and she'll probably never leave that town.

That whore of an ex that I spent five damn years with, then she gives me a "Dear John," call (Dear John, I've been fucking your friend for two monthes... I think we should see other people.). Does anyone here know what it's like to return an engagment ring? My best friend since second grade didn't invite me to his wedding, hell I didn't even know about it until a month later. Money is always an issue. I only have two people in the world that I can trust, and they both treat me like shit. School sucks because everyone in that college is a wet behind the ears punk that's going to school on Mommy and Daddy's dime and they haven't had to worry about dieing or getting shot or "If this damn vest is actually going to stop a bullet." I hate my family, I'm losing faith in humanity, and I hate layng awake at night in my big fucking bed alone, but I'm to much of a god damn coward to talk to any woman that I meet 'cause of all the shit I went through with that last damn one. I stopped smokeing, stopped drinking, and I'm getting fit so that I can at least look at a mirror with out feeling like shit. But wait, my time in the military has left me so damn paranoid, that I'm reaching for my gun when ever I hear a bump in the night and I'm reaching for my pocket knife whenever someone walks toward me, so being attractive to other people is that last thing I want, 'cause then they'll approach me.

-whoooot- damn I feel better, and that ain't even that half of it. Thanks for listening.


New member
Jun 29, 2008
YOU'RE NOT FUCKING FAT SO SHUT THE FUCK UP. People can see your ribs when you wear a form-fitting shirt, so shut your fucking mouth and stop attention-whoring.

Really? You miss me? Is that why you've barely tried to keep in contact with me over the past few weeks? Alright then.

..That's enough for now.