Valve Fans Form Left 4 Dead 2 Boycott Group


New member
Jun 3, 2009
Well, the announcement upset me a little bit, but if it sells at reduced cost, $30 for example, sure. If they charge $50 for it there's no way I'm buying. Until the price comes down, that is. This whole boycott thing really is ridiculous.. And to think I almost jumped right on that bandwagon.. I thought about how Valve really couldn't mess this up and turned right around and walked away from the rage. I'm sure this will turn out well. :D


New member
Apr 27, 2009
See, I got Left4Dead to play a decent Co-op game with my mates. I have no idea whether Valve have said it's a test run or if it was meant to have loads of updates, I just want to play a fun game with my mates.

In othr news, I can't WAIT for Left4Dead 2. Maybe being in the daytime will help me HIT SOMETHING...


New member
Jan 31, 2009
Hey guys come here... No a little closer... Just a little closer... Okay ready I got something really Interesting and deep to tell you.... GET THE FUCK OVER IT YOUR GONNA BUY THE GODDAMN GAME ANYWAY, NOBODY GIVES TWO SHITS ABOUT YOUR SORRY WHINEY ASSES


New member
Jun 22, 2008
Lord_Panzer said:
Oooohhh. My. GOD!

Stop complaining! Holy balls, folks, all we know so far is what's shown in about five two-minute videos, and you're finding reason to complain?

/unbridled rage.

It was gonna happen eventually, no need to get all worked up. All that a boycott will do is thin out the ranks of crazies in game lobbies.


New member
Feb 12, 2008
I am boycotting L4D2 and every other Valve product until they start paying attention to the only series that matters...unless of course L4D2 comes bundled with it come November.


Impractically practical
Feb 6, 2009
LewsTherin said:
Lord_Panzer said:
Oooohhh. My. GOD!

Stop complaining! Holy balls, folks, all we know so far is what's shown in about five two-minute videos, and you're finding reason to complain?

/unbridled rage.

It was gonna happen eventually, no need to get all worked up. All that a boycott will do is thin out the ranks of crazies in game lobbies.
*muffled noises of agreement*


New member
Jun 3, 2009
I don't really care much about a discount, I think they have earned my money. I also think the day-time maps could be a welcome addition, and if not, then I just wont play them. What really worries me though, is the community split-up. Unless they find some way of either attracting a wider audience, or somehow linking the two games, I'm afraid one of the games will die out rather quickly due to lack of players. And it could seriously hurt the competitive side. But I trust Valve and will look forward to seeing them handle this with their trademark high amount of attention to the users.


New member
Apr 26, 2009
Interesting but you all failed to see the point. Gabe announced upon release of L4D that it would be supported much like TF2 was. However only one new game mode (Which is bloody awesome) and one new map ever arrived. There are still bugs that continue to plague the game that don't allow some players to even play most of the campaigns from start to finish. This entire time they have been working on L4D2. It's mainly the bugs that people are pissed about. Not the colorful scenery. I bet you 90% of all the people who have post here with comments like " SOMEONE CALL THE WAAMBULENCE!" don't even own the game. You need to understand the relationship between the players and valve that had been brewing for so many years.


New member
Apr 27, 2008
Kwil said:
Significant content for L4D1 was promised, and never delivered. True
Not quite. Not yet delivered. The word we have is that significant content for L4D1 is still being developedI was not aware of that. Guess that kills that point.
The announced date is not nearly enough time to polish content or make significant gameplay changes. They might have a point
Do they *want* significant gameplay changes? I thought they liked L4D1 plenty? They should make up their minds.If there are no significant gameplay changes, people will question if they should bother buying the next game as it's just more of the same. Similar to how buying a FIFA game every year for a slightly updated roster is a waste of money.
L4D2's release will result in a drop in quality and frequency for L4D1 content, even compared to before. Again, they might have a point
No, again, because Valve's philosophy is developers get to pick what they work on, and it's pretty much assured that some of the developers still love L4D1.. that's what brought on 2 after allWhy would Valve want to work with L4D1 when they could work with the new and improved version? It's going to boil down to how loyal they are to their fans, and though Valve has proven to be extremely trustworthy in the past, there will always be some doubt.

The Great JT

New member
Oct 6, 2008
Why don't they just implement Left 4 Dead 2's content as an expansion pack? And instead of four new survivors, keep Bill, Zoey, Francis and Louis.


New member
Apr 9, 2008
It's Valve. They have a pretty great record in terms of releasing high quality, finished products, and providing a wealth of new content, above and beyond what anyone else out there does. They have the track record. Ill admit that L4D 2 sounds like an abandonment of there usual, excellent track record, and not paying as much attention to the post release content. Doesn't sound like they are doing as good a job on this as normal. But, I also suspect that it will be a great game, and a quality tweaking of the original. It will be good. It will be worth the money, and I will buy it.


New member
Oct 17, 2008
Fineldar said:
orangebandguy said:
People always complain over change, On Facebook, in TF2 updates and even the new site layout on here. We'll get over it and move on.
Hey, being an old man is a perfectly good behavior! Actually, two of those things you pointed out were actually dumb changes.

I'm not saying L4D is the son of God or anything but this like if the Jews were saying "Dude, Jesus only gave us like 1000 loaves and fishes before going on to heal some of us and some Romans. How the fuck dare he!
GodsOneMistake said:
Hey guys come here... No a little closer... Just a little closer... Okay ready I got something really Interesting and deep to tell you.... GET THE FUCK OVER IT YOUR GONNA BUY THE GODDAMN GAME ANYWAY, NOBODY GIVES TWO SHITS ABOUT YOUR SORRY WHINEY ASSES
Oh come on, most flames on the escapist aren't as easily recognized as this.


New member
Apr 28, 2009
These people haven't really done their homework, have they?

Significant content for L4D1 was promised, and never delivered
Valve put little faith in L4D1 since they almost certainly started working on L4D2 right after release
The fact that L4D2 is nearly identical to L4D1 will decimate the community for both games
The announced date is not nearly enough time to polish content or make significant gameplay changes
The new character designs seem bland and unappealing so far
L4D2 is too colourful to fit in with L4D1's visual aesthetic
The fiddle-based horde music is extremely disliked, though the differently orchestrated music is otherwise welcome
L4D2's release will result in a drop in quality and frequency for L4D1 content, even compared to before
The community has lost faith in Valve's former reputation for commitment to their games post-release

1. Valve said they were still working on DLC for the first game after they announced the second.

2. The development team still had some ideas for the original that didn't make the cut, so the company gave them the green light to make a sequel. It doesn't mean they've given up on the first game though.

3. Valve is currently working on putting Left 4 Dead's one and two on the same disc upon the time of the second game's release.

4. The engine was already perfected in the first game. All they'd need to do was create new maps, characters, and weapons with minimal tweaks to the AI.

5. The characters were only shown for a few seconds in the trailer. It would be pretty hard to make an accurate judgment of them so quickly.

6. The only reason the color is there is because the game takes place during the day. You'd have the same amount of vibrancy in the first game if that had daylight segments as well.

7. They're welcoming in music that they hate? That doesn't make any sense.

8. Again, they're still working on the DLC. Don't fret over the game because of your own impatience.

9. There are several dedicated servers still serving Left 4 Dead online. How could they say the developers aren't committed to maintaining the quality of the best zombie-apocalypse game available on the market?

harhol said:
Anyone else notice the obvious dichotomy here?

1. L4D2 is being released too soon. It's obviously a cynical rush job. Valve are corporate whores who only care about making a quick buck. We, the loyal fans, are being exploited by the rushed release of L4D2.
2. Valve said they'd support L4D but they're filthy liars because they've actually been working on L4D2 all along. This explains the lack of new content for L4D. Ever since L4D was released they've been focusing on L4D2. They don't care about us.

If you're going to whine, at least get your story straight.
1. What's wrong with another game in a series coming out earlier than we expected? If Neversoft can crank out quality titles like Tony Hawk's Pro Skater or Guitar Hero every year, I think Valve could do the same with Left 4 Dead. Besides, Valve has the best track record of any PC or console developer. They wouldn't even consider selling out their fanbase by hyping up some generic run-and-gun shooter that's destined to be a disappointment (I'm looking at YOU, Epic).

2. The first DLC came out just over a month ago and they've already been working their asses off surprising everyone with a new installment in the series. You can't afford to give them some time off from the game? You're not really being fair to a company which has provided you groundbreaking, cinematic quality games for over eleven years. If anything, I think you and your buddies from the "L4D 2 is going to suck even though I've only seen a minute-long trailer of the game" fanclub an apology to Valve.

And if YOU'RE going to whine, at least get YOUR story straight.


New member
May 26, 2008
I disagree with the whole characters being bland. From the trailer, they looked pretty diverse and interesting with the rich playboy looking guy, the hick with the hat.The well to do looking black guy and the other lady look anything but bland to me...


New member
Oct 31, 2008
I don't know. All of this seems like one giant weird-ass hoax to me. It's completely unlike Valve to release a sequel mere months after the original came out, and what the hell does Microsoft have to do with it anyway? AND WHERE IS HL2 EPISODE 3?


New member
Mar 10, 2008
Bah I say, BAH! VALVe needs to be taken down a notch someday or another if you ask me! I say let them boycott, they have their own points like content for L4D1 (great, now we'll need to add a number for either L4D's) never being fully delivered despite being nearly a year.

Frankly, I think L4D2 is much too soon. All I can see in L4D2 is new maps, new weapons, and new enemies, all of which can be updated in a pack. Unless L4D2 turns out to have 10 new maps, 15 new weapons, and a dozen new enemy types, I don't like the feeling that VALVe are churning out a sequel to a game that probably never needed one in the first place, especially this soon.

Even if they will probably delay it 5 times over...

And again, I say BAH!