Violent women.


New member
Sep 14, 2008
IrisEver said:
Abedeus said:
I spent half my young life dealing with tougher-than-average women. Probably because I don't feel comfortable around people weaker physically than me - usually I was afraid I'd hurt them by accident.

Except when a girl thinks swearing + smoking = aggressive. Sorry, nope. It's called weak-minded.
That's interesting. I actually agree that simply 'swearing and smoking' doesn't mean aggressive. But I'll have to disagree that they're necessarily weak minded. Well, smoking is if you're addicted and complain about being addicted. But smoking also has zero to do with aggression.

Swear words are just sounds that we've applied intense and passionate meaning to as a culture. They're not inherently wrong or the sign of a weak person. If it's all their vocabulary consists of, then I see where you're coming from. But the odd word of anger or passion? Nope. Not the sign of an aggressive or assertive person, but I don't think swear words necessarily take anything away from a personality as long as it's not "Jeremy Kyle guest" level.
I referred to smoking AND swearing, like TRYING to look badass and whatnot.

Smoking is being weak, though.
Sep 14, 2009
long story short, i'd rather deal with a pacifist than someone who is so opinionated to the point that i am fearful for my own thoughts in that they will stab me in my sleep because i said something wrong that day.

that's how my mom is, and that's how some people i know are, and i fucking HATE being around them for more than a few hours at a time, it drives me absolutely up the wall.

why do i prefer this? idk, i'm pretty passive myself, and i don't mind having a good argument/exchange of ideas often enough, but if you are anything like the few friends or my mom, then you probably take it too far and hold grudges like a ************.

now i'm not saying you are this way, it's just alot of "dominant" women come across this way, and it's quite scary to be honest, and i tend to completely shut out any possibility of thinking of you more than the scary perosn you are to even consider dating you (not saying you you, just saying if you are like the person i was describing)

basically, in the long run, it causes much less stress, much less bullshit to deal with, and i just prefer passiveness to assertiveness

Exius Xavarus

Casually hardcore. :}
May 19, 2010
The way I see it, women are beautiful however they are(unless they have a nasty, ugly attitude, then they, in turn, because nasty and ugly, to me. Physical attractiveness is directly related to attitude, to me). The only thing I want from a woman is to be treated kindly and fairly. If I upset you, then I do and I deserve the ire. But I can't stand when I get treated poorly simply because she's angry. Will not tolerate that. However, play fighting or just having fun doing things like wrestling, for example, or just horsing around is always fun to me. And honestly I find it kinda sexy when a girl can kick my ass, so + for her. : I don't care if women are assertive or aggressive, I just don't like when they're downright mean.


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Jul 25, 2008
RhombusHatesYou said:
Treblaine said:
I have never ever seen any woman violent enough to victimise those they know are weaker than them.
I have and when it does happen it tends to leave all but the most brutal and vicious men behind in the dust for shear sadism.

I don't hold much truck with extreme outliers like insanity. They're outliers.

Well the college I got to almost everywhere I hear about is people beating little guys up for the most petty reasons. I've worked in a hospital treating so many cases of men being sadistically violent without reasons.

I have seen a continuous and unbroken trend of this kind of sadistic violence in males, appeased and supported by other males that makes me lose faith in all mankind. I wonder if humanity were able to sustain with just females would the better part of humanity be saved than if all females went extinct? If I had to chose to save all males or all females I know which one I'd chose and it has nothing to do with chivalry. It's sheer practicality.


New member
Aug 31, 2009
Well I for one like "violent" women, if they are subtle as you say it, I get extreamly annoyed.

...Hope that answers your question somewhat :p


New member
Feb 27, 2009
IrisEver said:
Is it really so scary to men?
Personally, I'm more interested in people who'll fight me, be it physically or mentally. I don't need the company of yes-men and kitchen bound maids. Violent depends, I suppose; are we talking aggressive and sadistic, or unafraid of your own physical power? If the second, welcome; I can't find enough people who are that comfortable with themselves.

As for my choice in partner, it's the psychological version that matters; I want to be challenged. You need to be not only willing but able to keep me on my guard the whole time.


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Sep 8, 2011
ccdohl said:
So you're like, a Klingon woman? Maybe you should get away from gamer guys, since most of them can be out muscled by lemurs, and focus on meeting some guys who play rugby or Klinzha-kinta or something and like women who can keep up with them.
I dont find muscles that physically attractive. Sadface. But I suppose that's second to finding a man I can have a real connection with.

I also dislike those sorts of sports. I like video games. That's just a hobby I'd like to share with a partner, but obviously unrelated to this thread.

I am now also amused by the realistion that I "like" all the wrong things and "dislike" all the wrong things for what I want. And that made no sense. Oh well. Forever alone.


New member
Apr 20, 2009
Uh, I don't like to think of people as one dimensional like, pacifist and violent people, there are various facets to everyone's personality.

That being said, my general experience of people who say they're fiery and dominant is that they're arseholes who aren't respectful of others. Not saying that's what you are OP, I'm just saying that's my experience.


New member
Jul 31, 2011
IrisEver said:
I'm going to be straight with you guys. I'm not a calm, well-behaved lady. I can be quite fiery, quite aggressive, and you know what? I'm happy with that and who I am.
Personally, I think this is probably the sexiest way I've ever seen a woman describe herself. Aggressive, angry women are extremely attractive to me(like, it's a serious fetish), and I support the concept philosophically because I think it's bizarre that binary gender roles still exist. These are modern times. This isn't 1955 when women were property. Even now, women are flying airplanes, and deciding when to execute people. It's pretty sweet.

I'm an angry lesbian, though, so I guess a niche opinion doesn't count for much.


New member
Jul 25, 2011
I'm a guy and I've always had a thing for being the subdominant one, or at least equal. I've also always liked girls/women older than me. Maybe I'm unusual in the grand scheme of things but that's me.


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Jun 6, 2010
I don't really make any distinction between men or women in that aspect. I don't like aggressive people period, and it doesn't matter whether we are talking about males or females.


New member
Jul 16, 2009
Its probably not really men having a problem with women demonstrating more than "one ounce of strength or conviction in who they are"

Its people dealing with people they feel are arrogant.

If your confident, it's GOING to rub some people the wrong way. It happens, it's really easy to walk the line between arrogance and confidence tho, and alot of people have trouble telling the difference. Some get defensive towards people they feel are arrogant, its a matter of trust/respect I guess.

Be you, but know that being you will step on some people's toes, you don't need to care of course, but you could.


New member
Apr 6, 2010
As long as it doesn't cross into physical abuse (that's what you've got to be really careful of when you self-identify as aggressive, no matter your gender) you should be fine, and there probably is someone out there for you. I also find that a lot of people confuse being strong-headed or strong-willed with being disrespectful or unaware of someone else's comfort zone. No matter how you self identify, you're not going to build a lasting relationship with someone you feel is inferior to you, or, really, with someone to whom you come off as thinking little of.

Otherwise I can't really give any advice, I'm pretty submissive in my relationship.


New member
Sep 5, 2011
IrisEver said:
I'm not a calm, well-behaved lady. I can be quite fiery, quite aggressive, and you know what? I'm happy with that and who I am.
IrisEver said:
What do YOU think about women with a more violent and hot-headed nature than the norm?
I don't think anything about this. I would gladly accept a woman who was aggressive, argumentative or outgoing. Fiery, sure, hot-headed, sure. So long that she wasn't batshit insane, which some of those who market themselves as "aggressive" genuinely are (know that I am merely noting my experience, not accusing you in particular). Some things in life require a thoughtful and reasonable approach. I have no time to waste on people who have no self-restraint.

IrisEver said:
I'm supposing a lot of you play video games with particually 'strong' minded (and bodied) women, so when it comes to real life.. why do you want me down on my knees?
Another thing to say is that I enjoy women who are as submissive as it gets, and then some. That is simply a personal preference. I don't relate it to masculinity, or to natural drives, or to "free spirit", or to other gender-based notions that some indulge in with pleasure. I am not to claim that it is wrong to be dominant woman; I just cannot have a romantic relationship with one. I treat my romantic interests as children, or as property. (Before this sets somebody off, let me note that I ensure that this is consensual. I would leave the relationship if it wasn't.) For me it is about a personal role, not gender roles.

That is not to say that I want my women to lack personality. I can appreciate an aggressive, passionate, fiery character. But I am the one to have control.

IrisEver said:
I want insight into why so many men seem to need and expect passive women.
I don't need, that is the thing. With need there is dependency. I think that a woman makes a nice addition to my life, like a painting to the wall.

IrisEver said:
Is it really so scary to men?
To some men, maybe. In childhood I never associated myself with boys. When I entered school, while the rest of the male part of my class was competing for female attention, I was sitting down quietly and doing something else. I can imagine how growing up in a group of guys can inspire fear of becoming a submissive male, especially now that in society, males who are submissive of their own volition are being put in the same group as males who are submissive because they dropped the ball.


New member
Jan 6, 2011
I'm never really going to be the more assertive person in any relationship I'm in, as I'm rather timid in nature so I think this sort of thing would keep a balanced dynamic in the relationship. In fact, I do find intimidating/aggressive women to be a turn on for me, so I'd be right one board for a relationship with one. To be honest, it would be good for me, I kind of need somebody to really give me a kick up the ass every now and then to motivate me a bit more. I'm reasonably accomadating and don't complain to much but that's not to say I'd be totally obsequious. If we're having a discussion about something and she's talking absolute bollocks, then I'll call her out on it, as we should be able to respectfully disagree on certain issues without making a big thing of it. I'm not really much of a violent person myself, but I don't mind if she gets rough with me, I guess is what I'm saying. As for your situation, maybe the guys you encounter think that aggressive women are more uptight and they're looking for someone they percieve to be more laidback and playful. There's a difference between being fiery and being a *****, perhaps there are times where you mean to be facetious but it just comes off as insulting. I don't know what your conduct around guy's is like though, so this is just guesswork.


New member
Jan 12, 2010
I don't especially have a problem with violent women any more than I have a problem with violent men.
I dated a girl who was pretty violent, like, she left marks that were there for a month or more, and after that, it's very simple for me, no more. But that's my personal taste, and I do like women who are more aggressive than passive (partially because it lets me be passive.)
I think a lot of it has to do with personal taste, and people growing up expecting women to be more passive and such in the relationship, but also, some people like myself have no problem with aggression, even a little fun play violence, but when it gets serious and leaves really bad marks, from either one in a relationship, I think it's time to think about it. Unless you're both good with it. In which case, good on ya.