Recent content by Kilyle

  1. K

    How YouTube Can Fix Itself

    You know, if it's legally untenable for YouTube to escrow the money, just change the policy to be "Videos that are in dispute are ineligible for ad revenue until the dispute is settled." This isn't ideal, but it would completely cut the legs off of anyone attempting to steal ad revenue...
  2. K

    Poll: Would you hook up with/date a trans person?

    Oddly enough, it was the Night Vale fanfic community that helped me to understand some of the issues that trans people are facing, and to better empathize with them (even so much as trying to figure out whether they can go to the bathroom without making anyone else uncomfortable or getting...
  3. K

    Need a good venting game. Suggestions?

    Gonna concur on Saints Row IV. I came in once to find my friend playing it (either that or Saints Row the Third, which IV beats out handily) and within a couple of minutes surmised without a word from him that he had had a really rough day/week and the game was helping him unwind. Before that...
  4. K

    Logical Fallacies That Grind Your Gears

    Man, I would love a name for this one! It's one thing (though still frustrating) for people to say "You can't think of an instance, so you can't prove your point." It's another for them to say "You can't think of an instance, therefore it proves the opposite point." That last one has a...
  5. K

    Logical Fallacies That Grind Your Gears

    I'm with you on this one! Can't stand it. I once heard a version that went like this: "No real atheist would ever change their mind and become a believer in Jesus Christ. Any person who claims to have been an atheist before becoming a Christian was never really an atheist in the first...
  6. K

    Kickstarter Video Project Attracts Misogynist Horde

    Yeah, I know. Video games make for such interesting conversation topics, huh? ...Have I really been away from Warcraft that long? You're right that the breasts aren't as uniformly huge as I remember (most are still quite large, though). The one-model-per-race thing still annoys me, and I...
  7. K

    Kickstarter Video Project Attracts Misogynist Horde

    Wait. I am trying to think of characters I can play that are flat-chested women. Actually, any female characters at all that have boobs smaller than a D-cup. Can't play them on World of Warcraft. Can't play them on Rock Band. Heck, I think the only place I can play girls without big...
  8. K

    Jimquisition: Fighting The 'Problem' Of Used Games

    I've really enjoyed the points he's made over this three-parter. As a person who grew up with hand-me-down just-about-everything, I'm used to the idea of used clothing, used toys, and used vehicles (bikes, skates, boats, and cars) - used games don't seem any different, and I'm glad that our...
  9. K

    The death of the fix-it-yourself generation

    I'd say that there's at least an encouraging counter-point to all of this: Thanks to the Internet, consumers are becoming more aware of their options and more willing to shop around, or even to get the information they need to do something by themselves rather than forking over hard-earned cash...
  10. K

    Drinking Games: Rolling Rock Band

    Bah. I just had my "introduce our friend to the various flavors of beer night" at age 33 (having started exploring alcohol about a year and a half ago), which didn't convince me to like beer (except, it turns out, very sour beer), but made me give this show a try (I don't watch much on this...
  11. K

    Notch says 'If you can't afford Minecraft, just pirate it'.

    Yeah! That's what I was getting at, and you took the point further than I did. And for that matter, there's a large section of the public that is getting very annoyed with the steps certain parties take to "prevent" piracy (in ways that chiefly don't work, but do manage to annoy legitimate...
  12. K

    Notch says 'If you can't afford Minecraft, just pirate it'.

    Wait... if a guy who created an infinitely replicable luxury item and already earned a killing off it to the tune of several million sales times ten-to-thirty bucks apiece, and then amicably decides to say "money isn't the issue anymore, but please support us if you enjoy our...
  13. K

    Poll: What do you think about circumcision?

    I suppose I emphasized that wrong. Why is it that we have a society that can be so blase about this kind of thing to begin with? Why is it okay to let a mom pretty up her 6-month-old daughter by stabbing holes in her ears? Why is it okay to let young children "make the decision" to...
  14. K

    Poll: What do you think about circumcision?

    I wasn't planning to add to this thread, but I've been thinking about this very thing while reading here, and I'm glad that someone else relates these two issues! It bugs me to see people get so up in arms against circumcision and then see a culture that thinks nothing of little kids getting...
  15. K

    Can men and women be just friends? - proof within

    I'd like to point out, from personal experience, that the opposite can be true as well. I've had sexual thoughts and even entertained daydreams about having sex with male friends; I've got mixed feelings about "using" my friends in this manner and honestly I'm not sure if it's something I ought...