Recent content by Deathsane

  1. Deathsane

    WoW advice

    So i recently took a break from WoW because I was tired of being hacked (I know it was my fault for going on a scetchy site). and I later found the keylogger and got rid of it using malware and I finally reaquire my account, and what do you know my email gets changed again so I cannot login so I...
  2. Deathsane

    Bethesda E3 announcment!!

    sorry bout that I was just excited when I found it
  3. Deathsane

    Bethesda E3 announcment!!

    Apparently Bethesda is making a major announcement at this years upcoming E3 June 15-17. this isn't guarenteed TES V announcement but I sure hope it is!!
  4. Deathsane

    Point and Clicks

    Can anybody recommend me a good horror point and click game preferebly one that is less then 10 years old. and also for discussion what is your fave point and clicker?
  5. Deathsane

    Public Speaking

    So I am doing a speech tommorow for english class and I am getting pretty nervous. I was just wondering how you people feel about public speaking.
  6. Deathsane

    Assholes need to die!

    So just recently I started playin WoW again after quitting for a about 6 months, but since I was out of school for a while I thought I would start playing for a little bit. So the first few weeks were good just doin my thing. then suddenly i login to my account and find that i've been hacked...
  7. Deathsane

    Games you wish were coming out

    Elder Scrolls V. Just tell me its atleast comin out I dont need a date. JUST TELL ME!!!
  8. Deathsane

    Why You Love, Or Hate, Your Home State (Or Province)

    whoohoo same province buddy but im from some hick town north of winnipeg. OT: pretty much the winter edit: was talking to shewolf51
  9. Deathsane

    Elder Scrolls MMO

    So by the looks of this article.;title;2 The next elder scrolls is probably gonna be a MMO. What are your thoughts about this. Personally I think its already been done and we should just get another single player elder scrolls.
  10. Deathsane

    Poll: How complete is your game collection?

    its only complete once I'm dead.
  11. Deathsane

    What would you do if the internet disappeared?

    there are 3 simple words to describe what would happen to me "I Would Die"
  12. Deathsane

    LoadingReadyRun: Paper Boy

    that was deliciously done LRR
  13. Deathsane

    Would some songs be better without the singer?

    thunderhorse - dethklok That song would blow my mind without the one word he says every 2 seconds
  14. Deathsane

    What games do you play when sick?

    probably the one I was playing when I wasn't sick
  15. Deathsane

    What comes to mind when you hear: Terrorist?

    brown people. no offence